Chapter 166: God of Ice (Seeking Monthly Tickets)

Ao Pan, a Dragon God of the Four Rivers, held a high position and weighed heavy responsibilities. He was one of the legitimate gods of Heaven and Earth, to whom the spirits of all creatures offered their incense.

The surname Ao indicates that Ao Pan originated from the orthodox Dragon Clan. Yes, Ao Pan was indeed the eldest son of the East Sea Dragon King and the Dragon Queen, a true descendant of the ancestral dragon lineage.

Ao Pan deserves his title as the eldest son of the East Sea Dragon King. Of the younger generation in the Four Seas Dragon Clan, he is the oldest, strongest and most promising, a role model for the rest of his kin.

A typical overachiever, leaving others envious.

The Dragon God of the Four Rivers held a position and a status in no way inferior to the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. To some extent, he may even surpass them.

Ao Pan's achievements have undoubtedly brought great honor to the East Sea Dragon King.