Chapter 10

Phil's POV

If there is one creature I didn't like, that was a were wolf.We vampires didn't associate with wolves and I normally called them dogs and when I found out that my brother and his wife decided to take in a wolf, it made me furious.

I really did and tried everything possible to make Antonia unwanted but she was extremely beautiful, stubborn, sassy and hard headed.All these things just got me intrigued.I wanted to know where she gets the courage because all my life no one would dare talk back to me like she did but at the end of the day it just got me drown to her.

I reached the point where instead of hating her, I started falling for her.Everything about her excited me and when I spent a day without talking to her I started to miss her.

Like for example today morning she had missed breakfast. I didn't have my meal in peace either cuz I kept looking at her empty seat. I beat myself internally for feeling like that because soon enough she was going to leave this Kingdom forever.

“Penny for your thoughts?”I heard George say as he walked towards me.He then sat next to me in the swing.

“I was just thinking about Antonia, isn't it too soon for her to go and attack her pack?”I asked and I saw George smiling at me.

“What is so funny, I just asked you a serious question”I said to him

“You love her don't you?”He asked

“No I don't.What makes you say that?”I asked him

“You are my brother, I can read you like a book and I can tell that you have feelings for her”He said looking me straight in the eye.I hated the fact that he knew me so well, he was a brother but at times I saw him as my dad.

“Can you stop looking at me like that?”I looked away and said to him when he failed to avert his gaze from me.

“There is no right time for her to attack Capstone Phil.As long as she feels ready, all we have to do is support and give her a hand where necessary”George replied not stressing the feelings’ matter further more, something I was grateful for.

“And you think she is ready?”

“That will be determined by the strategy she has at hand and her fighting skills before she plans to leave”He replied.

I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't know I was holding, knowing that at least George cared for her and even though he maintained a calm expression, that told me he was worried about her as well.

“That's great brother.Thanks for looking out for her”I said surprising George and myself.

“What I mean is she at least she would be able to leave our kingdom and go to her pack in peace”I explained but I knew what ever I said didn't make sense. Either way it still showed that I cared for her.

‘what was happening to me’

Seeing this, George shook his head and stood up.

“She is a precious Gem Phil don't treat her like your little hoes or you will hear from me if not Gretchen”He warned smacking me on the shoulder then turned on his heel and left.

“I don't know what you are talking about” I shouted at his retreating back.

“I know you do”Came his reply

I shrugged internally, it's not like she was going to give me a chance anyway and she would be returning to her pack anytime soon.

During lunch time, still Antonio never showed up.I asked Gretchen and she was also confused and didn't know what to do for her because Antonia told them the same thing she had said in the morning that she wasn't hungry and didn't feel like eating.

I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to go up to her room by myself.

Before I raised my hand to knock at the door, Antonia's voice came from the inside.

“What do you want Phil? I'm not in the mood to fight with you”

“Can I come in please? I just want to talk” I replied calmly surprising myself.

There was a little silence before the doors opened and I laid my eyes on a messed up Antonia.‘One I have never noticed before’

“Geez, you need to take a bath.Look at you still in your pajamas and your hair is messed up. You look like s***”I immediately said but regretted did internally since this was not the right time to say such according to the situation she was in.

Antonia who is still holding the door now decided to shut it on me but I immediately caught it before I became out of sight.

“ Antonia, I'm sorry I didn't come to do that. I came to talk-”

“Well, I see how well your talk went so if you don't mind, I need to be alone” she replied trying to push the door.

“Come on, I need to talk to you. I see how bad you are being affected by all these and I'm sorry it was wrong of me to say what I said a minute back”

She then let go of the door and walked straight to her bed. I shut the door closed and headed where she was sitting.

“Phil, if you're here to talk about whatever it is that is going on with me just know it's never going to work. Everyone has been talking to me about it, so I don't think this conversation will make any difference. I think it's better if you-”

“ Hey, listen to me” I cut her off before she could finish.

“I did not come here to talk about that” I said making her raise an eyebrow at me as if asking me what I wanted to tell her.

“Antonia, I know we didn't start off in the best way and even though I had my reasons, I know it was wrong of me to judge and treat you like how I did the past few months and I'm really sorry for that”

The moment to said that, I saw her squint her eyes at me.

“What are you playing at Phil? I told you I'm not in the mood for jokes.” she asked not believing her ears.

“Antonia, I'm not playing any games. I came to apologize and I want us to get along. After spending time with you, I realized that you are not the person that I thought you would be and I would like to be your friend.I would also like to put the feud we have between us behind”

“How do I know that you're not tricking me and that you mean everything that you say?” she asked

“Here, take these” I said putting off one of the Rings I had on my finger and decided to put it on her finger but she pulled her hand away.

“Woah...Phil, I'm not planning on getting married if that's the route you want to take”

“Come on, I'm not trying to get us married. In order to show you that I'm not joking, please keep this for me.This ring was given to me by my mama and I want to show you how serious I am.I have never removed it from my finger since her death”I sincerely said

“You shouldn't be giving out your mother's gifts to people, it's yours you keep your ring”she said pushing it back towards me.

“You see the ring doesn't fit me, it belongs to women”I said showing her my pinky finger where the ring had been but still it had left a mark.My fingers were too big for it it was a female ring.

“So I have been looking for someone to intrust it to and in case it's time for me to get married. I'll get it back cuz Mom said that I should give it to the woman I decide to marry but since I haven't found them yet and my finger is aching I beg you keep it for me”

“Why me of all the females around you Phil? why would you interest such a precious gift to me a person you've been fighting with ever since you met till a few minutes ago?”

“None of the women I have been with should be trusted and you wanted me to prove to you that I was serious.Please keep this ring for me Antonia” I begged .she got the ring from me after giving it some thought and put it on her finger.

“Friends?” She said forwarding her hand where she had just put a ring.I shook hands with her but then pulled her in a hug for the first time and I swear the clock stopped for some time. What I felt was beyond words and I couldn't explain it not even to myself.

Antonia's POV

The news of Rodrigo's plans of making it official as the alpha of Capstone Pack really hit me hard. I tried as much as I can to distract myself but at the end of the day the feeling of anger didn't go away,from punching and talking to Phil, I felt a little lightness in my chest but still it wasn't enough

Even Erica my lycan wasn't okay

She was agitated that's when I decided to take a run hoping that you would make her feel better but still it didn't instead it felt like her strength was wearing out and that she was slowly disappearing .

We spend the whole night in bed twisting and turning and couldn't find sleep. All I wanted to do was to go back to my pack and claim what's my mine.

Before I knew that he was planning to take over the park by the moment I realized that he was going to make it official I felt like everything was over and that I'll never have a home or a park to lead all the way of being of those people depending on me I'm from the information I had received the people were badly treated by Rodrigo and I couldn't take that neither did Erica.

in the morning I couldn't even get out of bed Gretchen came in to check on me time to time but I was never in the mood to feed I'm glad or eat anything I could also feel Erica getting weak but she too didn't want to eat until Phil showed up.

Phil called me by surprise and I didn't expect whatever it is that happened first I couldn't believe that he put his pride at Bay and decided to end whatever it is it was going on between us and second him trusting me with his drink was yet another thing and when we hugged I felt a little Sparks and a little bit of excitement which scared me and made me pull away what was really going on.

he then ask someone to get me a cup of blood and then found the way to talk me into taking a shower without being offensive before leaving to attend today kingdoms duties.

Him showing up and everything that went on just added to the train of thoughts I had my mind was jumpered and I couldn't think straight Erica seemed excited about something but she couldn't tell me what saying she had no idea what it was or maybe she was excited about the little energy she had got when I fed

As soon as it got dark, I decided to head out without letting anyone know. I went back to CampStone Pack.
