If there was one thing people could say about Gabriela, it was that she was talkative. She could talk all day about all the things she loved, hated, or had ambivalence towards. Whenever there was silence, she had an urge to fill the room again with whatever came to mind. As her nemesis, Maximilian Dredden, liked to point out, she was extremely talkative to the extreme. He liked to add the second extreme to 'get his point across.'

She could talk all day about why bubble-gum flavored ice cream was her favorite ice cream or about her goal to become student body president. About why she had so many different selfies of her and her dog or about all her favorite senators, congress members, and federal judges. And about William Evergreen High School, which was the main reason why she was appointed student liaison.

"William Evergreen High School is one of the most prestigious schools in the city and the county," she explained. "The highest number of students with some of the largest GPA scores in the state. We have advanced science labs to handle all sorts of experiments for school or extracurricular activities. The school prides itself on giving the students here the best learning experience it can."

"Didn't know the school could feel pride," Franklin muttered. "Feel like it's watching me with big, proud mama eyes."

Gabriela decided to ignore that, coming to a stop at the entrance to the library, one of her favorite places in the school. Rows of shelves crammed tight with books stretching across the room with several tables situated around, a long table to her right lined with computers, and a lounge area for people to relax in. She came here a lot to study in the calm space. The soft buzz of people around her making it neither noisy or quiet. Perfect for her. She even had a spot, right in the back corner with a big round table near the books on world government where she could study and research in peace.

"This is the library," she announced.

"What gave it away?" Franklin asked, looking at the word LIBRARY printed above the entryway.

Gabriela did her best to withhold a grimace and continued. "Here you'll find a wide assortment of books related to your studies." She described where all the different subjects and genres were located. "If you ever need help, just ask the librarian or an assistant."


Gabriela sighed. At first, Franklin had seemed a little different than all the other students she had shown around. But nope, clearly the same bored, waiting-for-this-to-be-over guy who would probably tell her she should talk less. Well, she'd still do her job like a professional.

"Here's the cafeteria," she said, leading him on to the wide room filled with tables and chairs that stretched out onto the lawn of the school, the kitchen lining one wall with the serving area presenting muffins, fruit, and cereal. "We offer some breakfast items," she explained. "And/or snacks throughout the day. But, of course, the cafeteria's main purpose is for lunch."

"Naturally," Franklin nodded along.

"We have a rotating schedule of lunch options displayed over here," she walked over to the right-hand wall and showed him a printed schedule. "Today, it's burgers as the main course. The side dishes are usually the same, like salad, but today it's fries." She kept talking about the different food options but stopped as she saw him look away, his eyes glazing over.

"Let's move on," she said, trying to hide her disappointment. From there she showed him the classes, the labs, and the football field where the school team, the Marauders, played. He seemed to show some interest in that, but not necessarily good interest which confused her.

"And over here is the-"

"Ok," Franklin interrupted. "That all sounds great. Really. But it's not particularly…interesting."

"Oh, ok," Gabriela frowned, a little taken aback. Not that he found it uninteresting, but that he was actually telling her. And not in a mean way, like the other kids usually did. She stood up straight and looked him in the eye. "Very well. How can I make it better?"

He blinked, caught by her answer for a second. "Uh…ok, so it's like you're trying to sell me on the school. But I'm already here. Enrolled. So there's no real need to do that."

"Ok, fair point," Gabriela nodded, taking mental notes. She had watched some videos on student tours when given the job, but the only ones she'd found were for colleges which were for possible students, nor for already enrolled ones. "Then what would you suggest instead?"

Franklin thought about it for a second. "Do you like coming here?" he asked.

Gabriela frowned. "I…wha-"

"I mean, not many people actually enjoy school. You have to sit and learn about stuff you may not care about with teachers you may not like. So, what do you honestly like about this place?"

"Huh," Gabriela tilted her head, thinking it over. There was a lot she liked about the school, but to narrow it down to her favorite thing? Well, there really was only one thing. "Band."


"Yeah," she smiled. Band. Most of her time was dedicated to running student council or debate team or a dozen other things that were still fun but made her stress. But band? When she sat down and just started letting loose on her clarinet…well it was like entering a whole new plane of existence, where the sounds just lifted her higher and higher.

"The school prides itself on…oh," she stopped, seeing Franklin's face. "I did it again, didn't I?"

"Yeah, you did," he nodded. "Small point, schools can't really pride themselves cause they're buildings. They don't feel things. Stick to you."

"Right." She nodded. That was a good point. "Ok. The school has a band class with one of the best teachers, Mrs. Oren. And no matter what instrument you play, she'll find a place for you. And we have an orchestra concert several times a year to raise money for charity. And it's…well, it's honestly a place you can express yourself and still learn at the same time."

Franklin nodded. "See, that was good," he smiled. "Now, I'm not really a musician so…"

"Ok, yeah," she nodded again. "Well, band's not the only place to express yourself because there's a wide variety of recreational activities like classes on drama, home economics, cooking. And that's just during school hours. For after school, there are many clubs and societies. Here," she pulled out a small pamphlet, handing it over. "That lists all the different clubs. If you like science, there's the chemistry club, the physics club and a few others. If you're more of a sports guy, there's always joining one of our teams like football or basketball or lacrosse. There's the school newspaper, the debate team, the Glee club, the LGBTQIA society, the D&D club, the-"

"Comic Book Society," Franklin read off the pamphlet.

"Oh yeah, meant to take that off, sorry," Gabriela said, looking at it. "One of our students tried to get it started a few weeks ago but, uh, no one else was interested so…" she shrugged.

"Ah, ok," Franklin nodded, and she saw a small flare of disappointment cross his face.

"I personally recommend debate team, student council, and LGBTQIA," she told him. "I'm a member of all three, so."

Franklin blinked. "Whoa, including band? That's a lot."

"Yeah. Just lucky they don't conflict or else that much be much more chaotic. I guess I wouldn't recommend all at the same time cause it is a lot of work, unless you're like me and enjoy the work in which case I do recommend all of them."

"Alright, well there are certainly some options here," he said, putting the pamphlet away.

"Before I take you to your class, one last thing I should show you." She led him through some doors to the main atrium, built like an amphitheater with large steps leading up to the next floor where people could sit and chat or read. "This is where the assemblies take place. But that's not all. One of the main things I love about this school is that it really feels like a community." Franklin seemed to grow more interested as she talked, making her smile. "Classes here aren't like everywhere else. You have about five classes a day depending on the day."

"What do you mean?"

"If you look at your schedule, you'll see the classes shift to every other day, so you have some classes one day and different ones the next day and each one is about an hour long to give teachers enough time per lesson. But, some days, you have study periods where you can take the time to hang out wherever you want and do what you want. Study, catch up with friends, or just relax. Look," she gestured, showing him the benches and sitting areas spaced out over the school where several people were already sitting and talking. "We want this place to feel comfortable for you, so we do our best to make it so. School is where you make your friends and more, but you don't always have much time to spend together. Well, here you do."

"Wow," Franklin muttered. "That…actually is pretty cool." He turned to her. "I think you should lead with that next time."

Gabriela nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I think I will." She looked at her watch and noticed the time. "Oh, and I better get you to your class." She glanced over at his schedule. "Ok, it's this way."

She led him up two floors to the 'science floor' where the labs and most of the science classes took place. "This is it, room 302."

He nodded his thanks in reply.

"I have to say, it was wonderful to meet you Franklin and thank you for all the tips. I'll have to rewrite the tour now."

"Rewrite?" Franklin asked, looking up. "That was a script?"

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

He almost chuckled but seemed to stifle it. "One last piece of advice, one my old drama teacher gave me. He was a very organized person, but he said that life was the opposite of organized and sometimes it's best to go with the flow."

Gabriela raised an eyebrow. "I don't quite know what that means."

"Yeah, me neither. But what I can say is maybe you don't need a script for a tour. Maybe, on the tour, explain why you like the school so much. Improvise a little bit. I don't know, just a thought. It was nice to meet you too, by the way."

"Same," she flashed him a grin. He actually had helped her a lot. "And I do hope to see you in at least one of the clubs."

"Right, debate, student council, and LGBTQIA? Yeah, I'll think it over. We'll see. Maybe one."

"Well, all the information's there and, uh, here," she pulled out one of her business cards, listing all her occupations from her student council position (she was going to update it when she won the presidency) to babysitter. Her email address and phone number were printed in the center.

"Thanks," he said and then the bell rang out.

"Alright, that's my cue. I'll see you around," she shook his hand again and then walked away.