The next morning, the general, Myra, and Emma left the base. "So where are we going?" Emma asked.

"Somewhere," Myra replied cryptically. Emma, sensing that nobody wanted to divulge more details, kept quiet.

Upon arriving at their destination, they walked into a massive building and were led to a room. Emma wasn't allowed entry.

"I'm her bodyguard; I'm supposed to protect her," Emma insisted.

"There is no danger in here. Just guard the door," the general said sternly.

"Can I at least know what is going on inside?" Emma asked.

"No," the general responded, slamming the door shut.

"Rude," Emma mumbled to herself as she stood guard, left in the dark about the proceedings inside the room.

Inside the room, Myra sat on the chair as Dr. Frank greeted them with a less-than-enthusiastic tone. Myra wondered what she had done to earn his apparent disdain. Dr. Frank proceeded to take a blood sample from her.