Multiple events happened after the rescue of Catwoman. Selina withdraws herself from this ongoing fight, and a new clone of Superman named Bizzaro appears, few deaths here and there, and right now a fight is going on between Superman, Bizzaro, and a mind-controlled Doomsday. Things are going according to what Lex planned a simple plan to end the regime and frame it as an accident but he hesitates and lets Superman survive the battle and shifts to Bizzaro vs Doomsday.

Suddenly Doomsday stops fighting grabs his head and starts screaming with all his might.

"Lex, what's happening is everything under your control? " Superman asks while watching Doomsday screaming like he is in pain. Lex replies," Don't know it looks like my grip on his mind getting weaker constantly."

Superman understands something bad is gonna happen he quickly flies to outer space to instantly heal himself. While on the ground Bizzaro is confused and tries to approach doomsday. Doomsday stops screaming and slams on icy ground shattering the entire ground and jumps at Bizzaro punching Bizzaro hard enough to skip a kilometre then he changes his target to FLASH. Flash starts dodging the beast and asks, "Lex you said your mind control tech is perfect so what's happening now? " Lex replies," Doomsday is out of my control, and no matter what I am unable to establish the link again."

Superman comes at full speed and punches out doomsday but Doomsday withstands the impact and tries to counterattack which he fails in response Superman punches doomsday into the sky and starts punching him continuously every punch is heavier than the previous one but after a few punches Doomsday strikes back with a heavy punch sending Superman away propelling himself in the opposite direction and lands in a city while Superman adjust his balance and goes with a full strike on doomsday making a crater and causes earthquake at small range and starts delivering one after another punches.

Outside Flash and other's are evacuating people away from the fight. Bizzaro also gains back his consciousness and understands that the thing he was battling is strong and he also mimics Superman and goes into outer space," Bizzaro feels strong, Bizzaro now kills the monster. " Bizzaro after charging up a bit proceeds to join the brawl.

In Crater Superman is constantly trying to knock out doomsday by delivering each punch heavier than before but Doomsday is now unaffected by Superman's blows and delivers a swift kick which throws SUPERMAN away before Doomsday does anything else Bizzaro joins the brawl and starts battling against the unchained beast and soon his charged up power starts to lose it's shine. Then both Superman and Bizzaro try to fight the Doomsday but the best they're able to do is push him away.

The fight that's only limited to a crater now starts reaching city after city with Doomsday punching Superman and Bizzaro into different cities hunting them down and destroying buildings. League is trying its best to save and evacuate the people in every affected city.

Batman and his team see the thing's happening via screen's in their base and Goku rushes out to join the fight. Flash saw a building a few meters distance from falling but he was already carrying multiple people but good for him Goku arrives and catches the building and asks Flash," Where we are putting them ?" Flash show's Goku the location after dropping the building safely Goku joins the battle.

In the battle between the trio Superman and Bizzaro are losing stamina and strength with every passing moment and Superman understands gonna need sundip to harm the current doomsday but the opportunity is nowhere to be seen in the battle until Goku joins the fight and starts holding down Doomsday with his skills Superman seize the opportunity and goes for a quick sundip and deals a heavy blow on doomsday. For a moment it looks like the beast is down but next instance Doomsday stands up and gives an upward punch to Superman. Superman somehow defends himself and communicates to Lex," Lex what is happening with doomsday nothing is working against him ."

Lex replies," I know that's why I am sending Flash with a special sleeping gas I developed to neutralize beings like doomsday ."

On the ground, Goku uses ki blast for range damage and engages with doomsday with Bizzaro. Bizzaro is unable to do any significant damage but Goku can keep the beast from causing further destruction.

Flash also reaches the battleground. Superman launches his heat vision on Doomsday to keep him busy, Flash tells Goku to fall back and put the smoke grenade in front of doomsday and escapes out.

Gas does it's work and looks like this time Doomsday is down. Superman comes down and yells at Flash," Why did you tell him to fall back you could put both of them to sleep with that chance. " Flash replies, "They're helping us with this monstrosity ."

Superman replies," And they're with Batman he is the reason Batman is still going against me ."

Goku interrupts," You know I am here and can listen to everything ." Superman replies, "So what and who are you anyway? " Goku replies, "Me I am someone like you from a different universe alien get his home planet destroyed and sent to Earth raised by humans to protect the Earth. " Superman comments," So why are you here got kicked out of your universe or here to take my position with Batman?" Goku before even replying to anything suddenly notices something and other's also notice it DOOMSDAY is waking up again and now looking towards the sky starts screaming heavily like a king of beasts declaring his presence and shooting heat vision clearing out the whole sky. Goku notices Doomsday has grown stronger and now also has Ki and realizes alongside Azmuth Doomsday is adapting to whatever they're throwing at him and becoming stronger in the process. Flash, Bizzaro, and Superman engage in the fight again but this time it's not going well in their favor. Goku talks to Azmuth," Looks like either I have to remove my limiters or have to transform and take him out fast but it's unknown how he is adapting to our attacks have any suggestions buddy."

[ Azmuth replies," I think he is adapting mid-combat at the amount of information his body is receiving by everyone's attacks. You have to kill him faster than his body adapts according to the information he gains or you can try the new stuff I am creating right now."]

Goku asks," You created a new attack for me."

[Azmuth answers," It's not an attack but a technique it will be mentally taxing a bit you can try if you're up for the challenge."]

Goku agrees to Azmuth's proposal. Superman notices his attacks are not working so he leaves the battlefield to gain a good sundip of few minutes. Goku tells Flash and Bizzaro to hold the doomsday for a second and closes his eyes in a calm meditating pose. Doomsday slams on the ground disrupting the surroundings and taking out Flash for a moment and gives a blow heavy enough to break Bizzaro's arm and send him in comatose and before he can do any further damage Goku catches Doomsday's Punch," That's enough" and gives a heavy blow without holding back and follows the momentum and starts delivering punch after punch, Doomsday is unable to counterattack and adapting to incoming blows. Goku quickly throws Doomsday in mid-air charges up and launches a Kamehameha but with high angular momentum it pierces through doomsday like a hit knife to butter and gives a more ki push to increase the diameter of the beam which evaporates doomsday entirely with nothing left of it existence. Goku powers down and gets a headache. Superman comes down a witnesses everything is over already and tries to capture Goku but Flash intervenes," That clone of yours is more important right now if you wanna prove your innocence to the public, let him rest he just helped us finish that thing ."

Before the conversation can go any further Batman appears with Batmobile and also a crowd of people. "If you guy's allow me I have to pick my team member," Batman tells while helping Goku to sit inside the Batmobile.

Superman speaks," And why do you think I am gonna let you go away from here ?" Batman replies," Same way you let me come and pick my friend here and he just helped you guy's to defeat doomsday." Superman comments," Bruce, are you trying to be funny right now? I thought with time passed you would start to see thing's in my way but you find yourself an another copy of myself from a different world to become your new hope someone who works under your command like a puppy. "

Suddenly someone from the crowd starts commenting," What happened feeling insecure that at least this new hope still has humanity, unlike someone who runs away in the middle of a fight ." Superman looks at the man and replies," Leaving the fight I was gone to get the solar boost to finish doomsday in one go and your new hope didn't even dare to enter the fight when doomsday wakes up again." Batman replies," So from whose side this monster came? Who released it? And what are you gonna say about this ?" Batman pushes a button and all functioning screens around the world start showing Superman killing hundreds of people underground. " Superman furiously yells at Batman," Those guy's were chanting for Joker they're idolizing the murderer who killed my family, my city ." Batman replies," Say whatever you wanna say but the truth is you become hope that we lost now you're just a ruler who will kill anyone he displeases you or go against you ." Superman replies," If I am really what you described me then you wouldn't stand here to talk to me like that I would end this whole drama in a moment long ago ."

Batman looks straight into Superman's eyes and says," Yes let's end this drama once and for all in a single fight You vs my guy a gladiator match next week between a hope that lost it's path versus a hope that came from a different path. Hope of past vs Hope of present. " Superman with a furious face replies," Fine if that's what you want then so be it. Don't hide back again in your little cave this time If I win you are leaving this world forever if you win you are free to do whatever you want with the regime. " After this Superman picks up Bizzaro and goes back to hand him over to Luthor, Batman returns to his base.

Everyone on the planet starts to talk about the fight and draw out predictions.