Four Seven Eight: Coercing the Buddha_2

The mysteries of Jiang Chen's divine abilities were naturally not hidden from him; one careful look and he saw through their essence.

With infinite potential for growth, if this Heavenly Tablet was allowed to continue to grow, perhaps in a few billion years, it could integrate completely with the prehistoric world. At that time, no one would be able to shatter it.

No, it's not that no one could shatter it, but rather, no one would dare to.

The Buddha saw through it. Jiang Chen is an extremely sly individual, and so, his divine ability is equally cunning.

The most powerful aspect of the Heavenly Tablet is not its ability to grow infinitely, but its ability to coexist with the earth around it.

What does coexist mean?

It means that if the Heavenly Tablet is shattered, the land connected to it will shatter along with it. At first, the amount of land connected to the Heavenly Tablet is not very significant, so shattering it wouldn't matter.