
The year-end exams at the Royal Academy could be considered the culmination of students' efforts so far, and it's not an exaggeration to say that the caste within the academy is formed based on these results.

In "Engage Hazard," the year-end exams are held every December as a regular event, featuring quizzes about "EnHaz" and rankings based on performance in limited raid boss battles. Top performers receive UR weapons as rewards.

Although the year-end exam event only happened once.

Well, it's inevitable since the game was shut down after only six months of release. Of course, as a heavy user, I didn't agree with it at all! I poured my part-time job earnings into the year-end exam event gacha and spun it like crazy.

Anyway, to safely reach winter break after overcoming this event, we have to do our best.

And so...

"Hey, you got this part wrong."

"Ugh... Haru is such a drill sergeant..."