
Preventing a rather improper photo from appearing into March's camera, Yuuto let out a small sigh.

Ignoring March who pouted while rubbing one of her cheeks that turned red. He looked at the photo she took and noticed its rather interesting angle.

Kafka leaning forward while wearing an alluring smile. 

While he looked down at her and wore an ambiguous expression in his eyes.

It didn't seem out of place, but Yuuto couldn't help but think of one word that came to mind when he saw this.


Yes. A fairly scandalous photo of him with a Stellaron Hunter had appeared.

'Will the IPC go after me if they see this?' Yuuto mindlessly thought and deleted the picture.

[Why delete it? It looked pretty good.]

The person in question who announced her past interactions with him looked amused as a grin was plastered on her face seeing the chaotic scene she quietly made.

"Okay, that's enough teasing. You have something important you want to say don't you?"

Yuuto looked at Kafka and she noticed his efforts to change the topic quickly.

[Hmm~ I guess I'll let you off the hook this time.]

"Not just this time but from now on."

[Too bad but the reactions from the people around you are too amusing to pass up.]

Kafka covered her mouth to hide her laugh before turning around and looking at Welt and Himeko who were still a bit confused by the events that just passed.

Leaving Yuuto behind she walked towards the center of the cabin and posed a question.

[Have you guys ever heard of the Luofu before?]


Welt and Himeko noticed that Kafka's full attention was now on them and the two slowly glanced at each other. Communicating something through their eyes, Welt was the first to answer.

"...If it's the Xianzhou Luofu that's part of the Xianzhou Alliance Hexafleet. Then we've heard of it." He cautiously answered.

Kafka nodded expecting his answer. [Coincidentally, this very ship is just a few warps away and there seems to be something interesting going on at the moment.]

[Just 45 system hours ago... a Stellaron burst occurred on the Luofu. Quite an unexpected calamity don't you think?]

Placing her hand on her cheek she let out a sigh. Allowing Welt to digest what she just told them.

"What are you getting at…? Stop speaking so vaguely." Himeko narrowed her eyes, sensing her act. "Just get to the point."

Kafka didn't mind her blunt attitude but the corner of her lips couldn't help but slightly rise. Seeing as the conversation was now getting onto track. Just how she wanted it to be.

Waving her hand a holographic image similar to her own began to appear and the appearance of an intimidating man was gradually revealed.

Wearing an oriental-styled black tailcoat with his long unruly hair covering a portion of his face. The man's deep red eyes were blank as if he was patiently waiting for something.

Something that will relieve him and grant his lifelong wish.

Different reactions came from each person who saw the man and Yuuto in particular felt his eyes glued on the person shown in front of him.

'I wonder how he'll react if he sees the type of sword I'm using…?'

Yuuto couldn't help but think since the person had a pretty complex history with Jingliu and the thought of their meeting brought another potential headache just waiting to happen.

He hoped that the best-case scenario was that he'd just think of him as another person using a sword. But remembering how he was brutally tortured by Jingliu's swordplay…

"Yeah, not happening…"

Just using her techniques and brandishing his sword would probably flare up his Mara. And having a mara-struck madman run after him was not exactly an event he wanted to experience.

However, he felt like it was inevitable as Jingliu had many more ties to the Luofu excluding that madman.

The Transcendent Flash and Sword Master of the Xianzhou Luofu are not just some empty titles she has on her back.

Leaving Yuuto who was contemplating a meeting that would either go normally or out of control due to a connection to a certain person, Kafka finally began to mention the reason for her abrupt arrival.

[Just to let you know this calamity is in no way tied to us. But unfortunately, the Luofu have different thoughts and are hellbent on capturing us.]

[My request is pretty simple. My companion Blade has been taken away by the Cloud Knights. I want to bring him back, resolve this Stellaron crisis, and clear our names.]

"Nothing to do with you, huh? Like we'll believe such an obvious coverup…"

Kafka was silent when she heard March's mumbles and ignored the growing weariness sprouting from her. 

"Maybe we should help them seal the Stellaron…"

"Huh!? Are you being serious? It's not like we're her friends or anything and the Luofu is strong enough with countless forces to handle a singular Stellaron burst. With the Alliance and The Hunt protecting them, does it really look like they need our help?" 

March spoke after hearing Stelle's thoughts and stood firmly on her decision. Not wanting to follow Kafka's suggestion as it felt too suspicious and too much of a coincidence.

A Stellaron burst happened to occur on the Luofu and Kafka just so happened to show up asking for help? She wasn't buying it.

[Oh? You don't need to worry too much if you don't want to help. You can always warp towards your next destination since the corrosion hasn't affected the space yet. However…]

She stopped her words and let out an ominous warning that was a bit hard to ignore.

[But just to let you know, in the future if you decide not to go. The entire ship will be eventually consumed and over half of the inhabitants inside will perish. But I'm sure the noble and courageous Nameless wouldn't let that happen. Right~?]

Welt, Himeko and Stelle were silent. March who was the most against it was also quiet since the words Kafka said pricked at her conscious. 

Yes, Kafka could be lying, and may all be a scheme for their own benefit. But what if it wasn't? If they chose to ignore this request then a lot of innocent people would be affected.

"Let's listen first and make a decision later."


"I'm sure Welt and Himeko have some ideas of their own so let's wait until Kafka leaves to discuss what we should do."

Yuuto poked at March's cheek he pulled on before and gave her a small snack that was on the table near them. 

March felt apprehensive but decided to listen and accepted the snack Yuuto offered her. Feeling like his words made some sense she had a budding feeling that she should wait but her guard was still up.

Albeit a bit lower after taking the sugar given to her.

Kafka who had her arms crossed, saw how Yuuto calmly pacified March and noticed how level-headed he was. Tapping her finger on her arm, an unknown glint passed through her eyes and Yuuto felt a slight shiver.

"I'm sure you know your companion will perish alongside them if we don't accept, right?"

[No comment~!]

Himeko noticed that Kafka wasn't affected by her question and instead had a placid smile on her face. With the flick of her finger, a surge of information suddenly appeared in front of them and Kafka's hologram started to flicker.

[I have sent you the coordinates so all you need to do is make a decision.]

[Looking forward to what you'll choose~ ]

Feeling happy that her meeting went like how she liked, Kafka began warmly waving towards the group standing right in front of her and leaving the center where she stood.

[See you later~!]

Walking a few meters away, her body gradually faded. But before leaving, Kafka turned her head towards Yuuto and mouthed a few words. 

Something that he just barely managed to piece together.

'[...She'll pass something… to you..?] Passing what by who?' 

Despite the brief meeting she had with them, it seemed to him that there was a bit more to expect.

Himeko who watched the spot Kafka disappeared from, finally let off a deep sigh and looked at the rest of the members who were patiently waiting for her instructions.

"...Yuuto get Dan Heng."

"Roger. Want me to fill him in on the way?"

"Yes, I would appreciate that."

Yuuto took Gray Bean Paste, who was sitting by his feet, and quickly made his way toward the archives where Dan Heng was.

Stelle who was unusually silent the entire time, followed Yuuto and held onto the Wubbaboo that was floating right beside him. 

He noticed that she was hesitating to say something but eventually chose to stay silent. Waiting for her to say whatever was on her mind.

Feeling like it was something serious.

"..Hey can I ask something?"

"Sure, go for it."

"Uh.. is it…" She fiddled with the Wubbaboo before silently saying what she had on her mind.

"...Is it actually true that you bed a Stellaron Hunter befo— OW!? Why did you hit me!??"

"Give me back my consideration."


"I need to purge your mind filled with such unnecessary thoughts."

Yuuto said with a cold grin and Stelle felt a chill seeing the cold mist rising from his palm.

"You're not denying it so it must be…"

"Alright. Bring that blockhead of yours over here."


Wiping his hands after giving Stelle a brief 'lesson' on why it was not good to have such unnecessary thoughts floating in her head. 

Yuuto closed the door to his room and placed Gray Bean Paste at the corner of his bed seeing as its eyes were gradually closing.

He laid down as Himeko gave each of the members a small break to gather their thoughts before making a final decision in a few minutes. 

Something that Yuuto appreciated after his whole fiasco with Duke Inferno and Dr. Ratio.

But that wasn't all. Placing his hands behind his head, he thought back to his conversation with Dan Heng as he felt something happening within him.

Reaching the archives and letting Dan Heng up to date with what just happened in the cabin, he noticed the atmosphere around him turn somber.

Not only that but his [Nexus] began to give an odd reaction as his [Core Memory] turned faint but the appearance of countless chains began to stretch around the fragment.

As if it was trying to tie this fragment down.

"Forbidden from setting foot on that ship. [Total interception of any attempt to enter the dominion]..."

Yuuto mumbled the words Dan Heng said to him with a complex expression and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Of course, he knew about his situation regarding the Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae but seeing the person who he had gotten to know not as a character but as a friend hide such an expression made his thoughts heavy.

"To have a cold guy act so down…"

[Down? Did something happen?]

"Yeah, but it's not something I can resolve right away."

[You said a person is feeling down right? Try giving them something they like. Like a present or something.]

"I guess I can do that but…"

Yuuto raised his fingers and rubbed the center of his eyes before turning his head.

A hologram that showed a small girl with a ponytail and glasses loosely hanging onto her head. She tilted her head seeing the look she was getting before blowing a small bubble with her gum.

[By the way, the gum you gave me was really good. I thought it was a bit sweet at first but after chewing it a few times, it matched my preferences perfectly.]

"That's great that you liked my gift but can you explain why you're here?"

[Ah, did Kafka not tell you?]

"Not exactly. She just said something before leaving and did not clarify anything."

[Unfortunate. Oh well, just take this.]

Tapping the air a few times, Yuuto felt a ripple in the air before a small letter suddenly appeared on his face.

It looked simple but a green seal placed on it showed that it had quite the professional touch to it.

"Who is it from?" Yuuto asked as he turned the letter around and saw no name of the sender.

[Hmm… Don't know?]


[Well my job is finished. I also left my contact information if you find any more good gum recommendations. I also have a raid I need to get to so… later.]

Before he could utter a word back Silver Wolf disappeared and Yuuto was left speechless with a singular letter in his hands.

Left alone in his room once again with Gray Bean Paste silently sleeping near him, Yuuto sat up by the edge of his bed and lifted the letter.

A prismatic hue covered his pupils and his gaze scanned every inch of the letter. The material, seal, and contents were looked over and no matter how many times he used [Clarity].

All he found was a normal letter addressed to him.

Not wanting to wait any further he carefully sliced the seal and took the folded paper inside. Reading the contents formed by deep black ink and eye-catching handwriting.

///When the quill meets the page, all is etched in fate. Upon the parchment's silent canvas, do not fear the stains you leave behind. What is written today may fade tomorrow.///

Each word. Each sentence. Yuuto's breath paused as he continued reading and felt something stuck in his chest.

It wasn't an unpleasant feeling but it also did not make him relieved. 

A few minutes continued to go by with Yuuto mindlessly staring at the letter before snapping out of his trance once he heard a knock on his door.

"Yuuto? Himeko told me to get you since you haven't left your room yet." 

"Oh.. I-I'll be out in a bit."

Stelle walked away saying she'll wait and Yuuto got up from his bed. Staring at the letter one last time, he stored it in his library and patted Gray Bean Paste who was still asleep.

Thinking back to that trance he found himself in, Yuuto decided to ask Kafka about the letter when they met on the Luofu. Having an itching feeling that she might know something.

With Stelle by his side, Yuuto made his way to the cabin and grouped up the others why apologizing for being late.

Himeko didn't mind and just smiled but the next moment her smile gradually turned serious.

"I'm sure you guys each have your thoughts about the request the Stellaron Hunter Kafka offered regarding the Stellaron burst on the Luofu. Neither Welt nor I believe that she's telling us the truth, but we can't just ignore the intel she's given us…"

The others nodded as they agreed. Himeko noted this and raised her hand.

"So, we're about to hold a democratic vote on whether to set a course for the Xianzhou. All those in favor, hold out your hand. All those against, keep your arms by your side."

Remembering this scene in the game, Yuuto waited for Himeko to count down and placed his hand forward.

Everyone except Dan Heng placed their hand forward and Himeko decided after seeing the overwhelming vote in favor of setting course towards the Xianzhou.

"It looks like we'll be having a slight detour." Himeko sighed but she didn't look troubled.

"By the way, I will stay back to keep an eye on the Express but don't worry since Welt will accompany you this time."

"Mr. Yang, you're joining us!?" 

"Yes. This occasion feels a bit dangerous compared to your time on Jarilo-VI so I'll come just for safe measure. Plus it's been a while since I've joined a trailblaze mission…"

Welt adjusted his glasses and turned his head when he mumbled the last part of his sentence and Yuuto stifled a laugh, finding his actions funny.

The others also smiled which raised the mood and Himeko clapped her hands to close the vote.

"Since it comes to this, everyone get ready and prepare for your next trailblazing expedition. I will have Pom Pom warp us shortly so be ready."



'The ship looks much more different compared to the game…'

Feeling the side effects of the warp jump fade away, Yuuto looked out the window in awe as they appeared in front of a large gate projecting a circular pattern. Signifying its purpose in keeping intruders out.

"Wait a second while I request landing permission." 

Himeko was the first to act and went off to the side where she tried to connect to the Luofu. Yuuto who was still staring out the window looked to his side and saw Dan Heng absently staring at the ship.

The large gate reflected from his eyes and a nostalgic emotion seeped out as he recalled the last time he saw this magnificent gate.

"Feeling sentimental?"


Dan Heng noticed that Yuuto made his way beside him and joined him in looking out the window.

He didn't reply to his question but Yuuto could understand all he wanted to say just from his silence.

The two stood in silence as they waited for Himeko but during the moment Dan Heng passed Yuuto something.

It was a small notebook and he looked at Dan Heng who didn't spare him a glance. 

"I've compiled some intel on the Xianzhou for you, I hope it comes in useful."


Yuuto turned the small notebook and saw a few pages filled with words alongside a few personally drawn images.

Looking at the contents, Yuuto felt a small grin form. "I'll be sure to use it well since you put so much effort into it~."


Dan Heng's brows curved down when he heard Yuuto and tiled his head away feeling a bit embarrassed.

Yuuto was amused at his reaction and tapped the notebook on his shoulder.

"Teach me more about Xianzhou culture after the mission. I'm curious if there's a discrepancy to the information in the archives compared to the words of a native."



Yuuto patted Dan Heng on the shoulder and accepted his dull reaction to his request.

"Everyone gather up. I have gotten permission to board the ship so make one final check of your equipment and follow Welt down the Express when you're good to go."

Himeko looked at Welt who was patiently waiting by the door and he assured her that he was good to go.

"I'll see you later." 

Yuuto looked at Dan Heng one last time and made his way towards Welt as he was already prepared beforehand. 

Leaning against the wall and looking out the window, his eyes locked onto the ship and he clenched his fist feeling a rush of heat gather in his palms.

Thick golden lines under his clothes let out a faint glow and he took in a deep breath. 

Preparing himself for what's to come. 


Deep within the vast rows of docks and miniature ships, a large group of soldiers were gradually mowed down.

Their thick pieces of armor were sliced apart as if it was butter and all that was left was the abnormal branches filled with golden leaves that sprouted from their body.

"How filthy…"

A cold voice passed by the soldiers and with each step she took, a bitter layer of dense ice covered the area.

Her long white hair which had tints of blue at the tips flowed through the air. Reminiscent of a moon that hovers high above the sky.

Retrieving her sword that had pierced the helmet of the abomination that took the form of a soldier, she noticed a faint light shining through the sky and abruptly paused.

She turned her body and subconsciously rubbed the earring located on her right ear. Staring at the sky while surrounded by the bodies she had slain.

"...A familiar scent…"


Hehe, a chapter from a one and only Lingsha haver.

But I also wanna let this out that Wuwa has been testing my nerves recently. Never won a 50/50 and I've lost all of them to Walmart Sephiroth.

Never have I ever wanted to delete a game so fast but I must persevere for Shorekeeper.