Travis only stood there frozen for a second. Then he remembered he had superpowers. "Nice try," he said, and moved at super-speed.

That's when things went wrong.

As soon as Travis started running, he felt it. The cold that seemed to seep into his very soul. His blood seemed to freeze solid and the next thing he knew, he was in normal speed again, gasping on the ground, his breath fogging.

"What the hell?" he muttered, shivering uncontrollably.

"I did warn you," the man said, walking up. "Did you learn nothing from last night? You are so underprepared and in over your heads for the real world. You have no idea what awaits you."

"W-who are y-you?" Travis asked, his teeth chattering. Only then did he look up to get a good look at the man's face and it hit him. He hadn't gotten a good enough look last night but the voice and the way he moved, there was no doubt. It was the leader of that gang.

"Hello there," the man said. "Now, let's have a chat." He raised his fist and the cold disappeared as quickly as it arrived. Travis breathed out deeply, feeling his power return to normal. Now he got it. The man had used the cold to slow down his metabolism, cancelling out his speed. Just like Captain Cold did against the Flash. That was so cool, pun intended. He'd have to find a way to power through that though because there was no way he was going to let Madison get hurt.

"What do you want?" he asked angrily, standing up.

"I thought I just told you, I just want to chat. Don't worry about your father, the affect isn't permanent. Just a light tranquilizer. He should wake up in a few hours. Here," he reached down to pick the man up but suddenly Madison was there.

"Don't you dare!" she growled, a fire in her eyes. Travis gaped a little, not expecting that response. Clearly, the gang leader wasn't either as he held his hands up and backed off. Madison leaned over and took one of her dad's arms, trying to lift him up but didn't get very far. "Travis, a little help please?"

"Yeah, I got it." Travis grabbed the other arm and together they heaved him up off the floor and onto the nearest chair where they did their best to position him in such a way that it looked like he had dozed off and not gotten tranquilized.

When they turned, they saw the gang leader had made himself at home, sitting cross-legged in an armchair and watching them amusedly. Travis gritted his teeth as he and Madison sat across from him on the sofa, wanting nothing more than to smack that stupid smirk off the guy's face. But he knew it wouldn't do much. Not with the guy's powers.

Now that they were this close, Travis was able to get a good look at him and was surprised to see how young he was. He looked maybe ten years older than Travis. But his hair was pure white. Not like old-age white but like someone had bleached all the color out. Even his stubble of a beard was white. He had blue-tinted sunglasses and a gray jacket on as well as fingerless gloves. Every one of his moves so far was relaxed, but Travis wasn't buying it for a second.

"So what do you want?" Madison asked, her voice tense.

"For the third time, I just want to chat."

"About what?" Travis snapped, quickly losing his patience.

"Why don't we start with introductions," the man said. "I already know your name Madison Jennings." He pointed right at her. "Rookie mistake, letting your identity slip the way it did last night."

Madison gasped and Travis grimaced. He should have realized sooner. When he'd gotten there, Madison had been fully visible, her face there for them all to see and remember. Franklin had worn a hoodie and Travis had gotten a ski mask but she had been fully exposed. But apparently that wasn't all.

"That guy," she said. "The one in the mask. He said my name. He…recognized me."

"What?" Travis gasped. "How?"

"I…don't know."

"Surprised me too. Never thought Swarm would be familiar with a high school kid."

"Swarm? That's his name? The guy in the mask?"

The man nodded. "In this world, people like us got to pick catchy names like that. That's how we're truly remembered. Why do you those heroes are so popular? The names reflect on who they are and that's how people remember them so easily. Swarm's out to make a name for himself, prove to the world how tough he is. Well," the man chuckled, "we all are, to be honest. Even you dumb kids, if you haven't realized it yet. I mean, isn't that why you called yourself the, uh, Thunderbolt?"

Travis grimaced at that, already regretting shouting that when he arrived. "So, what's his real name?" he asked, trying not to sound too eager. If he could learn that, then that would be the first step to stopping him. But the man just shook his head.

"Don't know. Never asked, never really cared. Wasn't my business. But he clearly knows you. Which brings me back to introductions. So, like I said, I know who you are Ms. Jennings. And you," he looked right at Travis, "Mr. Thunderbolt, are called Travis. But, I only got that because that's what Jennings over here called you a few seconds ago."

Travis saw Madison wince at that remark.

"Another mistake on your part. So…"

"Travis Stroneman."

For the first time, the man looked surprised, staring at Travis with wide eyes. "I'm sorry?"

"My name's Travis Stroneman. You know her name, so you might as well know mine."

"…That was impressively stupid kid. But I like your guts, so I'll do something stupid back. My name's Samuel Tern."

"So…what is it exactly you want to talk about?"

Samuel looked at his fingers as he answered. "I was sent to kill her, actually."

They both froze on the sofa, taken aback by how casually he said that. Travis was wondering if he might be fast enough to carry Madison to safety but then Samuel continued.

"But I won't. So, you're welcome."

"I didn't say thank you," Madison told him, a catch in her throat.

"Well, you should. Because I could kill you, very easily. And Thunderbolt over there. In fact, it probably would be in my best interests considering the danger you pose. But, I still won't."

Travis wasn't sure what to make of any of this. He was sitting here, on the sofa in his friend's house, talking to a supervillain about how he had chosen not to kill them.

Remember your research, he told himself. Villains always had some motive behind their actions, something pushing them, though the was true for anyone.

"I'm guessing you want something in return?" he guessed but Samuel just shook his head.

"Nah. I don't really want any favors from you. Not now, anyway."

"Then what is it?"

"You know there are people looking for you."

Madison gasped softly again. "Oh, right. They did say that."

Samuel laughed. "You're really not good at this, are you?"

"Shut up!" she snapped, taking Travis by surprise. He had never heard Madison raise her voice before. "It's not like I asked for any of this. I don't want it."

"That may be the case, but it doesn't matter. Cause you're in it now. Your power makes you stand out this world. And trust me, that's not a good thing."

"So…" Travis began slowly, "this world you keep referring to. You're talking about your world, right? One where super powered people actually exist?"

Samuel gave him a look. "If you think I'm referring to another dimension parallel to this one where all super powered beings live, the answer is no. When I say this world, I do mean this world, the one we live in now. It's just for you guys, it's gotten so much bigger."

"So there really are superheroes and supervillains. They just live in secret."

"Again not really," Samuel interjected. "Heroes and villains is an old-fashioned idea. We're just…people, living the way we can, how we can. Do we fight? Obviously. But not in big brawls of good and evil. So don't go looking for super-heroes kid. They don't exist. Not anymore"

Travis narrowed his eyes. "I don't believe you."

"I don't care."

"Why are you telling us all this?" Madison asked.

"Like I said, there are people out there looking for you. My guess is that it's the big guy around here. Lord Kane."

"Lord Kane?" Travis repeated while filing that name away.

"He's the boss of this territory. Everything that happens around here happens under his watch. So, you can bet that seven newly powered individuals showing up out of the blue will cause a frown to appear on his face."

"Wait, seven?" Travis questioned. "Cause we only know of-" He clamped his hand over his mouth before he could say more, but damage was already done.

"So you haven't found them all," Samuel nodded, leaning back. "Good to know. Well, we only know of three. And you already know them. But you probably want to hurry up. Cause trust me, if Lord Kane gets his hands on those others, he'll either kill them, capture and lock them away, or recruit them. And that's just from him. If you do any repeats of what you did last night, going around fighting bad guys, you're going to attract even more attention from the other higher ups and even some of the others out there and then you'll face situations that really are far worse than death." His face had lost its cheekiness as he talked, becoming deadly serious.

"I don't really understand," Travis said. He was following as best as he could but it was a lot and at the same time almost nothing to keep track of. He felt like he was being handed pieces of a puzzle but he didn't have the image to match them to.

"Besides, it's not like we asked to fight you. You're the ones who interrupted our training session," Madison told him.

"Training session?" Samuel asked, amused expression returning. "What for?"

"So we can use our powers."

"For what?"

"For control, obviously," Madison said, glaring. "So my powers don't glitch on me."

Travis, however, had a different answer but he didn't say it out loud. That didn't matter though as Samuel's eyes flicked over to him, understanding in seconds.

"He's not training for that," he remarked calmly. "He's training for war."

"No I'm not," Travis shot back. "I'm going to be a hero."

"That's worse. I already told you, there are no heroes. Not in this age. Kid, you have no idea the kind of people that actually exist out there. The kind of threats you face. Going out there and playing hero isn't a good way to live a good life. It's not even a good way to die a good death, just a sad pathetic death."

"Yeah, well, it's my life," Travis replied. "I'll do with it what I want."

Samuel raised an eyebrow. "That is true, it's your life. And your funeral."

Madison had been watching their exchange and now stared at Travis in disbelief, forcing him to look away. He could tell what she was thinking, that he was being stupid and reckless. Basically what everyone had told him. But he didn't care. All his life, he'd wanted one thing. He wasn't going to just give up on it now. He wasn't going to give up on it ever.

"You still haven't told us why you're telling us this," he said, trying to change the subject.

Samuel raised his hands in front of him. "Disruption," he said. "I have a theory about you and your, uh, little group and I'm curious to see if it's true or not. I think, you have the power to bring a shock to the system. That's why I won't kill you or turn you in. I'll just report up the ladder that this particular Madison is not the one we're looking for."

"You're not going to do anything because you think we'll…change things?" Travis checked.

"No. Honestly, I think you'll die within a matter of days. Or get captured. But, I want to see what happens. If I kill you now, that'll just ruin all the fun. I am honestly curious to see how far you'll make it. And your powers are strong. Once you gain control, you would be formidable."

"So this is just a game to you?" Madison asked angrily.

"Yes," Samuel replied. "Nothing more than that. Let's see how long you'll last in this cruel world. You barely lasted against Swarm and you wouldn't stand a chance against me. The odds are not in your favor."

"Then we'll surpass those odds."

Travis hadn't even been thinking when he said that. He had just started talking before he even realized it. Madison stared at him in surprise while Samuel merely blinked.

"You think we're going to lose, fine. I don't care. I always promised myself that I ever got powers, I'd do something with them. Something that mattered. You say there are threats more powerful than I could imagine waiting for me. I say bring them on. Cause I'm not going to stop. I know this is my destiny and whatever comes my way, I'll overcome it and get stronger. I will be a hero."

Samuel and Madison stared at him for what felt like a minute but was probably only a few seconds. Then Samuel smirked. "That was corny as hell, kid. But kind of inspiring as well. Alright then. I think I made the right choice, letting you live. This is going to be fun." He suddenly stood up, startling Travis and Madison. "Your first test will be happening soon. Hope you survive."

"What first test?" Madison asked.

"That would be spoiling. Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough."


Samuel had begun walking to the door when Travis had gotten up in front of him, holding him back. The man glared at him with ice in his eyes and Travis could even see ice forming across his fingers. "Be careful, boy," Samuel warned. "You'd best get out of my way before I decide you really aren't worth the trouble."

"What's an Awakened?" Travis asked, forging ahead ignoring the chills running down his spine. "You mentioned it last night. What does it mean?"

Samuel eyed him for a second before snorting. "You're not ready to know what it means."

"I'll decide that."

"No you won't cause I just did. Kid, if I tell you what being Awakened means, then you'll be Awakened. And then you'll have even more heat on you. Trust me, you don't want that. But here's a little hint. The chat we just had is about as close to being Awakened as you're going to get right now."

Travis was tempted to argue but from the rapidly decreasing temperature and the ice forming across Samuel's body, he decided to let it go. Only for now though.

"If I beat Swarm," he said as Samuel opened the door, "will you tell me then?"

Samuel stood still before throwing his head back and laughing. "You sure have guts kid. Alright, fine. It's a deal. Beat Swarm in battle, and I'll show you what Awakened means."

"Alright then. How do I find you?"

"Oh don't worry. I know your name now. I'll find you. So long." With a wave, Samuel stepped out, closing the door behind him. The second he left, it was like their strings were cut as Travis and Madison almost collapsed to the ground. They were shaking from head to toe, trying to control their breathing and rapid heartbeats.

That was too much, Travis thought. He'd felt so brave and confident while talking but inside, he'd just been holding it all back. He'd been so terrified the whole time. He wouldn't have lasted even a second against that guy. He'd neutralized Travis's powers before he'd even really used it.

"W-w-what w-were y-you think-king?" Madison stuttered, glaring at him with tears in her eyes. "W-why would y-you challenge him-m like that-t?"

"I'm sorry," Travis said. "I just…I hated how he talked down to us."

"With someone like h-him, I don't care how he t-talks. As long as I d-don't piss him off-f and make him w-want to k-kill me."

Travis nodded. "I know. I'm really sorry Madison."

He watched the door carefully, waiting to see if Samuel would return but he didn't, letting Travis breathe out in relief. This just proved his theory though. Whatever was happening to them was so much bigger than they could have imagined. A whole other world level of big. They were going to need each other and a whole lot of training to be strong enough to survive it. Wow, it was the first time Travis was actually excited for exercise. These truly were dark times.

Still, the way the guy had taken him down sent a shiver down his spine. Just how big was this world? And how many people like him were out there? What exactly had he stumbled into?

He was both afraid and excited to find out.