Ben teleported directly towards Goku and tried to surprise him with a punch. Goku blocked the punch at a critical point and attempted a counter punch, but Ben teleported again. This time, Ben was successful in landing a punch. Ben went for another punch with teleportation, but Goku teleported at the moment when the punch was about to connect. Goku then countered with a punch to Ben.

Meanwhile, the fight between Ben and Goku created enough force to send a shockwave through the entire null void. Gwen, Kevin, Rook, and the Amalgam kids with rooters tried to reach the null void projector, but constant shockwaves were staggering the whole crew due to their proximity to the fight. However, with Gwen's Anodite form mana barrier, they managed to reach a null void projector and tried to return to the Plumber's headquarters.

Ben had difficulty landing a hit because of Goku's instant teleportation. Suddenly, both fighters stopped teleporting and charged at each other with full force. They collided punches with such impact that they destroyed the dimension barrier and created a temporary crack where they were fighting. Both fighters were launched into the real universe and landed on a barren planet in a different solar system.

Ben screamed in his mind about the situation that just occurred. Suddenly, Serena and Bellicus talked to Ben together, "Ben, whoever this guy is, we have no information on him." Ben replied, "What does that even mean? Do you guys even care about this?"

Both personalities replied, "That being does not belong to our creation. His race is completely unknown, and he possesses enough power to destroy this whole universe. You have to either take him down fast or bring him outside this universe."

Goku, on the barren planet, thought about teleportation first, then paused for a brief moment. He held his breath and tried to lie outside in the vacuum of space, slowly releasing his breath. He then thought to himself, "That guy was really telling the truth after using that card. But I think my Ki is using up a bit."

The next chapter will feature the finale between Goku and Alien X.