Chapter 174: On the Strength and Weakness of Divine Ability

For this reason, Jiang Chen planned to find someone with profound Fate to carry out the Seven Nails Arrow technique for him.

Since choosing someone bears risks, he definitely wouldn't choose someone from his own ranks. After giving it much thought, Jiang Chen finally turned his gaze onto the nobility of the Xiongnu.

Firstly, Xiongnu nobility are protected by the Fate of the Xiongnu people. The higher their status, the stronger their Fate, just what was needed for performing the technique.

Next, the Golden Man, a sacred object of the Xiongnu. If a Xiongnu person performed the technique, the connection between the two would undoubtedly be stronger.

Lastly, he would feel no regret if they died in the process.

Of course, Jiang Chen's original plan was to have Sun Wukong perform this divine ability. But on further thought, he felt it would be unfair to trick Sun Wukong that way. Besides, with Sun Wukong's cunning, he might not even fall for it.