Ashley (Myra)= Myra in Ashley's body.

Myra (Ashley)= Ashley in Myra's body.


Ashley groaned, awakening to a sharp pain in her head. Clutching her temples, she winced until the pain eventually subsided. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the concerned gaze of the general. It struck her as odd; the general rarely showed such concern, especially towards someone other than Myra.

Concerned, the general inquired, "Myra, are you okay?" Ashley, still disoriented, was puzzled. To her surprise, she observed another figure approaching – herself. The realization dawned upon her: she and Myra had swapped bodies. Observing Myra's expression, now inhabiting Ashley's body, Ashley understood that her impulsive decision had angered Myra

The general shifted his focus to Ashley (now Myra), sternly scolding her for involving Myra in a risky endeavor and potentially causing harm.