(PS: The scenario starts After Starbeard leaves GOKU at Anodyne)

Verdona greets Goku as he arrives and notes, "You have become stronger since we last met." Goku replies, "Yes, my focus has increased significantly after training with Azmuth and Starbeard. Can you teach me something to increase my focus further?" Verdona responds that she can teach him about inner focus rather than outer focus. Goku is confused and asks, "Didn't I focus ki inside during my last training? How much more inner focus do I need?" Verdona asks Goku if he remembers Azmuth's explanation about his ki's three elements. Goku nods, and Verdona elaborates that in his prior training, he mainly focused on gen ki and didn't give much value to his shoki and yuki. Goku wonders if anything will change if he also focuses on them and how he should do that. Verdona explains, "Remember the fighter you fought named Jiren? He always meditates to keep all of his ki elements in balance." Goku is amazed and asks, "But I am always able to defeat them at the end without refining my other elements." Verdona clarifies, "That's because you outgrow them in Genki, which elevates your other elements because they are all linked together. They're like unrefined ores whose value increases along with your Genki."

Verdona compares Goku's shoki and yuki to unrefined precious ore, stressing how there is a vast difference between unrefined and refined forms of it. The refined one serves a greater purpose than an unrefined chunk, no matter how big or precious it is. Verdona understands that Goku is not fully aware of the situation and says, "You learn more practically than just by listening. Follow me to the place where you will train for this week." After arriving in the room, Verdona instructs Goku, "I am going to show you how to focus on your other two elements. The main one you will focus on is Yuki, which acts as a bridge between your other two elements." Verdona sits in a meditative position, and Goku focuses on how she maintains and circulates her energy. After demonstrating, Verdona asks Goku to do it. Goku follows her instructions for hours, and after many hours, Verdona returns with food. Goku opens his eyes and prepares for his meal. He tells Verdona how he's feeling better after meditating, but she points out that he's still focusing more on Genki. Goku asks how he can focus solely on his other elements when all three are interdependent. Verdona replies, "Goku, you have to empty your cup before filling it again." Goku is confused, so she explains that he must empty all of his tangible gen ki before focusing on his intangible yuki and shoki, which are dependent on his emotions. Goku takes her advice and finishes his meal.

After finishing his meal, Goku assumed a meditative posture once again. This time, he released all of his Genki within the room and contained it within a dome shape using his Yoki. He then began deep meditation, recalling his unfinished training on the Yaddrat planet and incorporating Verdona's teachings. During his meditation, Goku discovered that his god ki was separate from his traditional ki elements and that it was still within him after removing excessive gen ki . He began to refine and polish it, alongside his Yoki to gain a better understanding of the uniqueness of his ki and God ki.

Next:- What new is Goku gonna discover?