The Way of the Earth Emperor in the 444_2

It's as if...

It's as if it was repayment for him helping me obtain the Heavenly Dao's Purple Qi.

Yes, exactly, it's just that, and absolutely nothing else.

I don't know what the seven fairies think, but seeing their expressions, I can't help but feel as if I'm fooling children, a feeling that suddenly emerged within Jiang Chen's heart.

Were his previous words lies? No, he spoke nothing but the truth, albeit withholding some information.

The epitome of lies is when every single word spoken is true, but when put together, it becomes the biggest lie.

Just about to say something, Jiang Chen suddenly felt a stirring within his heart and turned his gaze towards the distance.

He saw a mass of red cloud appearing in the faraway sky, from which came "caw, caw, caw..." sounds; an intense burst of heat surged towards him, distorting the surrounding air.

"What is that?"

The seven fairies felt the surrounding temperature rise rapidly and couldn't help but rub their eyes.