Day 3

Dwayne lay there, covered by a white sheet, his body having given up a lot of blood. It seemed as though his very being had surrendered to the will of the night as he took his final breath. Victor's heart sank when he discovered Dwayne's lifeless form the following morning as he entered the infirmary for his usual check. The pallor on Dwayne's face, the band-aid now soaked in even more blood, and his body's stillness all painted a grim picture.

The news rippled through the ship, stirring no astonishment among the crew; they had half-expected it after witnessing the unsettling events of the previous day. The captain remained sequestered in his cabin, and his strict order prevailed - no one was to disturb him.

Victor, along with his comrades, banded together with solemn purpose. They tenderly enshrouded Dwayne's lifeless form in a pristine white cloth, preparing for his final journey into the depths of the ocean. The next port remained a considerable distance away, and they could not afford to maintain this grim cargo any longer.

Comrades and volunteers alike assembled themselves in a somber line, standing at strict attention as they prepared to release the body into the unforgiving sea. With a somber grace, they committed Dwayne's remains to the depths. As the body touched the water's surface, it created a poignant splash before its slow descent to the ocean floor.

The ship was enveloped in a shroud of somber silence, with silent tears staining the faces of its occupants. For some, Dwayne had been their beacon of hope, a symbol of rescue; for his comrades, his loss was an irreparable blow; and for others, empathy flowed as they witnessed the collective grief. It was a poignant reminder of the countless lives that had been lost.

In these perilous years, death had become an unwelcome companion, a grim companion that never seemed to depart. Yet, each farewell, each loss, left them feeling despondent and shattered. It was as if the weight of sorrow and loss grew heavier with every farewell. But despite the overwhelming grief that permeated the ship, it wasn't the moment for mourning the fallen. Their survival was at stake, and in the absence of their leader, the mantle of leadership fell upon Aiden's shoulders. He stepped forward, resolute and determined, ready to guide the crew through these treacherous waters.

"Volunteers and their supervisors, as difficult as it may be to bid farewell to our comrades, we can't ignore the dire circumstances we find ourselves in," Aiden spoke, his voice trembling, his eyes moist with unshed tears. 

"We'll allow a brief pause to nourish ourselves and then proceed with the mission training as scheduled. Are there any questions?" He called out, his tone resolute, and received a unanimous chorus of "No" in response.

Everyone gathered in the hall where breakfast had already been prepared. The volunteers followed their supervisors, making their way into the dock, with Aiden trailing at the end of the group. He took a moment to gaze out at the sea one last time before shifting his attention to the others on the ship.

And there, standing near the railings, he spotted Leah. Her eyes were closed, and she held her head high while joining her palms in prayer. It didn't come as a surprise that she was seeking solace in prayer. Yet, it was evident that many others on the ship had given up on the act. Perhaps they were too traumatized or too overwhelmed by their circumstances to find the time to clasp their hands in prayerful request.

"Two bowls?" Jeff asked, his inquisitive gaze fixed on Aiden, who was carefully cradling two bowls brimming with oatmeal and two perfectly boiled sweet potatoes in each.

Realization dawned on Jeff, and he gave a knowing nod while whispering, "I see." The purpose behind Aiden's actions seemed clear to him. But just as clarity settled in, Aiden's next words sent him back into a state of puzzlement.

"Take another bowl to the chief, make sure he eats," Aiden instructed, and with that, he made his way towards the outer deck, leaving Jeff behind. 

A perplexed expression crept over Jeff's face as he pondered Aiden's words. He couldn't help but wonder if the extra bowl that Aiden was carrying was intended for the chief. In an effort to dispel his doubts, he shook his head and reached for another empty bowl.

Aiden spotted Leah, still lingering by the railing, her gaze fixed on the endless expanse of the cerulean sea. She appeared just as he remembered her, an air of contentment evident in her posture and the gentle curve of her face. 

With a resigned sigh, Aiden made his way towards her, stopping beside her with a small bowl in hand. He extended it towards her, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and fondness. Leah, however, seemed lost in her thoughts, her eyes only briefly flickering in his direction before a tender smile graced her lips.

"I don't feel hungry right now," she murmured, her voice as soft as the sea breeze but carrying an undeniable sense of warmth.

Aiden, not one to give up easily, couldn't help but playfully quip, "Well, the food has been prepared for everyone, and if you won't partake in your share, it'll go to waste. And you know me, trained as a military man, I just can't stand for that."

His words elicited a soft, musical chuckle from Leah, a sound that never failed to warm his heart. She finally reached out to accept the offered bowl of oatmeal, her eyes meeting his for a moment, silently conveying gratitude.

"Can I ask you something?" Aiden inquired softly, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. They sat on the weathered floorboards, side by side, gazing out at the endless expanse of the sea.

Leah's eyes crinkled into a warm smile. "You already did," she replied, her head tilting slightly in a gesture that conveyed her willingness to entertain his question.

Aiden hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words. "Were you praying?" he began, but the words caught in his throat, his voice trailing off into uncertainty.

Leah's nod was a gentle confirmation. "Yes," she said, her tone carrying the weight of a solemn truth. Her eyes, deep pools of contemplation, met his.

"We need it," Aiden continued, his gaze fixed on her as if she were an enigmatic puzzle he yearned to decipher. "The help from the higher-ups." His words hung in the air, a testament to the complexity of the human spirit in times of crisis.

Leah's gaze held steady, and her response was measured. "You know," she began, "people tend to remember the higher-ups only when they need something. Rarely do they think about them when they believe they have everything. It's only when fear seizes their hearts, as it does now, that they seek solace in prayer. And yet, there are those who turn away, claiming there's no higher power to turn to."

As they faced the vastness of the sea, the weight of the moment hung in the air, an unspoken acknowledgment of the myriad ways humanity grappled with faith and doubt in the face of adversity.

As the oatmeal sat cooling in the bowl, Aiden's gaze was fully fixed on Leah. He attentively listened to her words, though he found himself struggling to fully grasp their meaning.

Leah's eyes were distant, focused on the vast expanse of the sea before her. She spoke with a serene tone, her voice carrying a sense of contemplation. "Never have we asked why we were born," she began, her words hanging in the air like a gentle sea breeze. "Sure, we've questioned it within ourselves, but we've seldom ventured to inquire of the very source that granted us the breath of life."

Her gaze remained on the horizon, her expression pensive. She inhaled deeply, as if drawing in the wisdom of the boundless ocean. "So, I prayed," she continued, "I prayed that whatever purpose Dwayne had in mind, I hope it is fulfilled. You see, Aiden, we exist for a reason, a purpose. And as soon as that purpose is fulfilled, our breath is reclaimed from this temporary vessel."

Aiden couldn't help but be captivated by the depth of Leah's words. He pondered the profound meaning behind her thoughts, the sea serving as a backdrop to this unexpected contemplation on the purpose of existence. 

"So, what is your purpose?" Aiden inquired, a hint of curiosity lacing his words.

"To fill the bowls, as many bowls as I can," she replied, her words carrying a certain foreign cadence that pricked at Aiden's ears. "What?" he couldn't help but wonder. Bowls? Is she joking? He mused to himself, a perplexed expression playing on his face.

For a fleeting moment, he entertained the thought that she might be playing a jest on him. But the far-off gaze in her eyes and the solemn set of her countenance convinced him otherwise. She was far from someone delivering a mere quip; her purpose, it seemed, was anything but ordinary. If he had his phone at that very moment, Aiden would've eagerly punched in every word Leah spoke, dissecting her cryptic messages with fervent curiosity. But, alas, the technological world they once knew had ground to a halt, rendering their beloved devices impotent, save for emitting eerie sonic signals that only ships could decipher. It was a grim predicament, leaving Aiden feeling as if he were trapped in a technological prison, separated from the comforts and conveniences of his electronic companions.

As the signals ceased to emanate, rendering even the most rudimentary, data-free apps utterly useless, the disconnection from the digital realm became a bitter pill to swallow. Aiden longed to browse the internet, exchange messages, or simply check the time, but the void left by their silent devices was inescapable.

Leah, seemingly unfazed by the digital abyss, continued her enigmatic conversation. "You'll know," she affirmed, her gaze intense and unwavering. "There are people who don't want to know, but you are different. Your eyes are yearning for answers, yet your mind wages an internal battle."

Aiden's eyes widened, his thoughts racing as he contemplated Leah's words. Could she be a mind reader? The notion seemed implausible, yet he couldn't help but entertain the possibility.

Before he could delve further into his musings, a voice disrupted the moment. "Supervisor Aiden," the call rang out from behind him. It was Anton, a colleague and fellow member of their crew. He cast a curious glance at Aiden and Leah before delivering the news. "The chief is summoning you. It's time for the training," he stated matter-of-factly. Aiden nodded in response, his mind still awash with Leah's enigmatic words. 

Aiden trailed Anton as he finished his meal, his mind wrestling with a swarm of unanswered questions. He had left Leah out on the outer deck, but deep down, he knew they would be reunited soon enough. The chief had summoned him to take charge, alongside Victor and Jeff, to train the volunteers. They were all gearing up for the mission set to kick off tomorrow, and the chief himself might join them on the journey. 

Aiden's voice boomed with authority. The supervisors and volunteers gathered on the backside of the ship, their attention firmly fixed on him. His words carried a weight that matched the vastness of the ocean before them.

"Supervisors and volunteers, what we are going to discuss right now is very, very important. Whether you've cast a line in the deep blue or not, what lies ahead is a different kind of fishing altogether - commercial fishing," Aiden declared, his voice unwavering, like the unyielding sea beneath them.

He continued the anticipation in the air palpable, "For tomorrow's venture, we'll need the trawl that we meticulously fixed just yesterday, alongside the necessary safety gear and winches. Now, considering our unique circumstances, we might not be bound by all the usual rules and regulations. But let me make this clear, we are bound by certain guidelines. They're not there to tie us down, but to ensure that no one gets hurt."

A chorus of "Yes, sir" echoed from the attentive group, their faces reflecting determination, ready to take on the challenges of the open waters.

"Today, your supervisors will acquaint you with the guidelines and tools, so pay close attention to whatever your supervisor says," the command came crisply.

"Yes, sir," the volunteers replied in unison, displaying their eagerness to learn.

The group of volunteers scurried to their assigned supervisors, who were ready to guide them through the intricacies of their tasks. The supervisors took the time to introduce the necessary tools and demonstrate their proper usage. It all began with the basics, like winches, cables, and trawl doors, but comprehending the complexities proved to be a challenge at first. Nevertheless, with perseverance and dedication, the volunteers gradually gained a better understanding of the equipment, each grasping more confident than the last. 

"Now that we've familiarized ourselves with the tools and equipment, it's time to divvy up the responsibilities." Aiden, ever the organized leader, produced a clipboard with several papers neatly pinned to it. With a practiced air of authority, he began to call out the names of the supervisors and volunteers, along with their designated roles for the mission.

1. The Chief, along with his team members Levi and Rial, will take on the responsibility of Skipper. They will oversee the overall operation of the ship, which includes navigation.

2. Milo and his team, consisting of Paul and Reed, will handle the duties of the First Mate. They'll assist the captain in navigation, and also oversee the equipment and maintenance on board.

3. Charly and his team, composed of Rue and Kenny, will take on the role of Deck Boss. They're responsible for managing the deckhands, coordinating their tasks, and ensuring that all equipment is properly maintained and deployed.

4. Jeff and his team, which includes Anna and Ralph, along with Sargio and Joseph, will be the Trawl Masters. With more manpower, their primary responsibility is maintaining the trawl net, ensuring it's in good condition, and operating efficiently during trawling.

5. Hermes and his team members, Kwan and Steph, will serve as the Engineers. They'll be in charge of managing the ship's engine and machinery, making sure everything is in good working order.

6. Jilian and his team, consisting of Miss Martha and Levis, will be responsible for Fish Processing. They'll handle the processing of the catch, which includes gutting, sorting, and storing the fish properly.

7. Neo and his team, including Lanny and Trea, will operate the Sonar equipment. Their role is to monitor the sonar equipment and make adjustments to the trawling depth as needed.

8. Rob and his team, featuring Austin and Frank, will operate the Winch. They'll be in charge of deploying and retrieving the fishing net.

9. My team, which includes Anton, Rukbat, and Rey, will handle the Navigator duties. We'll manage the ship's navigation equipment and charts, ensuring that the vessel stays on course.

10. Victor and his team members, Jaden and Mal, will be the Deckhands. Their primary tasks include assisting with various responsibilities such as setting and retrieving the net and maintaining the deck.

Everyone unanimously agreed with the tasks assigned to them and resounded in unison, "Yes, sir!" Aiden cast his gaze upon the resolute faces of both supervisors and volunteers, a swell of pride surging within him. He held a glimmer of hope that perhaps the situation might improve from the next day onward.

"But, above all," he continued, "it's essential that we prioritize teamwork. Should anyone fall behind, we'll extend our hands to guide them alongside us. Together, we shall uplift one another and, just maybe, restore what's been lost, both within these walls and upon the land itself."

Aiden concluded his speech, and the assembly, once again, turned their attention towards the mission and the tasks that lay ahead.

As the day wound down once more, it was clear that the deep blue sky signaled the end of day 3. Tomorrow loomed as the most significant day for the entire crew. After the intensive training and thorough guidelines they'd received, everyone went their separate ways, returning to their respective decks, holding onto the hope of seeing another day on this mission.

Aiden, however, found himself unable to sleep. His gaze remained fixed on the ceiling above, while his five roommates slumbered soundly in their bunk beds. Leah's words continued to replay in his mind, and he grappled with the attempt to extract meaning from them. After all, he was just a regular baker and pastry chef. How was he expected to grasp these philosophical concepts?

Struggling to decode the significance behind Leah's words, Aiden gradually succumbed to the pull of sleep, his thoughts drifting into the realm of dreams.