Master piece

"Enough talk, are you going to come out and have vengeance for your brother?" Asher asked.

"No, I will not fight you demon, I will let my art do the fighting." The voice said.

From the depths of the tunnels in the cave, Asher began hearing loud moaning noises, soon he could see the source. Hundreds of zombies were headed for him, slowly walking and moaning.

"Zombies? You turned the people of this world to Zombies?" Asher asked.

"Yes, I need monsters to fight against a demon, I will be the one to exorcise you and rid this place of your evil, my art will be the light that frees all from your darkness." The voice sounded intoxicated.

"You are really starting to piss me off." Asher growled.

He was right at the center of the zombie entrapment, he looked at the poor souls that seemed to be in an eternal torment.