Secrets Made in the Open

Tens of meters above the depths of the dungeons, the light of day still shone a faint sliver in the skyline. Torches were lit; its flames casting forth growing shadows that stretched across the empty grounds.

When they came to an unknown gate, the sentinels who stood as stationary statues intersected their swords until the face of His Majesty was recognized. Wordlessly, they fell back into place while the gates groaned open like a hibernating beast. 

The King led the child through its jaws into a forsaken land. 

Lyfette's eyes roamed across that ancient text that was preserved above. There was a faint familiarity, but it was impossible for the boy of only four years of age to decipher it

Onward, the pathway continued. A hundred arches led them down the darkened road. At first, each structure stood proud. But as they traveled further, the wood became crooked and splintered. It was as if the columns would collapse should a light breeze blow.