Asher sat reclined on one of the chairs of the library, he whistled a tune that he recalled from earth, his left hand played with a black pen, whilst his other hand held unto an opened book. The book had a black leather back, the words Agotian were engraved beautifully with gold colors. This book was on a planet named Agotian, Asher had randomly chosen the book to keep his mind busy, he had left the others to come have some time alone to calm down, though he was happy with their reunion.
Elsa floated in a lying poses, she was above a brown book that lay on the ground open close to Asher's toes, he would flip the page when she asked with his toe. Asher had helped her get the book of her choice, it was a detailed explanation on intergalactic government, she had been curious and decided to try it. She swung her legs up and down as she absorbed the contents of the book, she found in quite interesting in a very peculiar way.