Chapter 3: The judgment

Every god look at the god of war with a doubtful look. They all knew that he will decide to do something against their will.

Another god show himself from the shadow.

His wearing a black veil that was covering half of his face, the only thing that was showing was his nose and mouth. He has a gray long hair and wearing a clothing that look similar to ancient Greece clothing.

He was Aldous the god of judgement, he was also one of the most powerful god among the 12 god. He's the one responsible for bestowing punishment towards all the being in the universe.

The most powerful worlds was called the 'Star planets':

*The world of Eathea

*The world of Laryca

* The world of Alvey

*The world of Sephora 

These worlds has cultivators who can live for hundreds of years and a world who has the most advance technology. Most of the residents here don't have a religion like the world Laryca and Alvey. Those planets has the most advance civilization and stop believing in gods.

The next most powerful worlds that was called the 'Upper planets':

*The world of Niall 

* The world of Wisteria 

*The world of Vascelia

*The world of Vixra

These worlds also has an advance technology and their knowledge is beyond reach.

The least powerful worlds that was called the 'Middle planets':

*The world of Eartheria

*The world of Amish 

*The world of Vaerua

These worlds were the home of ordinary beings. They have no superpowers, they're not cultivators and their knowledge and technology are average compare to the 'star planets' and 'upper planets'.

The last worlds are the most miserable and close to collapsing was called the 'Lower planets' but some god just called it the 'trash planets'. Those are the:

*The world of Elysian

*The world of Sylphid 

*The world of Gala 

*The world of Isis

These worlds are so contaminated and some of the was full of diseases and almost barren. The people that was living in these worlds are barely surviving. Almost all of the residents lose their hope in gods and stop believing.

The lower planets was actually placed for souls that commit a heavy crime in their previous lives. As a punishment they will be born on a chaotic world and fight to survive their whole lives. 

The sinner's crime will be the basis on which planet you will be sent to.

The Sylphid is for those who has light crime, this is the safest planet among the four. Next is the world of Isis only least safer than the world of Sylphid, the world of Gala for those who committed murder and heavier crime.

The most dangerous world was the world of Elysian, it is the home of the worst criminal souls that was impossible to repent. These soul will never be reincarnated and will be stuck in this planet. This planet is almost lawless and death is considered normal.

There are 15 planets in total, but these planets are not visible to each other. Each planets never knew that other planet exist.

Aldous look at Alyx and then his halo show up, and he start the Alyx judgement. He need to start now because he knows that Kim Seojoon will interfere.

Glowing gold chains slowly wrap on Alyx both arms and legs. Glowing symbols appeared on around his neck. He was force to kneel down.

A scroll appeared in front of Aldous containing Alyx punishment.

" Rafael Salazara who stole the identity of Alyx Vicente, your judgement will start now." He said. "Since you have committed a sin unintentionally, I shall send you to the planet of Isis and spend 2 lifetime in there as a punishment." He said and put down the scroll. "Is there any objections?"

Alyx stay quiet and didn't say anything. His eyes was empty and not a single emotion can be seen on them. His like a broken doll that was ready to be thrown out.

The god of reincarnation who was enraged and found Alyx punishment too light immediately speak, " Why the planet Isis? He ruined one's fate!! Shouldn't the punishment be more severe!!" He yelled angrily.

He want Alyx to be sent to the most dangerous world and suffer even more.

"That's right he deserves more severe punishment!! Destroying and interfering on a decided fate is a taboo isn't." Aria said supporting his claim.

"But, aren't we god also interfere with one's fate." A goddess reveal herself and oppose Aria. 

Wang Xian Liu, the goddess of sun, she also represent the light and sky. She's wearing a dark red hanfu embroided with gold flower petals and leaves and a golden crown on her head coated with gems. She looks like an empress from ancient china.

She has a hair as dark as the night, her ebony phoenix eyes emitting a strong aura. She's the most empathetic gods and the only one who truly care for the living beings on the planets.

She looked at Aria, "Aria, aren't you the one responsible for everything he went through in his life as Alyx Vicente?" She said.

Aria flinched as she heard what Wang Xian Liu said. She was indeed the one who gave the idea of tormenting Alyx. She made Alyx father feel that Alyx wasn't his son, made his mother give up on him, made his step family loathe him to the bone and made Eric disgusted at him.

She make sure that Alyx will be isolated for the rest of his life. But, what she didn't expect is that despite of the hatred and disgust he put on Eric's mind, he still fall in love with Alyx.

Because of the extreme hatred and disgust Aria put on him, Eric lose his mind. Eric always feel that Alyx is supposed to be his, that they were meant for each other. But, everytime he feels that way, he will also feel extreme hatred against him.

The day Alyx move out and disappear without a trace, Eric feel like something snapped inside his head. He keeps searching for his presence and feel intense longing for him.

A voice came out of the shadow, "I also think...that ..that..his punishment is...just...just.. enough." The goddess stuttering said in a timid voice.

She's the goddess of the spring, Ivory. She has an curly chestnut waist length hair and honey brown eyes. The goddess of spring is the most timid god because she's one of the weakest god.

Only few planets has the luxury to be able to grow plants so people that worship the goddess of spring was very few.

Aria glared at her making the goddess of spring more timid. Ivory shrink herself and make her presence as weak as possible. Aria sneered at her reaction. The other god saw what happened but they don't really care nor they want to trouble themselves for a weak goddess.

Kim Seojoon was the one who took the initiative to speak up, "Aria, the goddess of beauty." He pauses and let out a mocking smile. " You really make your name an ironic joke." He said and looked directly at Aria.

"Pffft..." A hold in laugh was heard from the shadow making the goddess of beauty's face more dark.

Aria turned to look at where the sound came from and came to eye to eye contact with the goddess of fertility , Leilani. 

She also represent the harvest and people pray for a good and prosperous harvest to her. She is considered the mother of the goddess of spring, Ivory.

Leilani is one most worship gods in many planets. She has a straight waist length silver white hair and a pair of misty gray droopy eyes. She's wearing a elegant white and gold victorian style gown and wearing a white gloves that reach her elbows.

She's holding a beautiful hand fan covering half of her face and only revealing her eyes, her eyes has a visible mockery in them while looking at the goddess of beauty.

Leilani voice rang out of the shadow, " Aria, goddess of beauty. Do you think you have any right to question the decision made by the higher gods? You're really suitable for the position of goddess of beauty since your appearance was the only pleasant on you." She said.

The goddess of beauty's face got darker hearing this.

"What does goddess Leilani mean by that?" Aria said.

"See? Even a few words are already difficult for you to understand. " Leilani said and let out a mocking laugh.

"Maybe it's because you only been a goddess for a few hundred years that's why your knowledge is..." She pauses and looked at Aria from head to toe like she's finding a suitable word. " Narrow and limited." She said.

"This bitch!!!" Aria angrily yell and accumulate energy in her hands ready to attack the goddess of fertility.

Aria want to said something but then heard Aldous warning voice, " Aria. Mind your manners you are talking to your elder." He said. 

Hearing this the goddess of beauty can only glared at Leilani and suppressed her anger.

"The decision was already decided, Rafael Salazara will spend two consecutive lives in the world of Isis until you repent." Aldous said and faced Alyx.