Chapter 1: Emilia.

In a club, a 5ft4 beautiful woman in a black baggy suit (trouser suit).Although short, she had meat in the right places, she was putting on a black heels,she has a jet black hair and a little freckled face. Sitting at a distant corner, sipping on her cold iced wine, eyes squinted as she watches the crowd.

this generation couldn't get any worse, teens in the club dinking alcohol. She thought, shaking her head as she dipped her hand into her bag to take out her phone.

"Gia on my way to the lounge, meet me there". After that she hung up, got into the elevator and headed up.

Getting to the VIP lounge, she sat on the sofa and waited for her best friend to arrive.

And she waited not long as Gia barges in with a smile. Emilia raised her head from the phone to see a beautiful lady, also average height but taller, probably 5ft5, she was also in a formal dress, a suit skirt with stylish chiffon top tucked into it, her gold blond hair in a ponytail tail.

"Sorry for taking long bitchass". Gia "apologized" as they hugged eachother before taking a sit beside Emilia.

"No problem, we are here to have fun, it's been a while since we hung out. Pile of work just keep coming".

"I am really exhausted, I wish to keep my luxuries without work. Can't someone else do the work for me". Gia rubbed her temple and she spat her mind out and Emilia just giggled.

"Well we were born for a soft life, but force to live a hard one". Emilia said as she poured wine into the two glasses on the table before adding ice.

"What should we eat, I know how much you love alcohol but, we are going to my family house tonight bitch, don't overdrink". Emilia warned sternly.

"Ookayyy mama".Gia rolled her eyes.

In few minutes, the VIP lounge started to blow with loud music, okay yes these two are introvert but don't forget introvert are the most crazy when they are alone.


In a dark room, screams echoed through the walls, stench and stains of blood all over the room.

"Aren't all that tough now, are you". A dark chuckle escape the mouth of the man who tearing of someone's fingers.

"Luciano take it easy, we fucking need him alive". A man in a chair stood and walked over, his lips carrying a slight smirk.

"Alessandro you bastard, don't act as if you aren't enjoying this". Luciano glared at him a little playful.

"Okay fine, it's beautiful looking at him this way, but let's get going, family are waiting". Alessandro turned his head to one of the guards "Lock him up, and feed him. If anything happens to him before I return, I will put a bullet through your fucking dicks"

The guards shivered at his threat, they knew he wasn't joking about what he said, he always kept his promise.

"Come on bro, let's go". Luciano walked out to the Audi and Alessandro followed, they hopped in and drove out.

On the road,two cute beautiful girls were surrounded by two stupid horny fuckers.

"What the hell do you guys want from us". Gia glared hard at them giving them a sign to back off.

"Ahhh". Emilia gasped as a hand wrapped on her waist tightly, almost causing a bruise.

"Get off me if you don't want to regret being born". Emilia face became as cold as ice.

"Don't you get the situation you are in, bab...".

"Shut the fuck up and listen carefully, if little chicken can kill a snake, I beg you not to underestimate me right now, you won't want to see me in my provoked state...leave us and get away from here". Emilia threatened but the two boys blinded by lust wouldn't listen.

" Emi, they won't listen... Let's have fun with them". Gia said with a smirk as her hand trailed down to the guy holding her, she trailed it until it got to his babyhood. "Seriously now, this thingy of yours isn't even huge". That being said, out of nowhere a pocket knife pierced his manhood, making him scream and fall to the ground.

"Oh baby, does it hurt". Emilia said sarcastically. Turning her face to the other, who was holding onto his manhood and shivering. "Oh my boy, don't you want us anymore". She asked with a smirk, and he shook his head vigorously (NO).

Looking at him in disgust she kicked him on his head with her heels "that's what I thought".

"Come on Gia, you aren't a psychopath, he's almost fainted stop pressing his injured dick with your heels".

"Oh that wasn't intentional... Let's go home. We'd be scolded for sure". The both wipe off their hands carried their pocket knife and bags and walked away acting like nothing happened.

"Okay, it is way better seeing you put a bullet through a guy's dick, this is terrifying, who would have thought 2 cute little stubby legs girls can be so evil". Luciano and Alessandro who unintentionally witnessed the scene gulped hard and pity those boys at the same time.

"Let's get going, you know family dinner, I can't have two mothers scolding us the same time".

Alessandro and Luciano packed their car in the garage and headed inside.

"Adriana, your foolish sons are back". Adelina said clearly already angry at the two.

Giggling Adriana hugged the two huge men who were already taller than her "Welcome home you two, come to the dinning room, dinner is ready, and you know what to do, Adelina is angry at you boys".

The two sighed as they walked to her arguing on their way "your dad didn't tame your mother well, she is fucking hard hearted, she acts like the wicked mother in law". Alessandro complained.

"You know she is nice, she only get angry when she wants something. God knows what she wants now".

"Luciano I feel like we are moving into a trap your mother laid for us".

"I am also getting the chills".



"We are so...".

"Then bring home a daughter in law".