After moments past they begin to head towards a nearby classroom looking out the window to see what is going on to only see an unsightly scene appear in front of them the sight of an large ship or space station from what they could see from their own eyes a transmission starts to form from the nearby radio as they begin to hold their breath in fear of what is to come
as a rather deep voice starts to come through the radio the voice had spoken this same unusual other world language until a small brief pause began then the voice seemed to have changed when the next following words left an earie feeling in both their bones
" The time is now this playtime of peace and prosperity is over as a new era of fun and demise has begun however you all won't be around to see that we will be taking your planet as our new house of operations your time has come to an end and now we will cleanse the earth of you filthy vermin farewell humanity of the dammed"
the voice said before the transmission ended for a final time those words filled the air both of them began to wonder why now why us but as those thoughts began to wage out a sudden change appeared the sight of a alien
missile falling at a rate serenity began to hold Stevenson close to her chest she hold him tightly not letting go before saying
it's funny how a alien race decided to end us all maybe this is the end for- as the missile hit the earth cutting off serenity and the sight of a large white flash then darkness slowly filled afterwards to only have silence
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