CHAPTER 1: Death

WARNING: This chapter contains child abuse, bullying, rape, incest and suicide!! If you feel uncomfortable, please skip this chapter.

Alyx Vicente live hard life, he watched his parents argue everyday. His father left his mother when he was only eight to be with his new family, it turns out his father has been cheating behind his mother's back a long time ago . When Alyx turn sixteen, his mother died on a traffic accident and leaving alyx to his biological father's care.

Alyx never feel welcome on his father's house. His father, Carlo was an workaholic person and would always spend most of his time on the company. His father's new wife, Emily always look at him with disdain and would hit him for his tiniest mistake or even when he didn't do anything at all. He has three step siblings: Eric(18), Ethan(15) and Camila(8). 

Since Camila is the youngest and the only daughter, she was spoiled rotten. Camila know that her father love her the most and would use it to get whatever she wants. Whenever Alyx do something she doesn't like, she will burst in tears and would say that Alyx bully her. Because of this Emily would 'discipline' Alyx and would beat him and lock him on the attic for days without food or water.

Ethan also don't like Alyx because of his inferiority complex, He was the worst nightmare of Alyx. Alyx was smart and would always be on top of his class, his also sociable and friendly. Because of his jealousy, Ethan would always beat Alyx or sabotage his projects. He would also call him a sissy since Alyx has a feminine feature.

He then paid some of Alyx classmates to isolate him and bully him. The Ethan spread rumors about Alyx. He would tell people that Alyx is gay and have been sleeping with countless of guys, people believe him. Alyx who was always surrounded by people who shower him praises became a social reject.

Eric on the other hand would just ignore his entire existence. Even if Alyx was being beaten in front of him, he wouldn't care. For him Alyx is at fault why his being step on by others. For him, it's Alyx fault for being weak. Because of this, Alyx thought Eric might pity him even a little bit. One time, the bullies beat Alyx and try to rape him but he managed to escape.

When he arrives at home, with his tattered clothes, he goes to Eric begging him for help. Eric only look at him with disgust and left, that's when he realized Eric hates him like everybody else.

Alyx live a hellish life on that house. When he finally reached eighteen, he immediately apply for a job. When he saved enough money he leaves the house and rent a small apartment in the slum. He crawled himself until he graduated college. He never reached out to his father because for him he rather die out of exhaustion than asking his trash father for help.

It took only a month after he graduates, Alyx easily find a decent job at a tech company. It wasn't big but it's not that small either. Alyx finally been able to move to a decent apartment and live a normal life. He's happy on his workplace because everyone was nice and easy to get along with. They would sometimes tease him calling him sissy because of his feminine look but their teasing never crossed the line so Alyx would always laugh it off.

The last thing Alyx heard about his father was when his father die. He didn't bother to go at his father's funeral since he know he wouldn't be welcome. Eric became a successful attorney and would often get big cases from around the world. Ethan became a famous singer and model, Alyx would often see him on tv. As far as he know, Camila was studying at a famous private school in America.

 Alyx didn't feel a slightest envy because he was contented on what he achieve .Everything was going well, finally he can enjoy his life just like everybody else. That's what he thought.

One unfortunate day he encounter his step brother Eric on a company party. Alyx was invited by his colleagues, he can't refuse because he's close with them. Eric never abuse him so he's not scared of him but he still feel suffocated with his presence. Alyx thought that the night will pass peacefully since Eric never pay attention to him. But, he was so wrong about putting his guard down around Eric.

Alyx colleagues force drinks on him and because he can't refuse in front of his colleagues he drink it all. After some glasses he passed out. He woke up feeling an uncomfortable pain on his back hole. When he opened his eyes he saw Eric naked on top of him sweating and grunting in pleasure moaning his name between his legs, that's when he realized that he was also naked and being rape by his own step brother.

Alyx tried his best to push Eric but his hand were trembling and don't have strength on them. His vision starting to get blurry with his tears. When Eric saw his awake, he smiles at him with a menacing look at his eyes. His eyes were filled with mix of disgust, lust, anger and longing.

Eric leaned closer and tried to kiss him but Alyx turn his head to avoid it. This angered Eric, he grab Alyx jaw and forcefully turned his head then kissed him violently until he can taste Alyx blood from his mouth. Because of the pain, Alyx unconsciously opened his mouth, Eric take advantage of the opportunity and put his tongue inside. He didn't stopped on thrusting inside of Alyx as if he was running out of time.

When Eric stopped on ravaging his lips, Alyx can see the thin thread of his saliva and blood on Eric's lips. "W-what...are you*gasp*.. doing... Eric?" He said gasping for air. He don't understand why Eric would do this to him.

Eric put his hand on his neck and strangle him, "Don't act as if you didn't know." He said looking at him with malice. "You're the one who turn me into this. You disgusting homo, you pass your sickness on me. If only you didn't arrive at our house I wouldn't became an abnormal and would never feel these disgusting feelings towards you." He said and keep on tightening his grip on Alyx neck.

Alyx face slowly starting to turn blue and his having a hard time trying to stay conscious. Eric ignored Alyx expression and continue to tighten his grip on Alyx neck. Alyx tried to scratch his hand but it didn't work.

"On that day, you purposely come to me with your enchanting look and deliberately seduce me, didn't you?. Then you would leave me and disappear, You damn fox!!" He said with a hurt expression but no matter how hurt his expression is, Alyx couldn't see it because of his fading vision.

"Do you know how hard I tried to find you. I was close to loosing my mind. No. Maybe I already lose it." He said smiling creepily. "I'm loosing my mind on finding you while you're having a great time laughing and seducing other guys. If I kill you...maybe I might regain my old self again. So please die for me, Alyx." Eric tightened his grip more taking Alyx life while continues on thrusting on Alyx until he his last breath.

"I love you, Alyx." That's the last thing Alyx heard. " Let's meet each other in hell."

Alyx consciousness finally faded and he draw his last breath along his regret, anger, and helplessness.