A Mother's Woes

The Prince speaking his first words turned out to be a hotter topic than the news of the King whipping the Minister of Household affairs across the face. At this point in time, the Prince had already taken on a small fan base. His calm and quiet nature paired with his beautiful appearance really tickled the hearts of the maids who served him. Who didn't know how irate other Master's could be in the Imperial Palace? It was truly their entire life's luck to be serving such a lovely Young Lord.

When the news of the Prince's amazing feat spread into the Harem, Concubine Leena had finally reached her limit in patience and decided to come beg His Majesty to allow her to spend time with her Son. Since the first time her Son came to visit, she began to see him less and less. After six months, she realized even His Majesty only came to see her once or twice. At this rate, both her Son and His Majesty will forget her. And as the mother of the future King, she cannot allow for such things to happen. 

So, with fire in her eyes, Concubine Leena dressed herself up beautifully, applying rouge to her lips and the apples of her cheeks. Taking out her most precious incense, she smoked her clothes in patchouli and rosewood. She ordered her maids to put her hair into an elegant braided bun, but was unsatisfied, so she let her hair loose and redid it herself. When it was all finished, she placed a hairpin crown on the top of her head, the small jewels glittering in the sun as she walked. Although a crown infers noble status and the piece of jewelry had been given by the King, Leena had never worn it out of her palace. She hadn't ever felt truly worthy of wearing it. But today, she is the King's wife and the mother of the most noble Son in the kingdom. She is now worth more than this crown atop her head. And she cannot let others forget that. With this, she left her palace for the first time since her prince's naming banquet and marched herself down to His Majesty's study. 

The Royal Study wasn't a place that the King's wives should go, but Leena couldn't allow for rules to stop her today. Following the rules had only led her to be set aside. She knew she was being willful, but what else was she to do?

 Concubine Leena made herself known to the Old Chief Eunuch and asked him to notify His Majesty of her arrival. The Old Eunuch had just left the study to notify the little servants that the prince's nurse and attendants should be ready nearby should the prince need them. Unfortunately, as soon as he stepped out, he bumped into the Prince's mother. With an earnest smile, the old eunuch explained how busy the King was with government affairs and currently had no time to chat. Despite the eunuch being servant, his status was far higher than hers. The concubine could do nothing but step aside.

 So, even though she had clearly been there first, Concubine Leena had to watch as ministers and servants came to and fro. As she waited, she held her chin high, always displaying her straight back and a puffed out chest. Even while she was just waiting, she could not let others see her jokes.

When lunchtime finally rolled around, the King finally walked out of his office. To her surprise, he was actually carrying the Prince. Concubine Leena couldn't help but shed tears. No matter how little she bonded with this baby, she was still a mother after all. She was happy for a peaceful rest after her son was born, especially after those last few months where she was swollen from head to foot. However, this did not negate the fact that something was missing in her heart. As much as the King, this was her flesh and blood as well. 

 Without missing a beat, the concubine brought upon the second most powerful tool of a woman. Tears. Her large and beautiful eyes poured out crystal droplets and her charming face displayed a sorrowful expression. "Your Majesty, the concubine has waited day and night for Your Majesty… She knows that the King has been very busy with state affairs so the concubine did not wish to say anything. The concubine could understand this, but please! Your Majesty, why can't the concubine see her son? The concubine understands the noble son is the lifeblood of the King and the country, but the concubine is still a mother who carried the Prince for nine months in her belly!" The concubine staggered backward at this point seeming to lose strength in her legs. His Majesty was shocked and went out to hold her steady with his freehand. Her weakness was emphasized by the delicate wrist and swan-like neck. 

"The concubine knows it is the duty of the wife to give birth, to produce branches and leaves, as it is the duty of the husband to uphold the sky. But the concubine could not forget how difficult childbirth was. When the concubine thought she was going to die, she was scared she was never going to wake up and hold her son. Then, the concubine lived. She rested, she held her son and thought 'life is good'. But still, this concubine is greedy. She is greedy for the King's love, greedy for life, and greedy for the rights of a mother." 

Finally, the concubine righted herself while she held her chest in sincerity. The tears were still flowing, but her eyes turned fiery and her speech became emblazoned. "Your Majesty, even the common people know you do not take the cub from its mother."

"Bold!" The Chief Eunuch shouted. The earnest smile was gone from his face. Never had he seen a concubine dare to scold His Majesty.

And yet, His Majesty only scoffed. The concubine was unruly, completely unlike the rest of the women in the harem. However, it was interesting. She still had her faults, was stupid, and was as naive as a puppy. And still, she entertained him quite a bit and gave him a son. For this, he didn't pay much mind to this occasion. However…

"In the future, you cannot speak to this King like that. Do you understand?" The King's playful attitude was nowhere to be seen, but there wasn't much sharpness in his tone. "It is true that one should not take a cub from its mother, but this cub is the Prince. Every bit of hair, flesh, and bone are for this King. Even when this King is not by his side, the Prince must be cultivated each day. Even as his mother, you have no right to tell this King how to raise his son." With this being said, the King passed the concubine with the baby in his arms. Unexpectedly, before the King had turned the corner, he then said, "Starting next month, this King will allow for the Prince to come see you every 1st and 15th day to pay respects. Although the son is more noble than anyone else, We will not tolerate him becoming a beast who does not even recognize his own blood."