Chapter 119 Great Majestic Heavenly Dragon Bodhisattva

The purple on his body gradually faded, to be replaced by a pure golden color.

The Great Sun's phantom image above his head also shrank, gradually taking the shape of a gemstone, radiating boundless light.


The Heavenly Dragon stretched its body, its golden scales reflecting a brilliant light under the sunlight, incredibly dazzling.

This was the Great Majestic Heavenly Dragon!

It was the protector dragon of the Buddhist door, created by Jiang Chen with the ultimate Buddhist law and the Great Sun Heavenly Dragon. It wielded infinite power, was sacred and robust, specialized in demon suppression.

Originally, there was no Great Majestic Heavenly Dragon within the Buddhist door, but when Jiang Chen created it, the Buddhist door obtained the Great Majestic Heavenly Dragon.

"Great Majestic Heavenly Dragon!"

Seeing the three demons rushing towards him, Jiang Chen made a move.