After helping Ben with spreading parts of Maltruant, Goku goes to Professor Paradox. There, Professor teaches Goku about creating a time loop. Goku and Professor then return to Earth with only two hours left before Goku goes to another universe. Surprisingly, everyone comes to greet Goku one last time and prepares a meal for him.

Ben looks at Goku and says, "It would have been great if you stayed for a bit longer. I planned to go on a journey in the universe." Goku replies, "Good luck on your journey. It's too bad I can't accompany you on this exploration." Ben then transforms into a Saiyan and asks, "Can you tell me what form this is? I feel like I have become powerful, but my hair hasn't changed." Goku answers, "This is similar to my son's mystic form. I think your potential unlocked when you absorbed that annihilarrgh. Don't worry, it's a good form."

After finishing the meal, Starbeard approaches Goku and gives him a gift, a wristband he created that blocks his overall ki and battle prowess. Goku takes the shiny black wristband and says, "Amazing! This wristband looks like it's made of crystal, but it feels similar to my wristband, and it's also heavier than the one I use." Starbeard replies, "Yes, these wristbands can increase in weight according to your need. There's no level cap for that, and you can adjust how much percentage of your actual power you want to use. In default, you will be able to use only 20% of your full power." Goku replies, "I needed something like this because of how my ki boosted and how dangerous my new skills are. With a low energy cap, I can control them much better until I can handle them perfectly."

After Starbeard, Azmuth approaches Goku and asks him to help in his last experiment. Goku agrees, and Azmuth climbs on Goku's shoulder to inject something into his neck. Goku screams and asks, "Ouch! What are you doing buddy, and why do you have a needle?" Azmuth laughs and replies, "Seriously, Goku? You are capable of fighting gods and scared of just a needle? I put a microchip inside your brain that will fuse with your ki and create a version of me inside your head. You can say I put an avatar of me inside your head." Goku asks, "Why? How?" Azmuth says, "I have to take Miss Verdona's help here to create a digital subconscious copy of me that can blend with your ki and become indistinguishable. Don't worry; you still have control of your body. My copy will just live inside your head." Goku says okay but why? Azmuth replies, "Curiosity. Your brain right now holds a type of knowledge that piqued my interest. Then, visiting multiple creations and exploring them. And I hope you didn't forget that in your next journey, you have to figure out what you have to do, so I can help you there in social interaction because your brain only works during battle." Goku asks, "Umm, so why am I not hearing anything in my brain?" Azmuth replies, "It will work when you leave."

After that, Goku approaches Verdona and hands over a sack full of apples, saying, "Here, as I promised you, and thanks for helping me out." Verdona accepts the gift and replies, "Thanks for this; it will help a lot. And a last piece of advice: you have to learn how to exist in the real world and inside your mind at the same time. It will help you a lot."

After this, Ben transforms into a Saiyan and tries to sneak a punch on Goku. Goku catches it, saying, "Not so fast." Ben looks like he has failed to punch Goku until the last moment. Both heroes laugh, and Goku bids his last farewell. The box appears above Goku, and its timer reaches zero, and Goku vanishes in front of everyone. Ben comments, "I am going to miss him." Professor Paradox comments, "We all are going to miss him."


On the other hand, Goku lands in a city and starts looking around suddenly he listens,

[ Azmuth : Goku can you hear me . ]

Goku looks here and there.

[Azmuth: Fool I am inside your head . Looks like experiment succeed]

Goku comments looks like my journey wouldn't gonna be lonely feom now on.

[Azmuth: Indeed but first try to find a place to stay and food in this gloomy city . I have a endless space to live and no tension for food . But I don't think you have same privilege]

Goku replies ,"Indeed let's figure out food first. "