Lily's feelings

Asher had never seen some of the food in his life, he wondered how this two were able to use ingredients that the just met to cook, he was a little skeptical about tasting some of the food, so he began by tasting those he knew of.

Dish after dish, He tasted along with Lily and Nathan, soon he began on those that he didn't know, and to his surprise they were awesome.

When they finished, Nathan asked Simon and Ella to leave the kitchen first, they would be called when the winner was decided.

"I am conflicted on who to choose, they both did great." Asher said.

"I think I like Ella's cooking more, Simon was too on the spicy side." Lily said.

"Well I prefer Simon's cooking." Nathan said, so the person holding the vote was Asher.

"Those two can't take a loss, we will be risking a whole lot of trouble if we gave any of them the win, the other person would not take it happily." Asher said.