Vogue Began

Aiden, always on the move from one destination to another, rarely spending more than twenty minutes on solid ground, encapsulated his life in this brief description. He was a young man filled with charm and ambition, nurturing countless dreams while seemingly leading a mundane yet oddly adventurous existence. As time passed, his life only grew more exciting, a far cry from anything that could be considered ordinary.

For a span of six long years, the world had been blanketed in an impenetrable shroud of mystery, hiding away the events that had transpired during that time. Aiden's beloved homeland, which had once held a special place in his heart, had crumbled into a barren wasteland right before his very eyes. The territory he once proudly called home now lay in ruins, a somber testament to the unexplainable catastrophe that had struck them all.

This wasn't a calamity that had solely afflicted his nation; it was a global scourge, a puzzle that left even the most brilliant minds baffled. It was as if the entire world had been gripped by an inexplicable darkness, concealing the truths and leaving them all in suspense for half a dozen long years.

Aiden, along with his devoted comrades, set out on a relentless mission in search of answers. Despite their combined dedication, their endeavors only resulted in mounting frustration and despair, leaving them with a surplus of questions and a shortage of solutions.

It had been three long years since Aiden had joined the Special Investigation and Defense Unit. In a world where each passing minute seemed to snatch away more lives, Aiden drew comfort from the fact that despite his nation's smaller size compared to others, its citizens had undergone rigorous military training to brace themselves for unforeseen crises.

In the year 3036, the world experienced a catastrophic upheaval, similar to an unstoppable tornado that ruthlessly tore through everything in its path. Wars had plagued humanity for countless generations, but the devastation and despair that marked this particular conflict were unparalleled. During these turbulent times, the very concepts of morality and the sanctity of life became distant memories, existing solely in the pages of history textbooks, with no trace of their influence left in the hearts of those caught in the chaotic whirlwind.

Once, people were guided by a common understanding of humanity, but they underwent a profound transformation, morphing into merciless predators who would kill for the most insignificant of belongings: be it a mere piece of fabric or a crumb of bread. They sank into a state of primal desperation, with their conduct eerily resembling that of famished wild creatures, completely devoid of any trace of civility and compassion.

Frequent bombings plagued the skies, making the mission of safeguarding innocent lives nearly impossible. Protecting the vulnerable had become a relentless and seemingly futile task, as the unending onslaught offered no respite.

In the midst of this chaos, the once-promising institutions of governance seemed to have forsaken their responsibility in the pursuit of peace. They had barricaded themselves within secure fortresses, seemingly indifferent to the suffering of the beleaguered populace. As a result, numerous innocent lives continued to be sacrificed due to their apathy and negligence. In this dystopian world of 3036, hope has become a scarce and fragile commodity, overshadowed by the pervasive darkness that has consumed the globe.

For six long years, a series of remarkable events unfolded. By some twist of fate, those who managed to survive until 3042 were considered the fortunate ones. Aiden, one of these survivors, found himself on board a cargo ship. Initially designed for the simple task of moving goods from one place to another, it had now become an unexpected sanctuary for individuals saved by his exceptional team.

As he looked around on the ship, he saw a whole mix of people from different walks of life. Some folks were helping out their fellow passengers, showing real camaraderie and warmth in tough times. They were tending to wounds, and it was pretty heartwarming to see.

Then there were those just focused on eating, trying to find some comfort in a meal while everything around them was going haywire. Food, in a way, became their refuge amidst the chaos that had taken over the world.

And then there were others, maybe just drained by the harshness of what was going on, who had no choice but to catch some sleep. Their bodies were craving an escape from the never-ending challenges they faced in their reality. It was a real mix of reactions, but it showed how people adapt and cope in their own ways.

In the middle of all the craziness swirling around him, he couldn't help but feel strangely drawn to a person who seemed oddly calm. Amid the chaos, with everything happening all at once and the world just going nuts, this one individual stood out like a tranquil oasis.

He couldn't wrap his head around it. How in the world, in the middle of all this madness, could someone radiate such an aura of peacefulness? His eyes stayed locked on this mysterious figure, and he just couldn't stop wondering how they managed to stay so composed in the midst of all the chaos. It felt like time itself was slowing down as he watched, and a silent question kept nagging in his mind.

However, Aiden's deep thoughts were rudely interrupted by a voice he knew all too well. It was a voice that matched his own age, belonging to a young man. This new guy had a baby-face kind of innocence, but at the same time, he had this intimidating presence that you'd expect from a battle-hardened soldier. He stood way taller than Aiden, exuding strength and toughness.

Aiden was snapped out of his daydream as the voice called out to him. Reluctantly, he turned away from the peaceful scene and replied, "What's up, man?" His comrade sounded pretty serious, "The boss wants to see us, and he's not messing around."

With a little nod, Aiden grudgingly tore his gaze away, swiveled on his heel, and obediently followed his trusty companion. Their heavy boots thudded with every step, making a firm statement against the creaky floorboards of the cargo ship. On a regular day, this cargo vessel would have looked massive, but in the middle of the ongoing worldwide chaos, it had become a safe haven, holding as many folks as its hull could handle, making the enormous ship seem tiny compared to the hordes it now housed.

Resources were running low, and the frustration of struggling to find enough to eat was getting worse. Aiden, too curious to keep quiet, leaned in toward his buddy and asked, "What's going on this time?"

"Yeah, our resources are running thin, and we've gotta find a safe place before they run out completely," his friend said, turning the fancy brass doorknob to reveal a room where, most likely, a crucial meeting was happening. Aiden agreed with a nod and walked into the room, taking a deep breath as he looked at the team, he once considered his family, now diminished. There used to be 35 of them, a strong, united force, but as things got worse, their numbers had dwindled down to just 12.

"Now that we're all here, let's get down to business," said a person standing right in the middle. He clearly stood out from the rest, looking older and more determined, with a serious expression on his face. "Our food is running out fast, and the nearest port is a tough 15 days away. Even though we've tried to ration our supplies, it's obvious they won't last more than a measly 7 days. We're in a pretty tough spot here. So, folks, any ideas on what we should do?"

The person speaking, who seemed like the one in charge, checked out each person in the room. Their silence and the way they all looked down at the floor showed how helpless they felt. They were stuck with the idea that they might run out of food before they reached the nearest port, and that thought weighed on them like a ton of bricks.

Aiden spoke up, and his words instantly grabbed everyone's attention. "Fishes," he said, "maybe we should think about saving our bread. It lasts longer, and if we're lucky enough to have someone who knows how to fish, it could really give our physical strength a boost."

"That's a solid idea, Aiden," the chief agreed. "We also need to gather everyone on the ship. We need every hand on deck to help out; this isn't just a show of respect, it's a matter of staying alive."

They were on the same page as Aiden's suggestion. They could make their bread supplies last until they reached port. The ship had ten decks, so the chief had a plan. "Each of you can take charge of one deck, find out what skills and resources people have to offer. But be gentle with how you explain the seriousness of our situation, especially with the kids and older folks. I'll personally check the stern and the wheelhouse and make sure the captains are okay. Aiden, your job is to cover the whole deck area; do it thoroughly."

With determined nods from Aiden and the rest of the team, the assignments were put into action.

Everyone split up to tackle their assigned tasks, with each person approaching the young men and women who might lend a hand. At first, all the rescued folks seemed a bit on edge when they heard about the situation, but they quickly caught on to the urgency and willingly agreed to assist their rescuers.

The leader casually strolled over to the back of the ship, on the lookout for people who could lend a hand manually. Meanwhile, Aiden roamed the open deck, hoping to find some volunteers willing to help out. To his surprise, a few folks steered clear of him, as if he had some contagious disease. It was like they'd forgotten he'd rescued them from a relentless onslaught just a few days ago. Aiden, being the wise person he was, decided not to get into arguments with these folks and carried on with his mission to find those who genuinely wanted to help.

Above, the clouds and wind carried with them the remnants of ashes and dust, a constant reminder of the war that had taken over their lives. The air, heavy with the weight of their past, felt thick and burdensome. Yet, the people had grown used to breathing in this ashen atmosphere.

Aiden took a casual stroll over to the open deck's starboard side. His eyes quickly locked onto the woman who always sat near the railing, engrossed in her book. Many times, Aiden had thought about striking up a conversation with her, but for some inexplicable reason, he couldn't bring himself to do it. For the past two years, ever since they rescued her from that burning building, Aiden had simply watched her, reading near the railing.

She appeared to be a few years younger than him, dressed in comfy jeans and a blouse with those fancy bishop sleeves. Her wavy hair swayed in the breeze, partly secured by a bow clip, while the rest flowed gracefully over her shoulders.

She was deeply engrossed in a thick book, but it wasn't exactly in pristine condition. The once-white cover had a few dust smudges and some mysterious stains, like ash and who knows what else.

With his gut feeling like it had turned into a compass, Aiden made his way over to her. She sat there all poised on the floor, her legs creating a peaceful, curvy mountain with her knees gently bent.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, his head slightly tilted in a polite manner.

The woman, engrossed in her book, glanced up, and her face lit up with a radiant smile that somehow seemed to defy the chaotic world around them. Aiden couldn't help but wonder how someone could exude such warmth and joy amidst the turbulent backdrop of the world. With that thought in mind, he settled himself on the floor next to her.

She delicately closed the book, crossed her legs, and settled in a manner that appeared both comfortable and welcoming.

"What was it you were reading?" Aiden asked, extending a curious finger toward the book now resting in the woman's lap. 

"Vastaus, it means 'the answer,'" She explained.

"Interesting, but what does it answer?" Aiden couldn't help but be curious.

"Everything," the woman replied with an enigmatic smile, leaving Aiden somewhat perplexed. Her response seemed rather cryptic.

Determined to test her assertion, Aiden decided to delve deeper. "Even about what has been transpiring in this ever-changing world?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of skepticism.

The woman merely nodded, her lips forming a tight, unwavering line as if she were unimpressed by the query. Aiden sensed a challenge in her demeanor and pressed on. "Could you elaborate, then?" 

"Indeed," the mysterious woman responded, her voice carrying a captivating mix of mystery and wisdom. "But when the whole truth is revealed all at once, it can hold the power to both hurt and heal. This isn't a story you can casually breeze through or grasp with a quick glance. It's a path that demands unwavering dedication, a journey of the soul. If you're up for it, I'll gladly be your guide."

Aiden just stood there, totally blown away by what she'd said. I mean, wasn't this stuff straight out of some ancient, dusty book? It left him with a nagging question, one that just wouldn't let go, no matter how hard he tried. And the woman, she had this vibe of total confidence that left him without a word. All he could do was stare at her, his mouth wide open, his brows all furrowed in utter confusion. This wasn't just a book anymore; it was an open invitation to a whole new world, something way beyond the usual. And Aiden? Well, he was at a fork in the road he'd never even seen coming. 

"Aiden," came a call from the bridge near the towering main mast, the voice belonging to one of Aiden's comrades. Their urgent summons beckoned him to their side. In response, he offered a nod, rising to his feet with swift determination. There was no need for words, just a subtle signal.

Aiden made no mention of the woman he had been conversing with, merely taking a moment to adjust his pants and straighten his shirt. Without another word, he pivoted on his heels, setting forth toward the bridge.

The woman watched him depart, her eyes trailing his retreating figure with an unreadable expression. She finally broke the silence with a gentle offer of information, her tone carrying a trace of intrigue, "You can ask for me when you have made up your mind. I reside on the third floor. You may call me Leah." With those words, she delicately picked up her book once more, returning to her world of printed words and quiet contemplation.