Three Hundred and Four Wan-jie Golden Pill

At this point, ascending further would put him on par with the Jade Emperor, vying for the position of the Four Emperors, and becoming the true Supreme of Heaven and Earth, the Master of the Universe.

"Lord Miao is too kind," Jiang Chen smiled humbly, exchanging pleasantries with the Four Heavenly Kings.

On the other side, outside the South Heavenly Gate, seeing Jiang Chen arriving, some sensible heavenly soldiers had gone in to report.

Not long after, an angel came to summon Jiang Chen and Sun Wukong to the court.

"Kings, we still need to meet with His Majesty. We will talk more another time." After saying goodbye to the Four Heavenly Kings, Jiang Chen and Sun Wukong followed the angel into the South Heavenly Gate.

By coincidence, every time Jiang Chen returned to the Heaven's Court, he happened to coincide with the court's meeting, and all the righteous gods and deities who were free were basically inside the Lingxiao Hall.