Graveyard Hills War

As Raven and Iceymoon were appearing on the other side of the hill. The Emerald Twitches were getting ready to battle. Only one thing was that a few of them were waiting on a signal from the sky. Moonlight kingdom had let one of their allies know it was time. They had gotten on a dragon and pulled their bow out. Then pulled an arrow back as they were ready to shoot. They little signal person was Heart. An elf who was friends with the demons and had a demon living with her kind to protect her family. She was ready as soon as she notices one of their dragons flying she would shoot. Heart was quick to her feet cus in a few seconds later, she notices the Emerald Twitches and shoots her arrow and as the dragon blows fire, the arrow becomes a flame arrow and lands by a tree. It was a sign of the armies to attack. They ran for their lives to save this universe of there's. Not even just the armies, even the hybrids and angels went after the Emerald Twitches. They were ready to kill.