Three Hundred and Ninety Two: Taking Over

At that time, the will of the Primordial Demon Lord had already congealed the entire void. It was Jiang Chen who at all costs forcefully broke apart the void and thus was able to escape alive.

It was because of this that Jiang Chen suffered a massive backlash. The body, comparable to an innate spiritual treasure, was heavily damaged by the power of the Primordial Demon Lord. minute cracks appeared and spread across his body.

He was almost destroyed in the process.

However, despite the seemingly severe injuries, it was nothing to Jiang Chen. After all, the practice of the ancient martial arts revolved around the physical body.

Although Jiang Chen hadn't reached the point of blood rebirth, as long as his physical body survived, he could recover from any injury in the shortest time under the washing of his boundless blood qi.

At the same time, the Merit Gold Wheel and Sin Treasure Wheel were also mobilizing the power of heaven and earth to assist Jiang Chen.