Goku devours hamburgers and ponders to himself, "The food here is delicious, but I seem to have run out of money. Azmuth, do you have any solution?"

[Azmuth responds, "Why didn't you think of this before? Create a few gold bars, follow my instructions during payment, and don't forget to grab some newspapers." ]

Goku proceeds to make the payment and the cashier greets him with an annoyed look, "Finally decided to pay up, huh? I hope you can afford what you've eaten."

Goku demands to speak to the manager, "I want to discuss payment with the manager, please call them." The manager arrives and asks impatiently, "You better not be wasting my time, young man."

Goku retorts, "I'm not young, and I've come from a faraway country. Here's a gold bar as a payment, I hope it's enough." The manager inspects the gold bar and agrees to the deal. Goku hands over the gold bar, grabs the newspaper, and dashes out of the cafe.

As he leaves, the cashier questions the manager, "He left in a hurry, are you sure this bar is authentic?" The manager replies, "It's authentic, but it's illegal. That's why he left in a hurry."

Goku wonders why Azmuth advised him to leave the cafe in haste, "Why did you tell me to leave so quickly?"

[Azmuth responds firmly, "The gold bar we created is illegal, so it's best to leave before any further discussion. Now, find a park and read the newspaper. We can gather some information about this area." ]

Goku heeds Azmuth's advice and finds a park to read the newspaper. After finishing it, he asks, "What did you learn from this, Azmuth?"

[Azmuth replies, "The heroes in this world are divided into two factions. One is trying to take over the Earth and control everything, while the other is attempting to take down the first group. It's challenging to pick a side because both parties seem justified in their respective positions. We don't know what events led to this." ]

Goku suggests, "I can use my time power to see all the past events that took place on Earth. Then, we can decide which side to join." He creates a shield around himself, brings out his mini black holes, and uses his time power to see all past events and tragedies. After reviewing everything, Goku concludes, "I think we know which side to choose."

[Azmuth reminds him, "Remember, Goku, don't reveal all your power. Only show what is necessary and conceal everything else. This is an unfamiliar territory, and let me handle the conversation." ]

Goku retorts confidently, "I am aware of that. I'm not that naive."

[Azmuth instructs him, "Now, start searching for our new team members." ]

Goku starts sensing and replies with conviction, "I have found them. Let's go."