
Chapter Eleven

David looked around him as he walked from the Tennant house into town. Houses looked to be mostly wooden, with big wrap-around porches. Each had their own garden or small plot of land and none were directly neighboured to any other house. Pretty much every house proudly displayed the Star Spangled Banner. This really was Hicksville in the middle of nowhere – why on earth would his girlfriend prefer to live here rather than back home?

He stopped by the general store, just to have something to do and munch on as he explored the rest of town. He wandered over to the edge of town, from where you could see the surrounding landscape. Over on top of the next hill over he could see a big ranch with several large outhouses. He stopped in his tracks, trying to figure out how many houses there were up there. Whoever lived there would most likely be ridiculously rich and influential.

"Y'alright there? Don't believe I know you," a tall man with mid to dark blond hair addressed him.

David took him in, trying to figure out if this man could pose a direct threat to him. The guy had muscular arms and a good physique, as he held himself as someone who was used to being listened to. David decided it was probably best to hold off with any threatening or antagonistic posturing for now until he was sure. "Well I am new to town," he started with his most charming smile. "I'm David, Isabella Santiago's my girlfriend," he introduced himself now and saw straightaway that the man recognised her name.

"Really?" the stranger asked intrigued, his thoughts instantly whirring into action. "My name is Aaron Miller. My family owns the factory and most of this town," he finally introduced himself as well, holding his hand to the newcomer. If he could make friends with Isabella's boyfriend, this could provide a couple of interesting solutions. He could try to get him to convince the sisters to sell the bar to their family. And if he could split them up at the same time, that would be even better.

"Nice to meet ya. I'm guessing that up there is where your family lives?" David pointed in the direction of the big estate that had captured his attention.

"Uh huh, it is," Aaron nodded. "Wanna check it out?" he asked. He didn't mind showing off his family's wealth, especially if it got them a potential ally.

"Sure, if you ain't busy," the visitor said, curious to see what kind of money they would have in a town like this. He couldn't figure out yet if Isabella and Aaron were friends or not.

"I got time," he said. "My truck's over that way," the town's bully gestured and led the way. Aaron was trying to hatch a plan as he walked, trying to figure out more about David and Isabella's relationship and how strong it was or wasn't. First, he'd need David to convince her it was a good idea to sell up and then he'd need to sow some seeds to get them to break up. The first part of the plan should be relatively easy; it was obvious that the visitor was an opportunist. The second part he wasn't so sure of, but as a Miller he always got what he wanted. And what he wanted now was Isabella.

David learnt quite quickly during his tour of the Miller property that the relationship between the two families had soured a long time ago. But it didn't stop him from making the most of it and for making his way back into town and towards the bar with his new buddy.

"It's not much to look at huh?" David said a little surprised once Aaron had parked his truck up outside Bellum.

"Nope, not really," the Miller agreed with a chuckle. "My pa and me would like to develop the property better, but the Tennant family... they've not really been open to wanting to sell up," Aaron mentioned for the first time. He'd carefully planned when to mention this, as he wanted David to come up with wanting to help him convince the girls on his own. He could see the newcomer nod thoughtfully. "Anyway, I best be off," he said now.

"No don't be silly. Have a drink on me," David offered and led the way into the bar. His new friend couldn't help smirk to himself when Isabella looked ready to chuck him out until she realised he was here with her boyfriend. "So... this dive is what your pa left you and Tatum huh?" he asked his girlfriend, understanding her appeal for moving less and less.

"It won't be when Tatum and I have finished with it," Isabella said with as much defiance as she judged she could get away with in public.

"Once a dive, always a dive," Aaron joked now, getting chuckles from David as he sat down at the bar.

She glared at him. "Then why do you want it so bad?" the brunette asked before she stormed into the back office to calm herself down. Why did her boyfriend have to turn up with the guy that had been bullying her and Tatum for most of their lives? As much as she didn't want to restoke a full-blown feud again, she really wished Tatum could be feeling better and back at work soon, so they could face the Millers together.


Tatum tried coming back to work the next day but as soon as she got into her truck, her stomach churned again and she had to rush back into the house before she threw up. She ended up staying at home for a second day with only David for company, which did make her feel like she got to know her sister's boyfriend better. She found out that they'd been together for almost four years now, which was longer than any of her relationships. David couldn't help himself make a comment or two about not liking Isabella being at work all day, but Tatum put that down to getting used to being in a new place and the fact that Isabella had to in order to keep the bar running while she was stuck at home too. But on the whole, he made sure to charm her; he helped her around the house while she couldn't and kept getting her glasses of water, hot water and crackers or toast to see if she could keep something down.