After the somewhat dramatic breakfast, they proceeded to their training. Ashley, determined to enhance her telekinetic reflexes, engaged with the ball machine. Swiftly, she manipulated the objects hurtling toward her but missed a few, and the sheer speed of the balls before impact left her with a few bruises.

As they concluded their training, Ashley mentally noted that she'd seek Myra's healing touch afterward. The dynamics within the group seemed to be shifting, and the morning routine revelation added an unexpected layer to their interactions. The base, with its mysteries and training regimens, continued to shape their lives in ways they couldn't entirely comprehend.

Ashley took a break from her training, sitting down and overhearing a conversation among a group of girls nearby.

"So we're going to join them," one girl said.

"It's going to be weird, training with the guys," another added.

"I wonder how long it will last," the third girl mused.

Intrigued, Ashley approached the girls, asking, "Hey, what are you talking about?"

The girls greeted her, and one explained, "Oh hi Ashley. We were just discussing the joint training."

Ashley was surprised by how the girl knew her, realizing that their group, consisting of Ashley, Josh, Myra, Dylan, and Thomas, seemed to be gaining some popularity within the base.

"What joint training?" Ashley inquired.

The girl clarified, "Well, the soldiers told us about it a while ago. They're organizing joint training sessions for both guys and girls. We'll be training together."

"Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know," Ashley said before she left to process this new piece of information. The prospect of joint training added a layer of curiosity and anticipation to their routine, and Ashley couldn't help but wonder how this would impact their dynamics.


Meanwhile, at the guys' training grounds, Thomas took a break from his exercises. Kyle joined him, striking up a conversation.

"Anyway, I saw you talking to your girl today. Good job," Kyle commented to Thomas.

Thomas blushed slightly, recalling his morning conversation with Myra. He remembered the excitement in her eyes and the plans they made. "She's not my girl," Thomas replied softly.

Dylan, who had overheard the conversation, sat down beside them, immediately shifting the atmosphere. Thomas felt his excitement dwindle. "Who's not your girl?" Dylan asked.

"Nobody," Thomas answered, avoiding eye contact.

Dylan wasn't interested in that in the first place. "That anime thing you and Myra talked about, fill me in on it," he demanded.

"What?" Thomas asked, taken aback.

Kyle, looking displeased, interjected, "That's between him and his girl."

Dylan furrowed his brows, his tone becoming intimidating. "Since when was she yours?" he asked Thomas.

Thomas found himself unable to answer, intimidated by Dylan's presence. "Don't tell me you're interested in her?" Dylan continued, his tone threatening.

Thomas shook his head, denying any romantic interest. Kyle, uncomfortable with the situation, attempted to intervene. "Hey, stop," Kyle said.

Dylan turned his gaze toward Kyle, freezing him in place. The intensity in Dylan's eyes suggested trouble. "Leave," Dylan ordered.

Kyle hesitated but eventually complied, leaving the scene. Dylan then refocused on Thomas. "Now spill," he demanded, leaving Thomas with no choice but to share the details of his conversation with Myra. 


"Hey," Myra greeted as she sat down beside Dylan on the stairs, holding a tub of ice cream.

Dylan, already aware that the general had given her the treat, asked, "The general gave you that?"

Myra nodded and handed him a spare spoon. "Help me finish it," she said.

Everyone knew Myra had a sweet tooth, and she rarely shared her sweets except for moments like this when she couldn't finish them alone. Dylan felt a certain significance in being the one she shared these moments with. As they indulged in the ice cream, Dylan couldn't help but watch Myra, her happiness radiating from her. In his eyes, she was simply glowing.

Amidst the sweetness, he saw a perfect opportunity and leaned in for a kiss. The world seemed to pause for a moment. However, he was abruptly brought back to reality when Myra leaned away, leaving him feeling like his heart had shattered.

 "What are you doing?" Myra asked.

Confused about his impulsive action, Dylan stammered, "I thought... I thought." He couldn't find the right words and hurriedly rushed down the stairs, leaving Myra perplexed.

Her thoughts were a whirlwind. Was Dylan going to kiss her? It couldn't be. Dylan couldn't have feelings for her, could he?

As Myra exited the stairs, she was unexpectedly summoned to the general's office, leaving the unresolved tension hanging in the air between her and Dylan. 


Ashley reached the table and found Dylan in an unexpected state. His head was bent, his face covered with his hands, and an unusual disarray in his appearance. Ashley, surprised by this unusual sight of Dylan losing composure, asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

Dylan took a deep breath, exhaled, and fixed his hair. "I'm okay," he replied, although his flushed face contradicted his words. His expression returned to normal, but the flush lingered, hinting at something amiss.

"Right," Ashley said with a skeptical expression.

"Where is Josh?" she asked.

"Don't know, don't care," Dylan answered dismissively.

Ashley then inquired about Myra, and Dylan's response was noticeably guarded. "How would I know?" he said, and Ashley, keenly observant, sensed that something had indeed transpired, or perhaps the opposite.

A sly smile played on Ashley's face. "Aww, don't tell me she turned you down," she teased.

Dylan's silence spoke volumes.

"Wait, are you serious?" Ashley exclaimed when she saw his reaction.

"No! Nothing happened. She was just a little annoying today," Dylan hastily clarified.

"Because she won't pay attention to you," Ashley continued to tease.

Dylan scoffed, defensively stating, "She's the parasite, not me."

In an abrupt display of annoyance, Dylan got up, only to find himself face to face with an unexpected presence – Myra. The tension in the air was palpable as their eyes met, leaving Ashley eagerly awaiting the revelation of the encounter's aftermath.