Happy day

One month later

Over the last month a lot of things happend:

First I got my school uniform (very comfortable!)

Second... Is there more?... Oh yes! The plot of the story!

It officially got announced that Adven got blessed by Aphelia.

And the monster activities also got higher. But that will be more important for later.

Let's think... What was going to happen next? Right. Juliet also took the entrance exam.

I tried looking for her, but I didn't find her. But I know that she got into school. She goes to class 1B, just like me, Adven and Eric got in class A.

The A classes a elite classes for extra smart people. I think I didn't get a good enough score. I made some mistakes, but that's ok. There are still chances more meeting.

I also can't forget the magic test. It's there to see the magic potential and the element of one. On normals schools the magic gets tested before, but Akanes only takes top students.

I wonder what type Aphelia gave me... Adven already knows one skill. Light element, because he already found it out because he's the ML. I'm really courius. I would be fine with anything, but I would like to have creation!

Back to present. In three days school officially starts.

I'm already packing my things, as I will be staying there until summer break. I will miss Jinny and Anna, I'll make sure to write lots of letters.

Let's see, do I have everything? Clothes for outside the lessons, check!

Uniform, check! Writing stuff, check! Pocket money, check! I hope things are not that expensive there... And not to forget...

My memory book! It has photos and drawings from Anna and Jinny in it. Important memories!

"Henry! Dinner's ready!", Jinny called. "I'm coming!", I called back. I run down the stairs to the kitchen, greated with the beautiful smell of Jinny's special beef stew. Yummy! While eating Jinny said:" Tomorrow we will visit Anna for a short time. I will also use the time to buy some sweets for you. But makw sure to not eat them that late, or you can forget, that I'll ever give sweets again!"

"Yes, Jinny...", I said. What.can I do? I'm a candy addict after all.

The next day

Anna hopped next to my as we went trough the village.

She was full of emotions. At one point she was happy that I got accepted in school, later she would sulk that she couldn't hang out with mw that often anymore.

I wonder how she will be when she's an adult. I hope she stayes that happy. The day went by and we had lots of fun. The planing about the future went back and I enjoyed the fact,that I got found by such wonderfull people.