Crossed Over To N.Y.C

A gateway near a city block then showed itself as Cyrus was shot out of it as he hit a nearby wall and fell to the ground. "Why do bricks have to be so painful to hit"? Cyrus asked himself as he looked around to see where he was at. He looked around the city for a while until he saw a special landmark. "The empire state building"? Cyrus asked himself. "I must be in New York. Oh no. What am i gonna do"? Cyrus then reached for his phone to try and call Sophia and Penny but he couldn't get any signal. "Curse thy signal in thespian"! Cyrus then walked around some more but it looked like no magical land had followed him into New York. He then walked around until he reached a city block. His stomach them started to rumble. "Oh i am getting quite parched and in need of sustenance's right about now. Cyrus then was able to locate a map and found a sandwich shop that was pretty close away. So he began his walk. Along the way, he saw the sights of New York like the Stature Of Liberty, Central Park and Times Square. He loved the sights but knew that he had to continue the task at hand. After some time, he came to a block as he reached two sandwich shops. These were "The Backway Station" and "Late Day Off". "Weird choice to have two sandwich shops next to each other". Cyrus thought as he went into The Backway Station. 

"Got a turkey with extra cheese". A middle aged man said. "Right on it". A boy who looked to be 17 as he prepared the sandwich and handed it to the middle aged guy. "Man this is quite more difficult then i thought". A girl said who also looked to be 17 as well. "Don't your parents also have you make sandwiches as well"? The 17 year old guy said. "I just put them in the toaster if it's required. I usually make the sandwiches if my parents are out". The 17 year old girl said. Just then, one of the T.V's witch was showing a baseball game was now showing a news report on magical sightings in Washington. "There's magic going on"? The 17 year old girl said. "Just wait until someone walks in here who's a wizard". The 17 year old guy said. Just then, Cyrus walked into the store as the 17 year old girl recognized him. "No way". The girl said. "That's Cyrus Anderson". "You know him"? The boy said. "Back when i lived in Washington, This guy made the school his angry army but he along with Penny Anderson stopped him". The girl said. "That's quite a story". The boy said. Cyrus then walked up to the register and the middle aged man. "Welcome to the backway station". The middle aged man said. "How can i take your order"? "I would like a six inch with turkey, lettuce, American cheese with extra mayo please". Cyrus said. "Right on it". The middle aged man said. "Do you know who that is Mr. Marson"? The girl said said. "No". Mr. Marson said. "That's Cyrus Anderson". The girl said. "I have not heard of that person before". The middle aged man said. "He wanted a six inch with turkey, lettuce, American cheese with extra mayo though". "On it". The boy said. "I really want his autograph though". The girl said. "Then walk up to him and ask". The boy said. "But I'm bad at asking". The girl said. "I'll come with you". The boy said as there shift was over and they went up to Cyrus. "Can i help you two"? Cyrus asked. "Could we get an autograph"? The girl said. "I suppose so". Cyrus said as he pulled out a piece of paper and signed it. "Just then, the T.V showed a live clip of Penny and Adam talking to one another with Boulder in it as well. "Oh no". Cyrus said. "What is it"? The boy said. "The magic is here". Cyrus said. "I guess you were right Wyatt". The girl said. "Oh come on you were right as well Teagan". Wyatt said. "I must head back to Washington right away. "Your a part of that magic stuff". Teagan said. "I suppose you need to know but I'm a wizard and i need to help my sister". Cyrus said. "How can you get back there in time though"? Wyatt said. "I can't teleport all the way over to Washington cause that would just be too hard to do". Cyrus said. "Is there anyway i can head there"? Just then, there was a crashing sound from above as the customers fled. "What was that". The middle aged guy said. "I don't know Pat". Wyatt said. "But we should check it out". Cyrus said as the four of them went upstairs. Once they got to the second floor, they saw a ship had crashed through there wall and into there living room. "CYMOBILE"! Cyrus said as he rushed over to his ship. "OH how i missed you". "What is going on". Teagan said. "Oh right. Things from the magic world have been leaking into this world and it's not gonna be long until it all merges together". Cyrus explained. "Is there anyway to stop this"? Wyatt said. "I'm afraid i don't think there is. The gateway's have been destroyed so there isn't a way to get back in the first place. It doesn't matter right now but i need to get back". Cyrus said. "So is this your ship that you created"? Pat said. "Indeed it is". Cyrus said. "Now you owe me for that wall". Pat said. "That wasn't my fault". Cyrus said. "Can we come as well"? Wyatt and Teagan said. "I don't know. You both don't have any magical powers and i can't guarantee your safety. Cyrus said. "We can take that risk". Teagan said. "Just bring them back by midnight". Pat said as he went upstairs. "Ok then". Cyrus said. "Hop in". Wyatt and Teagan went in the ship and Cyrus got the ship out of the building and was flying home. Just then, a robot came out back. "Hello-there-new-people. The robot said. "Who is this"? Wyatt said. "That's me and my girlfriend's robot named Jr". Cyrus said. "Hello-Wyatt-Marson-and-Teagan-Greyback. "It's nice to meet you as well". Teagan said. "How did you even make Jr". Wyatt asked. "Me and my girlfriend named Sophia made him last year as part of a science competition around the world". Cyrus said. "Did you win"? Teagan said. "Well the room got blown up by the shadow queen who tried to make me fall in love with her". Cyrus said. "Who's the shadow queen"? Wyatt asked. "She was a very powerful version of my now friend London. If we see her, she's the one who look's like a goth". Cyrus said. "Good to know". Teagan said. "I can't wait to head to Washington". Wyatt said. "Your gonna love it". Cyrus said. "Your gonna love it".