Chapter 207: The One-Horned Ghost King

Hesitating for a moment, the old monkey said, "But they are, after all, under the command of the Great King. If we simply let the Heavenly King kill them, how are we supposed to explain it to him when he comes back?"

Jiang Chen couldn't help but shook his head, speaking penetratingly, "You consider them subordinates, but do they really regard your Great King as their Great King?"

"I'd like to ask you, during the monkey's time serving in Heaven, have these demon lords ever repented and stopped doing evil deeds?"

The old monkey pondered for a moment, hesitated then said, "They have not. Although these demon kings appear to be more honest, they occasionally go out and cause trouble."

Evil doing was innate to these demon kings and it wouldn't be eradicated so easily.

Moreover, after Sun Wukong became the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, these demon kings felt emboldened. They seemed subdued on the surface, but in secret, they became more overbearing.