Professor Paradox arrives at the location where he left Goku to train, only to witness a giant sphere of planet size. The sphere is entirely red, and as Professor tries to approach it, he gets shocked. He comments, "This sphere exists here, but it's completely separate from this place's existence, like a ball levitating upon a paper. What have you achieved now, Goku?" Professor tries to enter the sphere, but he yields no success. There seems to be a border around it, which is put at an infinite distance around it.

The Professor tries to call Goku, and after a few attempts, a small entrance occurs on the sphere. "Finally, what took you so long," Professor comments while entering. After entering, Professor realizes that his time power is not working properly. He sees three mini black holes, a brain, and an apple floating at the end of the entrance. In that instance, Goku appears, reconstructing himself first with his bones, then organs, then muscles, and finally, skin. Out of three black holes, two start floating on Goku in both hands and the last one at his nape.

Goku tells Professor while approaching him, "Here's your apple. I don't know exactly what I created, but I think I have done the job." Professor takes the apple and replies, "I think you have done more than what I asked. Care to explain what you did?" Goku starts explaining what happened. He tried to use his God ki to understand things better, but the results were not good enough, so he tried to increase his God ki level by retrieving the rest of his power. He failed in it after a few tries and decided to step into the place where his God ki was locked.

He shielded himself before entering and found that his God ki was merged with the stars called a quasar. If he tried to retrieve it, the information would come alongside. There, he noticed three small orbs that contained the black holes that had been destroyed previously. He took them and fixed them first and used them to maintain the information contained in his God ki. It also helped him understand the information contained in this realm, and the rest is what we see now. After explaining, Goku goes back into his base form, and the red sphere disappears. Professor can now use his powers correctly and replies, "So, in summary, you used your God ki to understand the complex pattern of time's energy. Then, to use your God ki without hindrance, you used black holes that got destroyed previously and used them to store the information and create your time power. You tried to understand this whole realm's power, so you're saying that I am standing on a miniature Timeline that is empty. But black holes, after destruction, lose completely. How did you fix them? And is this the limit of this field?"

Goku answers, "At first, I was confused, but then I remembered that Azmuth said to make a black hole, you need to compress matter. So I did the same. I created three heavy matters and put each of them in the center of the sphere. Then I started creating more matter, keeping the first one as a center. After creating a few of them, I started compressing them and creating a new black hole. After some time using them, they became like this. They take care of information, and I make sure they don't collapse like before. The two black holes in my hand help me keep control of size from the outside and space inside. I don't know how big it can reach."

Professor Paradox comments, "I never thought something like this could happen." The professor wanted to say something, but he stopped in a worried position because something happened in the prime timeline. Professor takes Goku with him and reaches the point when Ben traps Maltruant in a time loop and finds another Maltruant who comes and kills Ben and Rook.

"This shouldn't be possible. The time loop was perfect. How could there be another Maltruant?" Professor comments with a scared expression. Goku asks, "Professor, we have to go back in time and save them." The Professor replies, "No, we have to find out why and how Maltruant broke the time loop."

Both go to the time zone to witness what happened and get shocked by a third timeline existing between the previous two timelines. "Wait, why is there a third one? Does a timeline create that frequently?" Goku asks. Professor replies, "He bested me. What happened was due to a new parallel timeline. The time loop on it also got doubled, and somehow it clashed, through which a new third Maltruant was born. Due to that, a new timeline is created where things twist and go according to him, and this one doesn't have any Ben 10 to stop him. And now he has a whole timeline with everything he needs to cause chaos in the whole multiverse."

Goku asks, "But why is a third timeline created?" Professor answers, "To maintain the original timeline. When you crash in the main timeline, your existence creates a different timeline to maintain the prime timeline. But Maltruant right now killed prime timeline Ben, which will create one more timeline to maintain the prime timeline, and this cycle will keep happening if we don't destroy the third one." Goku asks, "So how do we destroy it?"

Professor replies, "Not we but you. This all happened because of your arrival. Now you have to go to the beginning of that timeline, cover the whole universe into your time field, and destroy it. If we destroy that beginning, all of the rest will crumble on its own." Goku stretches out his body and asks, "Are you sure that will work?"

"It will work because even I am not able to use my time power inside your field, which means your time field is disabled and it is completely separated from normal time flow. We have this one shot." Goku before going asks, "What if we fail? Or after destroying it happens again?"

"We have the whole Alien X race for backup. They are immune to timeline effects due to their existence in the world of Forge." Goku teleports and stops Maltruant from entering his annihilarrgh and tosses Maltruant away. Maltruant looks at Goku and comments, "You're not Ben nor Professor Paradox. Who are you? How did you come here?"

Goku replies, "I am Son Goku came to destroy you before you create chaos in the future." "A new name I have never heard. But with your tone, it looks like I am succeeding in my plans, brilliantly. So why? That Professor sends you instead of his favorite Ben 10. And you know the future already happened, my fate is written as a victor, the ruler of this timeline. I have to try for uncountable times to reassemble myself on my own, getting out of that hideous time loop. You're not gonna stop me from gaining my future," Maltruant shoots his chronokinesis beam.

Goku takes Maltruant's beam head-on, completely unfazed, and replies, "That's why I came to destroy this whole timeline." Goku goes into SSG God form, and two black holes appear on his hand. One appears at his nape, and he creates his time field and covers the whole universe. This action of Goku attracts Contemelia to the ship. They rush to the scene and see Goku knocking out Maltruant and dismantling him. They ask Goku who he is.

Goku looks at them and says, "Wow what are you, people? You all look like living energy beings similar to those Anodites, but you folks feel way stronger than those folks." Contemelia present at the situation is shocked due to how the guy in front of him can see their true form. After that, Goku explains everything to them.

"That's a sad thing, looks like we have to die also. But why are you not erasing the whole timeline and erasing only this part? Because according to you, if you destroy this part, this timeline will crumble down, but that can also cause problems, so why take the risk?" Goku gets shocked, "How am I gonna destroy the whole timeline?" Contemelia asks, "How did you get your time power? Because to us, it seems you have more than enough to destroy this whole timeline."

Goku explains how he receives his power. Then one of the Contemelia gives Goku a device and asks him to use his time power on it. Goku uses it, and the device disappears, and all of them get confused. Goku says, "Hey I swear I turned that thing to the past." Then the guy who created the device goes to the place where he created the device and sees it disassembled in the same manner before he started creating it. Contemelia asks Goku how he used his time travel.

Goku replies, "Professor asked me to change my view on time, so I did that, and as the professor said, things happening in a time is an events. So, I try to send things in the past before the event happened, which caused them to reach the present state. As I did with that apple when I opened my eyes after gaining most of God ki, this field already existed there, and the apple was completely fine like a new one. So, I first ate it and then sent the apple to the condition before the event happened when I ate the apple. I repeated it so many times because I was hungry at that time."

Contemelia replies, "We never saw anything like this, Goku, you're gonna destroy this world so before doing it, how about doing research with us, this will help us both." Goku replies, "I think I can maintain this field for a long period, but we have to lock up that dude first." They lock up Maltruant and conduct various experiments, and they try to use Goku's ability slowly. After 8 hours, they completed their experiment.

All of the Contemelia replies, "We never saw this kind of concept before." So to start with, Goku, to understand your time ability, you have to understand your viewpoint of time. You right now think everything happens in a life or timeline as an event like how I created my device. What you do is you can reverse the device at any moment within the whole journey of that device being created.

You can, along with sending it back, also bring it back to its state; it will be going to experience. Goku asks, "I am having a bit of trouble understanding all this."

"I have a suggestion," said one of the Contemelia. "You can take an event or journey of something or someone into a video and split it into frames of any duration that you prefer. Then, you can manipulate the objects or beings in those frames. For example, You can take a 30-year-old bird's life as an event or journey then send it back to when it was 5 years old, or send the 5-year-old bird directly to its 30-year-old self."

Goku was intrigued and asked, "So, can I send that robot guy back in time before he assembled himself, without disrupting the timeline?"

The Contemelia looked at each other and replied, "There are some restrictions or drawbacks, so we don't think that's possible."

First, you have to select whose journey or which object's journey you want to manipulate. SECOND which kind of time frame you're selecting that will affect your ki consumption? Third, let's take the previous example if you send a 30-year-old bird to its past self it will keep all of his memory only his condition will change and even if you send the 5-year-old one into his future 30-year self he is not gonna have any of the extra memories basically it will be similar to a baby mind in an adult body. And I don't think right now you can send someone into the future from the moment where you're present ." Goku understands and replies," So if I send that robot in the past he gonna have all knowledge about my ambush and can prepare for it ."

" Not only that even your time field which is an empty timeline has already started devouring this timeline. " Contemelia shows Goku an outside view of how the whole area is slowly vanishing and further replies," THIS ship and we are not gonna hold that long also, Goku before you ask let us answer you the thing you called time field is an artificial timeline which can grow and reach infinite distance and can devour this whole timeline that's why even when your time field is inside time zone it isn't existing there instead a small void is surrounding it and inside this field, other beings time-related powers don't work . "

"But the timeline is so big in length and mine just barely covers this whole area which is around universe size. " Comtemelia replies," Cause you're limiting it so you can control. You yourself lack control over this skill's true potential. You are afraid of what will happen if this thing goes out of control but there's a way ." All three Contemelia help Goku to connect with the blackholes he has and replies," There you go now you can use your one blackhole to keep track of how far you're artificial timeline would extend and the other hand one to control it like giving a command of on and off. " Goku takes some step forward," Are you guys sure my ki can spread that far? " All three replies," In this linear timeline yes basically cause right now you're at the beginning. And this field or you can say timeline doesn't feed on your ki. You're KI's purpose is to give you control over it. " Goku comments," You guys can leave this place why you guys are not leaving." They reply," We already exist in parallel timelines and all this also happens cause we didn't stop that guy. It's a nice thing meeting with you we get to witness a new way of time-related power. " Goku bids his farewell and does what Contemelia suggested, he lets his time field grow without restriction, and within an instant, the whole third timeline gets devoured and erased from existence, and the moment it happens Goku closes his time field. Closing the field this time is taxing for Goku mentally and he starts to float in the nothingness he created just now. Professor comes flying on a skateboard and takes Goku with him. "You okay there?" Professor asks Goku. Goku replies," I think I am okay for now I guess."

"I told you to destroy a part you completely erased the timeline on your own. You didn't give me rest from the moment you arrived in this world. " After that, both started laughing.