Let's Get Rich


"You're Majesty, have brought your food." A cheerful voice echoed outside.

"I will now take my leave, Your Majesty." The man vanished from her view in an instant. No matter how many times she sees it, Scarlet can't help but be amazed that she is truly in another world.


Scarlet just laugh at her stomach that is protesting. By looking at the clock she notice that her and Moonlight had been talking for so long no wonder her stomach is rebelling.

"You may come in now." She announced her voice clear and slightly excited. Since she believes that the confections she had previously eaten with Illuminus were illusions, she was thrilled at the opportunity to experience the cuisine of this realm for the first time and wonder what it would taste like.

"You're Majesty, where should I put your food" Sunshine questioned as she walked in pushing a cart filled with food. Maybe due to her changes, Sunshine has the confidence to ask her, but if it's the former queen, she would be put to death right away since she hates being ordered or question, and the only person she could accept and allow to serve her was Lady Gilda, her handmaiden. Which speaking of, Sunshine heard that he is still being imprisoned in the imperial basement. And due the fact that Lady Gilda is still missing in action, the head maid had given her the task of serving the queen

"Hmmm, place it on that table." Scarlet answered as she points the table in the balcony.

"You're Majesty, I understand." Sunshine cheerfully accepted her command and pushed the cart toward the balcony as she attempted to lift herself from the bed. Scarlet was shocked to see that her body felt lighter and that she was no longer in pain. She is well aware that sleep won't help her body recover from her injuries after taking the [Mother Gu] off of her. Her internal organs had been punctured by the monster's sharp scales, and she had been scorched by the amount of [Holy Power] that was poured on her, but for some reason, she felt no aftereffects and thought she was in excellent health and capable of running a marathon all day long without stopping.

'I remember Moonlight said I was covered by Illuminus' [Holy Light] maybe that cheap god healed me as compensation from all my sufferings.' Scarlet thought as she walks towards the balcony.

When the chilly breeze touched Scarlet's skin, she couldn't help but shudder. She is wearing a thin, white sleeping robe right now, but she didn't bother changing because the wind and the chilly air made her realize that she is alive after so many life-or-death experiences.

"You're Majesty, its cold. Please wait a moment, I will grab you a robe." Sunshine said in concern when she saw the queen embracing herself from the cold winds.

Scarlet attempted to stop her, but the brown-haired maid fled into the bedroom as if she were being pursued, leaving her alone herself. She just helplessly sighed and turns her attention the food placed on the table.

A mouth-watering steak is glistening under the moonlight partnered with vibrant baked potatoes and cherry tomatoes and a piece of lettuce on the side; seasoned with green onion, salt and pepper. Additionally, a glass and pitcher of orange juice are placed in front of the steak.

She licked her lips and once again her stomach rumbles as protest as soon as she saw the food. Scarlet instantly sits down and grabs her cutlery and when she finally cut the steak she couldn't help gasp as a warm red color appeared in the middle, dripping with its juices at the same time alluring Scarlet. She immediately brought the enticing piece of steak on her mouth and she couldn't help but moan from the different flavoring exploding on her taste buds.

She was initially concerned about the quality of the food because the original owner claimed it was bland, but based on the steak she was eating, she believes she was wrong. The meat was roasted perfectly giving a savory crust on the outside and a tender and moist inside. The fragrant fruity aroma penetrated her nose every time she takes a bite; she wondered what fruit tree was use when they roast it. The meat was also very succulent, giving a sweet and a bit citrusy flavor that made her moans in delight. She also tasted the potatoes on the side which a bit creamier than the Earth's one, this go the same with the cherry tomatoes that a bit sweeter.

Overall, she was very satisfied with the food and can't help but praise the royal chiefs for the scrumptious meal. She should had not listen on what the original owner thought since that person had never entered the kitchen ever since she was born.

Sunshine witnessed the queen wolfing down her food in a delightful and graceful manner when she returned. She couldn't help but smile warmly; the former queen doesn't eat much and occasionally throws away her food because she felt it wasn't delicious, which infuriates the royal kitchen staff. However, as she watches her Majesty savoring the meal, Sunshine wants to dash into the royal kitchen and tell them right away what she has seen.

"Here is your robe your majesty." Scarlet pause for a second in order for Sunshine to place the white fur robe on her shoulder which she did with gentle smile.

"Thank you," said Scarlet gratefully. Based on her memories, the brown-haired maid continues to obey their orders with kindness and cheerful smile, even in spite of the former Scarlet and her obnoxious old handmaiden's hurtful remarks and oppressive acts. Even though she is still not accustomed to having others serve her, she has learned over the years as business owner that Sunshine's politeness is not a show or a way to curry favor; rather, it is who she really is.

Sunshine's smile widened at hearing the queen's words; despite the fact that she had not yet used to it, she felt incredibly delighted and somewhat proud And the harmonious atmosphere between the two continued as Scarlet continue to eat the rest of her dinner.

"Why don't you sit, infront of me; I have lot of question that, I want to ask." Scarlet stated as she pointed the vacant chair infront of her. Despite her first hesitation, Sunshine obeyed her orders.

"You're Majesty, what would you like to ask?" Sunshine's head tilted cutely as she gazed at the queen, who had her eyes closed and was enjoying her meal.

"Hmmm, I want to hear all the gossips or information that is happening within the kingdom." As she opened her eyes, Scarlet remarked casually. She making the brown-haired maid just stand there and watch here eat; she might as well converse with her.

"Excuse me, your Majesty?" Sunshine was a little taken aback by what the queen wanted to hear from her.

"For this moment, you should know that I finally snatched back my former body that was possessed by a demon." Scarlet turned to face the maid, who gave her a cute nod. "Well, I didn't know a much about what was going on in our kingdom during those years, and from what I could see now, both our kingdom and its citizens are suffering." She added melancholy and Sunshine's large doe eyes, which were gleaming with tears

The queen is right; despite Sunshine's comfortable life in the capital, she couldn't help but worry about the state of the kingdom, especially since her father and brothers are knights stationed to the west to guard the border because the large kingdoms that encircles Avelion is displaying signs of impending conflict.

Sunshine took a deep breath and looked at the queen, hoping that her changes would lead to a blissful future for the kingdom.

 "You're Majesty, where should I start…."

Scarlet listened carefully as Sunshine enthusiastically shared all of the rumors and information she had heard. What Scarlet lacks after looking at the quest is information, and in this outdated era, people are bored and will turn to gossip as a sort of entertainment. She is aware that rumors are only partially true, but since they provide her a general idea, she may start with that.

An hour later, Sunshine had already taken the cart of empty dishes and left.

Sitting on the chair like a contented cat, Scarlet gazed at the system that was floating before her and to the new icon that had been placed to the sidebar. She mentally clicked on the icon that displayed a graph drawing.

[Congratulations you have discovered a hidden quest.]

[Hidden Quest – Let's get rich.

Difficulty: S

Clear Conditions: Reach 100 Prosperity rate.

Failure: Kingdom destruction]


Both the Kingdom of Avelion and its people are depressed and poor. The system made the decision to assist them in leading happy and peaceful lives, and to do so, we must become rich!

[Due to unlocking of the hidden quest the system will upgrade the user's system]

[For further information please open the envelope below.]

Scarlet opened the gold flashing envelope and read the FAQ, thoroughly.


We need to improve and increase the rate of prosperity in these four areas: Government, Military, Livelihood, and Technology. Depending on the user's choices and activities, the system will decide whether and how much of the percentage will be increased. The user will receive 10,000 gold coins as their reward for each percentage increase, and they will obtain five chance tickets to the [Roulette] when they hit 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% within each category. Additionally, the chances and rewards will double when the user reaches 50%, 60%, 70%, and 90% in each category. Furthermore, the system offered permanent missions that required the user to attain a specific goal in order to obtain a voucher for a [Roulette] ticket purchase. 1,000 coupon = 1 ticket at the [Roulette]. After finishing one mission, another will be issued. The rewards of [Roulette] were permanent. Probability of rewards: 50% for N. 25% for R, 15% for SR, 8% for SSR, and 2% for L.

Scarlet reads with a deep thought. The system did not specify the variables that would increase the rates for these categories, and given the current status of the kingdom, they are many things needed to improve.

In the magic-centered kingdom like Avelion, individuals are more interested in developing their individual magic and increasing their stats than in using it for developing technology with the use of magic for beneficial uses. That is the reason why the Magic Science Club that created that UV light thing that Berry uses to find the fingerprints piqued Scarlet curiosity.

Even though there are individuals like the Magic Science Club which utilize magic technology for creating things, not many of them remain in this kingdom simply because the Queen does not support their scientific pursuits and other religions reject their scientific beliefs. Instead, they choose to migrate to Caledion, a very advanced kingdom in the West that rivals the vast and heavily religious kingdom of Aurum.

 "Tomorrow, I will ask Moonlight about them." Scarlet recalls that Berry mentioned that Moonlight had contacts to them, and she doesn't want to pass up this chance. She might increase the rate for the Livelihood and Technology category with the Magic Science Club's assistance.

Regarding the White Crows, she believes she needs to speak with Moonlight, to restructure their task and system, and enlist more members. Since the majority of the members are skilled in stealth, she intends to make an intelligence services with them. She had watched some secret service/agents movies in Earth and had a bit idea what to do. In order to formulate plans to complete the given quest in the future, she needs a lot of information, therefore if they can accomplish this, it will undoubtedly be very beneficial to her.

As she reads the words "Government" and "Military" on the screen, Scarlet rubs her forehead.

Given that the upcoming quest involves war, she needs to strengthen the Military as soon as feasible. The Avelion knights rely on aura or magic to use cold weapons such as swords an etc. Although she lacks the skills to build hot weapons or bombs, she is generally aware of their purpose and method. She simply must meet and persuade the members of the Magic Science Club.

And for the Government, Scarlet had a huge headache. She had already speculated that Sator Valor had been embezzling the kingdom's money for a long time based on his actions. She is now curious as to if other council members and nobles are also doing the same

"This kingdom needs lots of cleaning and organizing.' Scarlet groaned in her mind.

 [Hidden Quest – Let's get rich.

 Difficulty: S

 Clear Conditions: Reach 100 Prosperity rate.

 Failure: Kingdom destruction]


[□□□□□□□□□□] 0%


[□□□□□□□□□□] 0%


[□□□□□□□□□□] 0%


[□□□□□□□□□□] 0%


[Mission - Reach 5,500 [Praise]

 Reward: 1 Roulette coupon]

[Mission - Reach 30% Love Rate for Elliot

 Reward: 1 Roulette coupon]

[Mission – Spend 5,000 [Praise] in the Market Place

 Reward: 1 Roulette coupon]

Scarlet's mouth twitches as she reads the text. . This system is stingy, she wonders if that cheap god created this. Scarlet simply rolled her eyes at the memory of that cheap god and just proceeded to check the system, specifically the [Roulette].

As stated in the FAQ, the [Roulette] rewards consist of mystery boxes categorized by grades and probabilities: N- 50%, R – 25%, SR -15%, SSR – 8%, L – 2%.

 Scarlet bemoaned, "Well, at least I could get something out of this instead of losing money." She occasionally visits casinos in her former planet to play, but regrettably, she never finds success in this kind of game.

In reference to prizes, she switches between the system tabs in her mind and looks at the inventory section. Three items were added to her inventory in addition to the [World Encyclopedia]. She then reads the description of the first item, which appears to be a blue ticket.




[System Upgrade: Encyclopedia




After integrating with the [Word Encyclopedia], the system will install the latest version of the [Detection] skill. The user can now utilize [Detection] on products and view their descriptions and other features after installation.


Installation Duration: 2 hours]


 Scarlet grinned; this allows her to quickly identify anything at her discretion, which is more convenient than having to open the inventory and look through the [World Encyclopedia] book.

She then checks the next reward which is also a system ticket.

[System Upgrade: Market Place


After installation the market place will add three more slots.

Installation Duration: 2 hours]

Two weeks had gone by, and the Market Place must have refreshed twice already, so she had missed some of the sales there. She also wondered how many [Praise] she had already received as a result of everything that had happened. Through this particular event, she had performed numerous good things, including as rescuing the children and avoiding the execution of the rebels. The cheap god also assisted her by washing her and improving her reputation among the people with his [Holy Light].Surely, she must have earned a lot.

'I will check that later.' She commented as she inspects the last reward.

The last reward is a black video tape with cat paw prints and a marker-written message that reads [A letter from Keira].

[A letter from Keira


A tale about a stray puppy lost in the world.

Please press [Play] to view the video. ]

Scarlet grimaced as she debated whether or not to watch it She doesn't want to see the child's suffering from the past. After a minute, she decided to watch it. Even though it going to be painful, She must do it in order to fully understand the child on her perspective.

She inhaled deeply before pressing the play button.

Then she passed out.