
Chapter Seventeen

There weren't a lot of things Isabella still enjoyed, but she definitely loved working in the bar, especially in the moments when David wasn't around, and she didn't have to think twice before she said anything. She liked the playful banter they had going on with old Murphy and Billy, but the highlight of her week had to be the occasional visit from Austin, and she knew her sister and Sue agreed with her completely. Since Grayson's daughters had taken over the establishment there hadn't been any bar fights, but he still found reasons to show up, just in case, and they didn't mind at all.

"Oh, he's here," Sue squealed, recognising the rumble of Austin's car before she even saw it pull up on the driveway. Isabella's skin tingled, and her heart fluttered, but she continued to clean the coffee maker, keeping her back to the door.

"Howdy Sheriff," Tatum smiled, chuckling when Sue nudged her. The blonde had obviously been about to say the same thing, only huskier.

"Howdy ladies," he smiled at the two women that couldn't stop staring at him, before his eyes settled on Isabella. "Hello beautiful," he directed at her, stifling a smile when her back stiffened even though he'd been greeting her the same way every time he saw her. He knew he really shouldn't be flirting with her, but he couldn't stop himself as it seemed to be the only time he got to see her smile a little.

"What brings you here this time?" she asked as she turned around, her eyes sparkled as she gave him a crooked smile.

"Not that we mind havin' you here to protect us," Sue interjected before he could answer, winking at him when he chuckled.

"I heard Tatum wasn't feelin' well, so I came to check on her," he said and saw Isabella cross her arm over her chest as she leaned back, one eyebrow raised to show him she wasn't buying it.

"How cute," she said, rolling her eyes when Tatum nodded, and he shrugged innocently.

"I'm doin' much better now, thank you," the redhead said, and it wasn't a complete lie; she still felt sick sometimes, but she wasn't about to throw up at any moment anymore. Once she'd gotten to this stage, she decided she would be okay to be back at work, without people thinking she still had a stomach bug or something else they might be able to catch off her.

"Great," Austin gave the two sisters a big smile, chuckling to himself when he noticed the redhead budged the brunette. "Anyway... Now I know my favourite ladies are all okay, perhaps I should get back to work..." he said with an exaggerated sigh, indicating he definitely preferred this part of his day.

"Yeah you probably should," Isabella agreed a little too readily, seeing frowns from both her sister and her friend. They didn't want him to leave yet, this was their favourite part of the day too. "Wouldn't want people to think you're slackin'," she added even so.

"I'm sure they wouldn't," Sue rushed to assure him, giving him her most alluring smile to get him to stay a bit longer.

"I'm sure you're right Sue," Austin nodded, giving her a grateful wink. "Nevertheless... I must be off. See you around ladies..." he said now, tipping his hat to them. "Beautiful," he ended, aiming another wink at Isabella, who gave him a half-hearted smile in an attempt to still her fluttering heart. He gave them all another smile before he headed out, chuckling to himself.

"Oh, I wish he could stay longer," Sue said wistfully, making the sisters burst out into laughter as they got back to work. The blonde shook her head as she muttered to herself, not getting why they thought she was joking. She'd been perfectly serious.