On Earth, Bruce says," Goku is dragging out the battle a lot. If this continues, he will lose stamina first ." Selena," What if he has unlimited stamina? Great, now it looks like he listened to your prayers and finally chasing Superman in outer space." Harley Quinn comments," Umm guy's why he is taking Superman near the sun isn't he should do opposite and now we can't see them anymore ." Bruce, "Give me a minute I am trying to adjust the system to show us what's happening."

The Portal opens, and Dr. Fate appears," Let me do the honor," and casts magic which allows them to see what's happening between Superman and Goku. "I thought you were in no condition to use magic," Bruce asks. Fate replies," I am not in a condition of heavy magic, but this much is still doable ." Harley starts commenting," Oh boy, looks like someone is cooking Superman on Sun; now I am feeling bad for Supe a bit."

On the watchtower, Lex adjusted the screens to project what was happening in a fight with the help of Cyborg. " This is madness; he is not trying to kill Clark but his spirit. I am going to interfere," Diana comments and goes to pick up her sword. Lex stops Diana," I think you should not go; if you go and interfere, Superman wouldn't be happy about that, and I think Clark is doing his best to overcome the situation he is in, similar to how he always did. Just trust him. " Diana listened to Luthor and decided not to interfere. "Goku finish the fight quickly, "Luthor speaks in his mind.

With Superman breaking his limits and pushing back Goku so far, Diana comments, "You're right, Luthor, Clark will find his way eventually. I am ashamed I can't believe in him like you ." Luthor nods his head and thinks in his mind," What the hell, now what Clark did in the sun looks like I have to be ready for plan B the moment Bruce signals. "

In outer space, Superman looks towards Goku and uses his heat vision; Goku quickly stands up and blocks the beam with his hands. Vision's intensity was so hot it started melting a few 100 meters of land around Goku, Superman increases his vision's power resulting in the melting of Venus's surface around 6000 m

when Superman stops, Goku looks around himself and can see the core of Venus," Ok, now things are really serious ."

[Azmuth, "The ONLY thing that is not serious is your childish behavior you're barely limiting yourself to 20 percent of your capabilities and even not using them properly."]

Goku replies, "I just wanna take down him in this state, and don't worry, I am gonna use my 20 percent seriously ."

Superman, after using heat, takes a moment to cool down his retinas and dash towards Goku, who is still talking to himself. Sensing the incoming Superman, Goku instantly puts up his guard and counterattacks, but it doesn't hurt Superman much, and he answers with a solid punch which throws Goku a few meters and tries to chain attack, which Goku parries in mid-air and returns some punches.

Superman tries to punch Goku's face which Goku blocks with both of his hands in response Superman grabs Goku's both hands and throat and flies with superspeed and crashes him into the moon making a crater," Now I see how strong you are, I did thought you're not going all out from the beginning but now you are using all you have when things have gotten out of your hands." Goku, before Superman could finish his line's, puts his legs on his abdomen and does a Kamehameha from his feet," Phew! His choking was painful and burned, although it didn't feel like I was losing any air from my lungs. "

[ Azmuth," Goku, isn't your body can work in even the thinnest atmosphere of the mesosphere, and that skill of yours uses ki to replace the functions provided by lungs when you're out of the atmosphere.]

Goku replies," Oh yes, that's why I didn't feel any problem with my breathing."

Before Goku can think of anything else, Superman comes back with a punch, but Goku quickly raises his left hand, blocks it, and tries to punch back, which Superman catches and tries to give a kick, which gets stopped by a shield. Goku then falls back while shooting multiple ki blasts. Superman follows up, tanking all ki blasts, and both contestants end up doing fist clashes. While Goku is trying to strike accurately with a style that penetrated Superman's defense previously, but now, instead of a canon attack, Superman's punches feel like magma rocks that are sturdier than a cannonball and hot enough to cause heat waves capable of melting the surrounding. In retaliation, Goku finally uses ki to cover his punches, granting his fists to match his opponent. Superman, realizing it, gives a heavy punch whose clash was capable enough to throw back both fighters. Where Superman just pushed backward, Goku maintains his posture.

"I have to end this fight as soon as possible and have to find a way before this guy also surpasses me", Superman says to himself and flies towards Goku. "Not again is this guy only knows dashing forward ", Goku comments while ready to catch Superman, but Superman upon closing the distance punches the ground which makes Goku lose posture for that moment Superman takes advantage of it grabs Goku by leg, and delivers a heavy blow on the knee and then grabs Goku by face and start dragging him on the surface of the moon and then throw him on asteroid belts. Goku crashed on a few asteroids, while Superman, not giving Goku any moment for rest, grabbed asteroids and slammed them on Goku. Goku broke the asteroids with casual taps, but Superman emerges from the rubble, grabbed by the throat, and tries to punch the face.

Goku grabs Superman's incoming punch twists his hand and with a kick separates himself from Superman's clutches, and tries to attack him back in his defense Superman uses his heat vision which melts out all asteroids in the vicinity while fixing his hand, but Goku comes through the heat vision and start giving combos to Superman which Superman tries to dodge out by using heat vision and freeze breath, but Goku dodges all the incoming threats and breaks off Superman's bones in process and throws him back on moon. " He did, which I feared even after becoming this strong. He matched up to me; what did he do ?" Goku starts charging his Kamehameha and launches it towards Superman. After seeing the incoming attack, Superman flies up and tries to block it, then suddenly goes along with the beam and uses its push to give him a boost in speed to fly back at the Sun. After reaching it, he starts absorbing its radiation.

"Again, how many times did he gonna do this ?" Goku tells to Azmuth.

[Azmuth," You said the same during his dash attack and he broke your leg ."]

Goku comments," Point noted, " and flies towards Superman. Superman in the sun core, after absorbing its energy even further, reaches a point where his body becomes a bit bulky and senses incoming Goku and flies towards him and gives him punches so hard that even after blocking it, Goku crashes into Jupiter.

The crash is strong enough to erase half of Jupiter's atmosphere when Goku enters it Superman not giving Goku any chance starts overpowering Goku and starts saying, "You are not suitable to be someone this world should rely on, it should be me I am the only one whom this world only Superman can save them ."

Both contestants fought till they reached Uranus Superman slams Goku on Uranus and starts heat vision him and uses a solar flare with heat vision and deals a deadly blow and starts thinking, " The trick worked using solar flare in half of its capacity, I managed to keep me awake and looks like he also survived let's finish this fight now. "

Superman gets ready for Goku, but suddenly, he feels someone behind him. The moment he looks backward, Goku punches Superman in the face, and the punch slams the hero on the ground," This is for aiming my face all the time ." Superman looks towards Goku and realizes his change in hair color along with his aura. Goku says," You keep talking about Superman, sorry I don't have Superman," Goku closes the distance and punches Superman into Saturn," I hope you liked my super saiyan ."

[Azmuth tells Goku," What kind of hypocrisy is this? You said you wouldn't use your power above 20 percent; then you used Kai O Ken, and now Super Saiyan. " ]

Goku replies," But I kept my base power level at 20 percent, and I also took the fight seriously ."

[Azmuth replies," Super Saiyan is a 50 times increase, and you kept your power at 20 percent, which multiplied makes the current you more than the full power of your base form. So you had a problem using your full base power but not this.]

Goku interrupts Azmuth," I have a fight to finish bye "

Goku reaches Superman," What're you thinking going back in the sun again for another boost? You know your body is reaching its limits anymore will break your body completely. " Superman doesn't listen to anything and plunges on Goku, but unable to do anything and get's manhandled by Goku, and as time passes Superman's body starts to break down from all the stress. In the last attempt, Superman uses all of his remaining power in a solar flare Goku uses Kamehameha to counter it. Superman uses his solar flare until his eyes brush, and he loses all his consciousness as his body starts to fall apart. Goku catches Superman takes him to the moon, and starts healing him," Out of all of my opponents I fought in my life, you're one of the most persistent ones I ever faced ."

After healing Clark, Goku brings him back to Earth, where people are unaware of what happened in outer space except that the fight was intense enough to cause shaking all around the globe, cause of shockwaves that reached the Earth.

Bruce comes to Goku's location and congratulates them on his victory, while in the watchtower, Diana blames herself for not going for the aid. Luthor tells her that no one expected that the tide of battle would change entirely in the end, but on the contrary, he healed him up. Diana comments," So what if he healed, that guy toyed with him the entire time, giving him a false sense of relief that he can win? I should have gone there for his aid."

Wonder Woman leaves the tower to go back to Themyscira.