Lilly Pads

In the morning Lilly woke up. She opened the closet door and then looked around the room. "Kitty?" she said, not able to find her. Lilly shrugged it off. Kitty was probably having breakfast or something like that. Lilly then spotted something in the corner.

It was a big white box with a red ribbon around it. She opened the box out of curiosity. Lilly took off the lid and read a little note on the inside saying, round two.

She reached inside and saw a mask. It was cotton candy blue with a pink little bump where the mouth would go. It had a cat mouth on that bump. It also had pink cat ears. She happily put it on but pushed it to the side to see what else there was. There was also a big blue and pink cat dolly with a lily pad hat on. It was about the size of her.