The Planning Watch Live Sex

It was a lovely summer evening.

After dinner, Mr. Kalson, who, doubtless, had no longer any amorous longing after having twice retired during the day, challenged Miss Rozy to a game at chess, of which she was a great proficient.

Mamma, Mrs. Kalson, and the two girls stepped out into the flower garden to enjoy the beauty of the evening.

Fortunately, Mamma thought she felt chilly and shortly went back again, taking the two girls with her and setting Suzy down on the piano.

I seized the happy moment and drew Mrs. Kalson to a seat, far removed beyond the hearing of any listeners but in sight of the windows.

There I unfolded to her the plan I had proposed to myself; she smiled at my precocious ingenuity, but added that it would not be safe to leave the closet door open, even partially, as by chance Mr. Kalson might open it, and that would never do; but she might lock me in—or rather I might do so from the inside.

Ahh! but then I want to see it all—it is so exciting to see Mr. Kalson working into that divine body of yours."

She laughed heartily at my remark and said I was a lewd, lascivious young rascal—adding:

"But are you not jealous to see another in possession of me?"

I admitted that that was my first impression, but on thinking over it, I had become convinced I should like her and enjoy her all the more lasciviously if I were a witness to their love contests, but I must be able to see them.

"Well! Can you not bore a couple of holes an inch and a half apart, below the middle panel, and cut a narrow slit from hole to hole?

I will take care to place myself in a proper position and do my best to lubricate your premature lubricity.

My darling Freddy boy, you progress wonderfully, and make me proud of my pupil."

Seeing she took it thus kindly, I said,

"Do tell me, my beloved mistress, how often he has fucked you today?"

"Will it please you really, my dear Alexander, to know that?"

"Oh! Yes, so much."

"Well, then, six times in the morning and four before dinner.

He was bursting with desire and could not hold it.

He spent twice before giving me time to come once, but then you know, my dear Alexander, how actively you had been employing your time all the previous night, you sad rogue that you are."

"Did you enjoy it much, my dear Mrs. Kalson?"

"Why, if I must tell you, you little curiosity box, I did; you know how powerfully my husband is hung, and loving him as I do, it is impossible to undergo his powerful and lascivious embraces without feeling all one's libidinous passions stirred up within me, but even while in his possession, my dear boy, I thought of your young charms and the fierce delights we had enjoyed together last night.

My husband little imagined it was of you, not him, that I was thinking and stimulating myself to wild upheavings of voluptuous movements, while he was reveling in all the lubricity of his own passions and fucking me to my heart's content."

"Oh, how delicious! My angelic mistress," I cried, "the pleasure of your vivid description almost makes me faint with desire—oh! that I could possess you at once."

"You must not think of that, my dear darling boy. We must manage it tomorrow; I shall go into the house at once and occupy your mother's attention.

Do you get a gimlet and chisel, slip up at once to my bedroom, and prepare a peephole for tomorrow?

Be careful to put it low down, below the projection of the middle panel of the door in which the lock is placed, and take care to remove the pieces of wood you take out.

I will put the key inside the door.

Your sisters always take two hours at the piano after your midday meal; our luncheon is served at the same time.

Mr. Kalson is sure to require my attendance in my room after that, but I shall detain him by some excuse till I observe that you have disappeared, and after giving you sufficient time, we shall follow, and you shall have the extraordinary satisfaction you require; but above all, remember—not a movement to betray yourself until my husband leaves and I have locked the door behind him."

So saying, she pressed her lovely hand on my stiffly excited member, rose, and joined Mamma.

I lost no time in following her advice, happily executed all I wanted, and returned unconcernedly to the drawing room, without my absence having occasioned any remark.

The next day, I got safely to my hiding room and comfortably stowed myself away in such a position that the opening I had made was on a level with my eyesight before they arrived. She, dear creature, anticipating my vista, had merely slipped on a dress without a corset and told her husband that he was so insatiate that she was obliged to be ready at a moment's notice to satisfy his inordinate passion, so she had only to take off her gown to be at ease. "Most admirable, my darling wife, but drop off everything and let me contemplate, at my ease, all the beauties of your exquisite body."

No sooner said than done, and my lovely mistress stood in all the glory of her magnificent and beautiful naked form.

He kissed and fondled her from head to foot, laid her on the bed, and gamahuched her till she squealed again with pleasure.

Then, pulling out his magnificent prick, he plunged it into her delicious cunt at a single bound, evidently giving her the most exquisite delight, as was evidenced by the instantaneous clasping of him with her arms and legs and the rapid wriggling of her backside.

They soon ran a first course, but Mr. Kalson remained engulfed in the closely fitting sheath of his salacious wife.

She evidently exerted herself more than usual, both for her own pleasure as well as to give satisfaction to me, for once when she turned her head in my direction, I caught her eyes, and she smiled, giving a still more vigorous heave than usual and showing me all her cunt at full stretch with the noble prick in it.

I was ready to burst. At last their bout was over for the present; Mr. Kalson withdrew his prick, all slimy from its sheath and pendant, but still full of size.