Chapter 157: Laughter

Of course, no matter what a horse looks like, the most important thing is its speed and endurance.

If it lacks these two qualities, no matter how good it looks, it is only a showpiece and has no practical use.

Skyhorse, however, embodies both of these wonders.

As swift as the wind, as fast as lightning is how the Skyhorse is described.

With flashes of white streaks, the Skyhorses were already appearing behind Huo Qubing and his men, about to catch up with them.


In a moment of crisis, Huo Qubing and his men shouted, their body's energy surging, merging into a whirlwind, carrying them swiftly forward.

In a blink of an eye, they disappeared without a trace.

Even though the Skyhorses were fast, they could only eat their opponent's dust.

The military's divine ability, as swift as the wind!

'The Art of War' says: Hence, it moves as swift as wind, calm as a forest, fierce as fire, immobile as a mountain, mysterious as a shade, explosive as thunder.