CHAPTER 8 :- Training at GALVAN PRIME (Part 1 )

After Ben leaves galvan prime Azmuth brings goku with himself in a chmber which is a gravity testing field and say's, " Goku from your memories provided by Starbeard it looks like you like to train under high gravity , I am setting gravity at 1000 for now train here for few hour and don't break anything ." Goku start his casual warm up inside the chamber . On other side azmuth was handling his casual work's and thinking on what he can teach Goku cause goku don't have ny academic knowledge he is more of practical than theory after thinking for some time , azmuth founds a way to teach something .

Azmuth strides into the gravity chamber and shuts off the extra gravity, interrupting Goku's push-ups.

"What's going on? Did something happen?" Goku asks.

Azmuth replies, "I have a proposal. The other three and I have agreed to train you individually, and I have devised an experiment that will allow us to use our power in a way that you have never experienced before."

Goku responds eagerly, "That sounds exciting! What's the plan? Will you teach me some new fighting techniques?"

Azmuth firmly stated, "I'm not going to teach you a new fighting style. Instead, I'll show you how to use your current powers in a new way. In your journey, survival is key, and you can't rely on fighting every time."

Goku realized Azmuth was right and accepted the experiment.

Azmuth then explained, "From what I know from your memories, Goku, your energy, or ki, is made up of three elements: Genki, Yuki, and Shoki." He went on to elaborate the following:

1. Genki primarily represents the physical aspects like vitality or durability, your Moro incident reveals that, somehow soul is also involved in it.

2. Yuki represents your mental and emotional capability, helps you resist mental abilities, and gives you a sudden boost based on your emotional status, primarily rage in your case.

3. Shoki represents the balance between all of your powers, helps you control it, and prevents it from leaking.

Azmuth concluded by stating, "Whenever you shoot your ki or give it a tangible form, it becomes a kind of plasma, different from usual, but similar to plasma."

Goku interrupts Azmuth and demands, "I understand nothing about this plasma you're talking about. Explain it to me."

Azmuth takes a deep breath and proceeds to explain what plasma is and the different types of matter. He explains that plasma contains various amounts of electrons and ions, and that if mastered, Goku could create different atoms and many other things using less energy and maximizing the outcome.

Goku still seems skeptical, and so Azmuth shows him small containers with various electrons and ions and asks him to sense the energy. Although Goku can sense a large amount of power sources, he can't sense the small energy coming from ions and electrons. He asks Azmuth what the point of sensing such tiny energy is.

Azmuth sternly responds, "Don't underestimate small things, Goku. This whole universe and multiverse are made up of these kinds of small things." He takes Goku to a different location and shows him isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239, and asks him to sense the energy within them. Goku struggles to sense them because they are so small, but he manages to sense them faintly. Azmuth then uses these elements to cause a mini atomic explosion, and Goku is surprised at how it happened.

Azmuth continues, "Plasma contains a lot of positive charge ions and negative charge electrons. You can master separating those two and controlling them, and create different atoms and many other things. You can also use less energy and maximize the outcome." Goku challenges Azmuth, "Why do you think I can control it?" Azmuth responds, "Because ki isn't made up of only plasma. It's made up of entirely different elements, and only this plasma part is scientific. You can easily control your ki projectile damage outcome and whom it should focus on without affecting the surrounding. So, are you up for it?" Goku smiles and gives a thumbs up. Azmuth then gives Goku a single electron so he can understand how much energy an electron holds. When he can sense it properly, he has to create a ki ball of the size of a tennis ball and remove all the electrons he can find inside it. Goku takes the electron container and goes back into the gravity chamber.

NEXT CHAPTER:- Is Goku gonna succeed in this training or he will give up ?