The Journey of a Woman into the Mysteries of Love and Sex

At home, he is looked upon as still a child, and I had little difficulty arranging for him to sleep in a little dressing room adjoining my bedroom, with which there is a door of communication.

He was sent early to bed, but when I came, I found him still awake, expecting me, and I had the delicious treat of initiating him into the pleasures of fucking.

If you ever wish to enjoy this pleasure par excellence, get hold of a vigorous boy who has never had a woman.

My good fortune threw into my hands a wonderfully provided youth, whose aptitude, as well as size and powers, would be very difficult to match.

I had already given him several lessons in the enrapturing art when we fell asleep, and now I must mention a little episode, which it would not do to omit.

In the morning,I was dreaming of Freddy when I became conscious that something was entering me.

I was in that half-dreaming state when it is difficult to be quite certain what is happening, but gradually I became aware that although there was no doubt I was being entered, it was not in the usual way.

My husband had frequently of late pushed his prick up my bottom hole, and as he told me that all husbands did so, I could make no objections.

I, therefore, at first took it for granted that Fred, finding my naked bottom in his lap, could not resist the temptation of entering it.

I, therefore, humored him and so moved my bottom as to facilitate his complete entrance and began to feel the excitement it occasioned, but as I became wider awake, I gradually called to mind that Freddy had left me and that Alexander was my bedfellow.

The audacity of the young rogue paralyzed me, but his delicious movements had become too nice for me to think of dislodging him.

He insisted that he was quite unconscious of his mistake and that he believed himself buried in the delicious grotto of the night before.

It probably was.

For such a perfect ignoramus as he is, although he is ever so apt a scholar in Venus's rites, he could hardly have imagined there could be any entrance in the smaller orifice.

I let him go on, and with his well-hung cock in my bottom and two or three fingers in my cunt, he fucked and fridgeed me most deliciously until we both spent an agony of pleasure.

If, Sophia, you have not tried this route, I strongly recommend you do so without delay, but you must be well fucked in the first instance, to stimulate a desire in those parts, and your lover must be up to the art of frigging you at the same time, or you can pass your hand under your belly and rub your clitoris, which was the plan I adopted with Alexander until I taught him the art of rubbing the clitoris properly.

As there is always more excitement when this is done by a male, it is better to have them when one can, but, faute de mieux, one can do it oneself with much additional lascivious satisfaction.

To give you an instance of the precocious aptitude of this dear little fellow, I mounted upon him one morning, keeping my body erect, so that we might see the delicious instrument in its action of being engulfed and then withdrawn, a most exciting pose that I recommend you try if your husband has not already taught it to you.

At last, overcome by the lascivious movements, I sank on his bosom.

He pressed my bottom down with one hand, and with the other embracing the nearer buttock, he introduced his middle finger up the rosy orifice of my bottom and fridgeed me in unison with our ups and downs of fucking, giving me the most delicious additional sensations.

What do you think of that for a tyro? His discretion, too, is extraordinary.

The first night after I sent him to his own bed, he overslept himself.

I had not thought of that and had not looked into his little room before descending to breakfast. His sister was sent to call him.

He at once excused himself by saying he had had a bad dream; she came down and told us. In a few minutes, he followed and, in the most natural way possible, told a tale of fright, declaring he had awoke screaming and afterwards had been so frightened that he could not sleep, and turning to me in the most natural way, hoped his scream had not disturbed me.

He never came near me or appeared in any way attracted by me—a discretion worthy of a man of the world. Oh, my dear Sophia, I shall make a great deal of this boy.

We have had several delicious nights since, and he has improved wonderfully.

Splendidly, as my husband fucks, Alexander already beats him.

He is quite often ready, indeed, oftener, and it is I that hold him back, but there is something still so charmingly infantine in his way of caressing me, and then the lascivious idea that he is all my own and that I initiated him in love's mysteries adds an inexpressible charm to our lascivious encounters.

I feel that I will almost regret my husband's return, as it will force me to give up this delicious indulgence.

Not the slightest suspicion of our doings is excited in the family, thanks to the very guarded and admirable conduct of Alexander, which is above all praise.

Write to me soon, my dear Sophia, and be sure you are as candid as this long, long letter is to you; for the life of me, I could not make it shorter.

I only hope you will give me one as long and have as much delicious intelligence for me.

I know you too well to suppose that you have not found means, as I have, to try what other men are made of, although you can scarcely have had such wonderful luck as mine.

Write then, and write without reserve.

Our mutual affection is too sincere to allow any concealment between two such loving and lascivious friends.

Ever your affectionate friend,

Mrs. Kalson 

Such was the long letter my adored mistress wrote at the time to her school companion.

It will be seen that their attachment had led to something more than the usual fingerings and caressings of school girls; indeed, it had led them on to the lewdest and most lascivious indulgences that two girls could practice in common and had first excited their passions and given them the delicious power of pleasing coition they were both so perfect in, for, as I before said, about two years after this time, I was the possessor of both and many and many an orgy we three had together, without the shadow of jealousy on any side.

It will be seen that Mrs. Banton, in her reply, even looks forward to the delicious indulgence, which in the end was happily effected and long continued.