Chapter 199 Wu Gang

The entire Star of Taiyin is under the control of the girl. As long as she wants, any movement on the Star of Taiyin, cannot escape her ears and eyes.

Those Celestial Soldiers and Generals are basically the girl's people, so how could they possibly obey Immortal Chang'e's command to drive out Jiang Chen, the Star Lord Messenger from the Star of Taiyin.

"How is this possible?"

Hearing no one responding to her commands, Immortal Chang'e murmured confusedly.

This wasn't the scenario she had envisioned. Shouldn't it be that once she issued an order, all the Celestial Soldiers would appear to arrest Jiang Chen? But now, why there was still not a single person appearing after such a long time?

Seeing Immortal Chang'e standing there, Jiang Chen waved the Star Jun mark of Taiyin in his hand and said to her, "Immortal, you might as well save your energy. I am here on the orders of the Lord of the Star of Taiyin. Those generals know my identity, how dare they attack me?"