Four Seven Nine, Disaster Befalls the Witch Clan_2

Wang Mang!

At this time, Wang Mang was seizing the throne of the Great Han, which was on the verge of collapse. The ruler of the world no longer had the surname Liu but Wang.

However, Jiang Chen stared at Wang Mang for a long time, unable to help shaking his head. The wisps of death energy emanating from Wang Mang's brow indicated that his time in this world was fleeting.

This was natural. Although the Liu family had fallen, they had connections in the heavens. Wang Mang had merely stumbled onto some opportunities, how could he be a match for the Liu family?

Soon, the Red Emperor in the heavens would make his move, and the declining Liu family would be revitalized, reclaiming their position as rulers of the world.

"What a pity!"

Jiang Chen sighed and left the place.

Wang Mang and Jiang Chen were fated to cross paths. Thus, Jiang Chen had rushed here just to take a look at him.