Professor Paradox takes Goku with him to a time zone, where one can observe all timelines and their branches along with forming of every paradox.

"What is this place?" Goku asks in amazement. Paradox explains, "This is a place where you can observe everything in creation." When Goku asks why Paradox took time, unlike others, the professor asks, "First, answer me this, Goku. What do you understand by the word 'time'?" Paradox then leads Goku to a place in the mysterious realm. "All I know is time flows because of day and night, and in more detail, hours, minutes, days, and years pass because of time," Goku replies while counting his fingers.

After reaching their destination, Paradox says, "I expected this type of answer from you. Complex living beings' brains are equipped to keep track of time. They have suprachiasmatic nuclei in their brain, which is the region responsible for your body's circadian rhythms. Your brain's amygdala region is responsible for your perception of time, based on which your previous answer is based. That's not time; that's a viewpoint on time you are told from the beginning."

Goku asks with a doubtful face, "Can you explain what this amygdala and circadian rhythm is? Are we going to keep levitating here? And then what is time?" Paradox begins to answer Goku's questions.

1. "Yes, we have to levitate here."

2. "The amygdala is the region of the brain that makes memories."

3. "Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond primarily to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. There are four types, but I don't think it's worth knowing right now."

4. "Now, time is the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. It's the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage."

Goku asks with an attentive expression, "Then what's time for you, Professor?" Professor answers, "To me, memory formation is the basis of my time's perception." Professor shows Goku the moment when he was sucked into the event horizon of the black hole he created back then and starts narrating, "After this event, all of my senses become insane until I gained my sanity back. Even I don't know how long it took. After I got it back, I studied time. It's this place where I can feel time way better, and all events and journeys in these countless timelines become a storybook for me."

Goku starts clapping, and Professor further says, "Then you burst onto the scene like a burst of confetti, a unique and unrepeatable spark in the grand universe of possibilities. You may only exist in this one timeline, but that just makes your presence all the more special and delightful."

Goku asks, "Are you confirming that this whole time? That's why you're three days late." Professor replies, "You guessed it right, looks like we've talked enough. It's time to start training." Goku asks, "What do I have to do? Am I going to learn time power?"

"Technically, yes, but you have to create your time power," Professor replies. "How am I going to accomplish that?" Goku asks. Professor Paradox explains, "Goku, your energy, which you possess in the form of ki, is stronger than the energy that existed in the time stream, but not that effective. For example, assume your ki is a straight line, a very strong one, and time energy is a bit weaker but has a complicated structure that serves more purposes. When you're off guard, you can only feel the disturbance in time but can't immediately react or act to it. But when you are up on your guard, that strong wall of the line stands between you and the disturbance in time. This has two problems: first, you have to up your guard every time, which you don't do. Second, you use excess ki to block the incoming time-related attack."

Goku asks, "So how am I going to create my time power?" Professor smiles and replies, "Mimic the pattern of time energy the way you did during your training with Azmuth. That's why I bring you here, where you're completely exposed to time and timelines to feel it. Your task is simple. You have to make this half-bitten apple back to its previous state." Professor Paradox gives the apple to him and asks for the box. He gets a bit shocked because the timer on the box is still happening in a place where it shouldn't and takes the box with him. Goku stops Professor Paradox and asks, "Any tips?" Professor replies, "First, try to change your view on time. Second, be careful with your energy; it can mess with timelines here."

Next Chapter: How will Goku learn time?