Chapter 2: What The Fuck?

In the heart of the bustling city, known as "Nexa City," life moved at a relentless pace. Skyscrapers soared into the sky, their neon lights painting the day with a vibrant display of colors. Nexa City was not just any city; it was the epicenter of innovation and the hub of technological marvels.

Within this sprawling city, the prestigious Nexa University stood as a symbol of knowledge and progress. It was a place where students from all walks of life came to learn, dream, and create. Here, the future was being shaped, and every day brought fresh opportunities for the brightest minds to mold the world.

On a bright and sunny day, around 1:45 PM, the atmosphere at Nexa University was electric. The news had swept through the campus like wildfire, igniting the excitement in every student's heart. It was a momentous day, marked by the resounding chime of the university bell that echoed throughout the campus. All the students poured out of their dorms, their faces brimming with anticipation and joy.

The reason for this? The release of the first-ever full-dive virtual reality game, a groundbreaking creation that had captured the imagination of the entire city. The game promised to transport players into a world beyond imagination, a realm of boundless possibilities. Students had eagerly awaited this day, and now, they couldn't wait to experience it firsthand.

As the students flooded the school grounds under the brilliant midday sun, laughter and conversations filled the air. They were not just excited about playing the game; they were excited about the adventures, friendships, and mysteries that awaited them within this digital world.

And of course some aren't all good...

"Dude!! Have you heard the rumors?" one guy whispered to his friends.

On the other hand his friends turned and looked at him with a lewd look. "Of course I know that" he said matter of fact and they both giggled.

"I don't know what the developers are thinking but if they decided to add 'that' they should know the consequences... So before they patch it up in the next update we should 'take advantage' of it if you know what I'm saying" after that statement they both laughed maniacally like some deranged dudes.

In other place

3 guy were walking home. The 2 of them walks as if they're about to shit their pants with how much in a hurry they are while one guy who were behind them walks as if he's role playing as a robot.

He walks so strangely stiff, lagging and out of sync. He's around 5'7 and he also looked a bit chubby. But if you look closely you could easily tell that it wasn't fat. While his black hair was a spiky mess. And he wore a backpack filled to the brim heck if the shoulder strap have mouth they would be screaming at him to reduce the weights of whay he's carrying.

"Why are we hurrying home?!" Ray asked with a frustrated tone. His expression twisted in a frown.

"You two knows I suck at running!"

"Boy this isn't running! If we were running we would be in our house 4 fucking minutes ago!! Now stop whining and run, dammit!" one of the guy named Sam argued back without stopping to even look at him.

He wasn't the tallest guy around, standing at a solid 5'6, but his body was in good shape – all lean and athletic. His hair, mostly black, revealed subtle hints of brown when the sunlight kissed it just right. As for his eyes, they had this inviting, cheerful gleam, but if you looked closer, you could see a glimmer of intelligence lurking beneath.

What really set him apart, though, was his walk. It was a stark contrast to Ray's stiff, robot-like strides. He moved with a grace that made it seem like he had this whole walking thing down to an art form. Every step he took was fluid and coordinated.

"And this is very important! If we missed this shit we'll be playing in constant reminder of our defeat!" Sam said with absolute resolve and determination... But of course.. We don't know why he's being like this.

And hearing this Ray couldn't help but actually think about it for a bit.. But then his face twisted in confusion and frustration.

"....What?" he asked completely lost. And not getting what he was trying to say.

And right after that he noticed one of his friend raise his hand with one finger up. The guy was none other than Mac.

His build was a little scrawny and lean. He looked a bit fragile, but the way he walk shows you that he isn't someone you should underestimate.

Although he might be struggling to keep up with Sam's pace he was still managing.. But the most noticeable is his determined look.. His spirit was not wavering.. Although he felt tired he did not allow himself to slow down as he too know time is running out... And also agree that this is a crucial part of the game.

"Uh.. I think I know what he means" Mac said in a huff as he lowered his arm after noticing that he got Ray's attention.

"Its the avatar Naming that he's on about.. He just want to name Claim the name Marcus Aurelius first before anyone does... He have been trying to do that since... Forever.. But everytime, he failed.." Mac said.. Although he was now panting for air from their quick pace he kept walking.

"That's right! Today! I wont be Marcus Aurelius II or M4rcus Aurelius or xXMarcus AureliusXx anymore! I will be Marcus Aurelius!! And no one will stand in my way ME HE HE HE HE" Sam started laughing like a goblin as his pace got even faster as his house gets nearer.

"SEE YA IN GAME SUCKERS!" He said before doing a quick wave and pretty much disappearing from the spot.

Mac sigh as he wipe his forehead with his arm. "Damm I wish everyone have a Car like Ken.. Anyway.. My house is just in the corner.. See you dude.. Hope you get your Capsule soon"

And with a simple fist bump he too separated from Ray.. Leaving him alone. ".... I'm not even sure if my parents would allow that" he laughed on his own and awkwardly walked home which is also just around the corner..




Back Home Ray opened the front door to once again feel the emptiness of his place.. They are pretty well off family with a second story house that fits in everything they needed.. Although they dont own any vehicles they were fine with it...

Taking off his shoes and walking in with only his socks on he proceeded to hang his bag to nearby rack. Then he started making his way up to his room while taking off his uniform; at this moment he passed by his room but instead he kept walking to the bathroom... But then he stopped midway and slowly stepped back and looked inside his room.

"What... The... Fuck?" he said absentmindedly as he stare at something he doesn't remember being there just this morning.

It was a massive cylinder that could fit a single person inside. There's also countless of wires around it's base that is connected in the house electrical system which is a hole just besides it... And its newly drilled? And he also noticed a much thicker tube that is connected in the home water system.

"No way.." he gasped as he is familiar to what this is.. "It's the FDVR capsule!" It was the same device that was announced a year before it got released 2 days ago.

Seeing this he couldn't help himself but raise his arm in excitement.. But of course it looked out of sync because he's lagging again..I mean he's always lagging anyway.

Quickly approaching the device he finally noticed a small note sticking to it. Without thinking he picked it up and started reading.

¦Sorry I cant be here.. But I manage to convince my boss to give you one.. And yes I work with ALTECH.. And also... Happy Birthday, Son ¦

And then, that heartfelt "Happy Birthday, Son" at the end of the message hit him like a tidal wave of emotions. Ray's throat tightened, and he felt a lump forming as he tried to hold back the tears. He had always had a complicated relationship with his father, and this message had touched a deep, tender nerve.

Amid the swirling emotions, Ray took a deep breath and fought to compose himself. He blinked back the tears and cleared his throat. His voice trembled as he whispered, "Thank you, Dad." then suddenly he laughed as he thought of something.. "I'll make sure to put in some good words about you to Mom when she returns."

And after he pulled himself together he quickly checked the time.. And it was 1:55..and realizing he could get in before the game launch he quickly approached the huge cylindrical Capsule.

He then smoothly slid the glass door of the cylinder to the side and climbed inside. Recalling the video he had watched a year ago, he directed his gaze towards the ceiling of the cylinder, searching for something specific.

With a swift and practiced motion, he picked up a mask that closely resembled something a jet fighter pilot might wear. As he adjusted the mask, pulling a hidden tube from its inner side, he carefully inserted it into his mouth.

Once the mask was securely in place, he pressed a button located just above his cheeks. Instantly, the entire contraption sprang to life, and a cool, mysterious liquid began filling the cylinder he occupied.

It was more than just water, he knew, as it had been elaborated in the announcement. This liquid not only induced a restful slumber but also provided the body with essential vitamins through the water and the tube he had inserted.

A mischievous grin spread across his face. "Heh... now no parent can tell their kids to stop gaming and get some sleep. This is better than sleep!"

Finally, the cylinder was completely filled with the liquid, and he felt himself gently floating within it. Bubbles rose from below, and he inhaled the sweet aroma that began permeating the air he breathed.

And soon the world slowly fading to black and before he could succumb to it he glanced at the digital clock outside thw capsule.. And although it was blurry he could tell it says 1:59.. And finally...his eyes closed and his consciousness was transferred device personal lobby.





[Analyzing Host°°°°°]

[Analysis complete]

[Welcome! Ray Williams]


[A File has been delivered]

[Installing °°°°]

[Installation Complete]

[File: Alt-En is now available]

[Execute File?]



Being bombarded by multiple notifications Ray was a bit overwhelmed. It took him a few seconds to snap out of it. Then he started looking around. Everywhere he look was an infinite void of nothingness. With only the neon notification tab in his sight.

"I heard you can customize this place in your likings... But lets do that later..." He spoke.. His voice echoing through the void.

And with smooth motion he pressed Yes. Doing so he suddenly felt a strong force pulling him down as if he was falling. Of course it took him by surprised making him yelp like a dog and closed his eyes in fright.

After a while the feeling of falling down went away.. And he felt like he's sitting on a chair.. And he can also smell wood?

"Welcome! Our Champion! Welcome to the world of Altanta! And in here we will make a vessel that suits your desires and your needs!"

Opening his eyes he looked up only to see a floating feather. Although it's 11 inches in length...there's nothing unique about it... Except it floats and talks....

"Hi?" Ray awkwardly waved his hands..

"Yes hello I-Oh yes! I almost forgot.. What is your name Hero?" the feather floates closer.

'Is this the character creation? And I'm naming my avatar? Isn't that supposed to come after you created your avatar?' He thought before dismissing it and thought of a name he could use.

It didn't take long as he have used this ingame name before. "Ah.. Call me Horizons" Ray smiled softly.

Hearing his answer the feather paused.. "Ah.. What a beautiful name.. Horizon.. Huh?"

"Anyway.. Let us move on to your vessel creation." The feather waved it self in the air. And as if following its command a vertical full body mirror suddenly floated infront of him.

"You and I both know that you have another body in your world.. So I suggest you don't change to much of your body as to not make anything difficult for yourself.. A different body will require you to get use to it. You'll feel like a toddler if you change it too much.. So keep it easy" the feather said and moved away to give Ray time to think.

Looking at the mirror Ray saw the exact copy of himself.. But with hundreds if not thousands of other options around it. From pores, nose, eyes, general color, height, and pretty much everything... Although you cant change gender.

But then he smiled. 'Ive been thinking of what I want my avatar to be.. But after realizing its a literal full dive vr... I have long decided of what I wanna try.. Although I might need to get use to it '

And with a idea in mind he started pulling and adjusting the sliders. Changing and creating his very own avatar that he wanted.

'Yup.. This will do hehe'




".... Interesting choice.. Others would have done the opposite as you but I see some advantage to it.. Although you will have to get use to both your body here and on your world.." the feather said after checking his avatar. It took a few more moments before the mirror was moved away to its original place... Wherever it came from..

" With that out of the way.. Lets talk about the basics... And I think you already know this so I'll be brief.

For starter there will be 4 major stat: Strength, Agility, Vitality, Magic. And each of them have multiple sub stats:

Strength have two sub stats physical strength and durability.

Agility also have two sub stats, speed and dexterity.

Vitality have health and recovery.

And finally we have Magic which have Intelligence and wisdom.

Allocating 2 SP in a major stats gives you 1 upgrade points for your sub stats and upgrading a major stats gives you overall increase in that regards while sub stats are like a more focus approach

So for example, you put 1 points in your strength you will then gain 1 points in physical strength and durability.. And if you put another it will be 2 each.. But this time you can put one more points in what you desire.. Let say you want to be more durable so you put it in durability.. This will result in you having 2 physical strength and 3 durability.... Understand?

With this the champions will have more freedom in their progress to greatness.. Although one must be careful as there will be no turning back...

Oh right! You can also train those Sub Stats instead of just relying on levels to raise them.. Run more to gain speed, lift to get more physically strength and etcetera, although increasing a major stats through training is whole different thing.

So yes.. In here.. You can be whatever you wanna be you are free to .. Oh! Right.. Again.. I almost forgot.. A champions starting stats as level 1 will be based on their original body's stats... And I can see that you are blessed with a great strength.

Whats more. As a champion.. You will be given an extra 10 SP..

So... That's all there's to it. As for the rest you have to figure them out yourself... Ah a small reminder.. The people of this world might think you're a monster from another dimension if you tell them your origin.. That or they will think you're crazy.. So better keep that to your self as it might end poorly. And once again...

Welcome to Altanta, Champions"

Ray listened to every word the feather said and was so focused on analyzing everything he said and making sense of the mechanics based on what it said that he didn't even noticed that he was in a different place.. That was until he heard the singing of the birds..

Then he looked around in awe and surprise..

"What... The.... Fuck?"

Meanwhile on another place a lone guy stands.. His face twitching in anger, spite, and fury..

"Marcus Aurelius II? ...whattheFUUUUUUCKK!!!??" Sam yelled with all his might making a few birds nearby fly away in fright.