Chapter 143: Shivering in Cold

However, would the ten fairies, both embarrassed and angry, believe Jiang Chen's slick words and let him go?

Did he see nothing?

The Ten Fairies surely wished Jiang Chen hadn't seen anything, but the moment of distraction Jiang Chen exhibited earlier, they all saw it. How could that indicate that he saw nothing?

Obviously, he saw everything he was supposed to see, and even things he was not supposed to. It caused the ladies to become so desperate they couldn't even deceive themselves anymore.

After Jiang Chen spoke, he saw the women clench their jaws and scream at him with sheer hatred: "You lecher, go to hell!"

The anger had barely left their lips when they each called forth an aurora from within, forming seven long swords filled with frigid light, each bearing a different color.

Whoosh ...

The cold light flashed, and from the hands of the seven fairies, seven different strands of frigid sword light sprang forward, intent on tangling Jiang Chen in their lengths.